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Partner Brag

It's been awhile since we had a partner brag thread, so I thought I would start one.


Yesterday my new license came in the mail which is officially the last thing I needed in my name change. Everything is official and I am now Sara <my last name>. H was so excited about this and when I woke up this morning I found that he took the license out of my purse and taped it to my lunch bag with a note saying that I am all his and he is so happy. Pretty sure he then told all his buddies because I have been getting texts all morning about how random my H is and congrats on officially changing my name. Haha!


Your turn!

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Re: Partner Brag

  • Awww! 

    H is really excited about me changing my name too. It's cute. My new social security card came yesterday and he was thrilled. He insisted many times that I didn't have to change my name, and that he never would expect that of me. But once I told him that I wanted to, I could see it meant a lot to him. 
  • AddieCake said:
    I have been wanting to start a Christmas village for years and finally settled on a style and planned to begin this year. My husband surprised me last week by having a few pieces sent to me so I can get started with more than just one building for this first year.

    @AddieCake--You just stole my heart with this post! I am obsessed with Christmas and have been wanting to start a village too! You'll have to post pics once you get started.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • AddieCake said:
    I have been wanting to start a Christmas village for years and finally settled on a style and planned to begin this year. My husband surprised me last week by having a few pieces sent to me so I can get started with more than just one building for this first year.
    Oooo what village are you doing? I have Department 56 "Christmas in the City", though we had to hold off on buying new pieces while saving up for the wedding.

  • @CookiePusher That's what I'm doing!
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • AddieCake said:
    @CookiePusher That's what I'm doing!
    Ooooo I love, love, love that village so much. I got a bunch of pieces at the Lenox Warehouse (on clearance, yay!) a few years ago, but didn't see anything there this year. When I go to my mom's house to pull our Christmas decorations, I have to remind myself to look through what pieces I have. I'm almost positive I have a duplicate of either the Blue Line Bus Depot or the American Diner (pretty sure it's the bus depot). I can send it to you if you don't already have it.

  • Thanks! That is so thoughtful of you! I appreciate that, but I don't really know you yet, so sending you my address isn't something I'm comfortable doing.
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • AddieCake said:
    Thanks! That is so thoughtful of you! I appreciate that, but I don't really know you yet, so sending you my address isn't something I'm comfortable doing.
    No worries. I've been sitting on the duplicates for 3 or 4 years because I'm too darn lazy to do anything about them. If at any point you change your mind between now and infinity, I will likely still have everything sitting in mom's basement.

    I haz teh lazy.

  • H has been so wonderful in the past few days. He surprised me with flowers and champagne on Friday to celebrate a belated one month of being married. So we drank bubbly while handing out candy to the kiddos.

    This morning was my turn to get up with the dog but he said I could go back to sleep for half an hour and that he would take care of the dog, since he decided to work/study from home today. I was extra thankful for this gesture after we went downstairs and realized that the dog had peed AND pooped in his crate (normally he doesn't) and then proceeded to poop on the kitchen floor 10 minutes later. H didn't even grumble about having to clean it up and I didn't end up late to work because of the dog.

  • H has been so wonderful in the past few days. He surprised me with flowers and champagne on Friday to celebrate a belated one month of being married. So we drank bubbly while handing out candy to the kiddos.

    This morning was my turn to get up with the dog but he said I could go back to sleep for half an hour and that he would take care of the dog, since he decided to work/study from home today. I was extra thankful for this gesture after we went downstairs and realized that the dog had peed AND pooped in his crate (normally he doesn't) and then proceeded to poop on the kitchen floor 10 minutes later. H didn't even grumble about having to clean it up and I didn't end up late to work because of the dog.

    aww I hope the pup isn't sick! My dog only does that when he is being "weird" from having some sort of bug :( That is super sweet of your H to take care of it! 

  • cupcait927cupcait927 member
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited November 2014
    @birdybride2014 He's still a puppy (close to 5 months) and we're still working on the house breaking/crate training. He was doing great until the time change. I think his little system is all screwed up and he just couldn't hold it any longer. H and the pup are BFFs so he's really awesome about volunteering to do the early mornings and taking him out to pee every hour while we work through this.
  • @birdybride2014 He's still a puppy (close to 5 months) and we're still working on the house breaking/crate training. He was doing greate until the time change. I think his little system is all screwed up and he just couldn't hold it any longer. H and the pup are BFFs so he's really awesome about volunteering to do the early mornings and taking him out to pee every hour while we work through this.
    I need to see a picture of this puppy, please. 
  • @birdybride2014 He's still a puppy (close to 5 months) and we're still working on the house breaking/crate training. He was doing greate until the time change. I think his little system is all screwed up and he just couldn't hold it any longer. H and the pup are BFFs so he's really awesome about volunteering to do the early mornings and taking him out to pee every hour while we work through this.
    I need to see a picture of this puppy, please. 
    I am happy to oblige!
  • @birdybride2014 He's still a puppy (close to 5 months) and we're still working on the house breaking/crate training. He was doing greate until the time change. I think his little system is all screwed up and he just couldn't hold it any longer. H and the pup are BFFs so he's really awesome about volunteering to do the early mornings and taking him out to pee every hour while we work through this.
    I need to see a picture of this puppy, please. 
    I am happy to oblige!
    And my head just exploded from cuteness. Is he a Yorkie?
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • stop it!! He is so adorable, @cupcait927 !!!!!!

  • cupcait927cupcait927 member
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited November 2014

    @novella1186 Thanks! It's a good thing he's cute - makes it easier to still love on him, even after he pees in secret places that we don't find until days later. Sigh.

    @sarawifenow I can't handle his cuteness sometimes. We're thinking he's Yorkie and mini Schnauzer. He's definitely got the personality of a schnauzer.

    @birdybride2014 He is the definition of adorable. H is just head over heels about our pup. They are seriously the best of friends. Fred gets sad when dad leaves the house and just mopes around.

  • @birdybride2014 He's still a puppy (close to 5 months) and we're still working on the house breaking/crate training. He was doing greate until the time change. I think his little system is all screwed up and he just couldn't hold it any longer. H and the pup are BFFs so he's really awesome about volunteering to do the early mornings and taking him out to pee every hour while we work through this.
    I need to see a picture of this puppy, please. 
    I am happy to oblige!
    Love him!! 
  • @novella1186 Thanks! It's a good thing he's cute - makes it easier to still love on him, even after he pees in secret places that we don't find until days later. Sigh.

    @sarawifenow I can't handle his cuteness sometimes. We're thinking he's Yorkie and mini Schnauzer. He's definitely got the personality of a schnauzer.

    @birdybride2014 He is the definition of adorable. H is just head over heels about our pup. They are seriously the best of friends. Fred gets sad when dad leaves the house and just mopes around.

    HIS NAME IS FRED?! did you say that before or did I miss it? omgsh his cute factor just went up 1000% 

  • FI came and had lunch with me at work yesterday! This is a pretty big deal because even though we work opposite schedules (I work 8 am-4 pm, he works 3 pm-midnight), he usually sleeps in too late to come and have lunch with me while I'm working. But yesterday he got up early after an unusually good sleep the night before and came by for a nice lunch.

    He was also able to come by the house during his work day to have dinner with me, so we got to see each other a fair amount. Pretty good considering we usually don't see each other during the week except when one of us is semi-conscious.
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