Not Engaged Yet

Happy Tuesday!!

First off, thanks to all our vets and those we love that are vets.

Because of our vets, I get the day off today. In true teacher fashion, I'll be busy the whole day. I'm leaving in 15 min to go play horn in our vets day parade with my community band. Then I have a dentist appt at 2 pm. Then I have band rehearsal at 7:30. I'm also making a pot roast. Yummmm.

I'm so excited to actually be able to post at a normal time today though soooo answer the following questions for me:
1) are you smart enough to hire a wallpaper remover? Or do you just have free weekends during which you can remove wallpaper?

2) what is your favorite fall tradition?

3) what is the most common topic of conversation that comes up when you're hanging out with your siblings?

4) any good Christmas present ideas yet?

And my answers:
1) nope. And nope. Maybe this weekend?!

2) baking for loved ones. I'm surprised I haven't started yet lol

3) poop. Farts. And sex - birth control and when we are having kids lol.

4) I got H an orioles jersey. I want to get him a wallet like @goldenpenguin got for her SO last year with the baseball uniform in it. That might be too much baseball. I also have $250 to spend on me from Santa and will be getting approximately $100-150 in clothes and $100 in a toy of some sort lol. I'm gonna online shop on Black Friday for clothes. I did awesome last year.
I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton

Re: Happy Tuesday!!

  • ChemFanatic25ChemFanatic25 member
    500 Love Its Fourth Anniversary 500 Comments Name Dropper
    edited November 2014
    Happy Tuesday and happy Veterans day! Thank you to all those who have served! Your services will not be forgotten.

    1.) I am not smart enough because I like to tackle DIY projects. I'd be removing that wallpaper myself until I got frustrated enough and called a professional.

    2.) Ooooh, I love leaf peeping, walking around the parks with my dog and enjoying the brisk cool air and seeing the colors of the leaves change. I also love to bake. I recommend pumpkin snickerdoodles if you want to make something sweet this weekend. So delicious. I've made like 5 batches already in the past month. 

    3.) Our mom is one. We are all concerned for her and share our reasons why. 

    4.) Presents for others or for myself? For others, I have found this molecular gastronomy kit that I know my SO would love. I also got him some slippers and I plan on getting him all of the seasons of Scrubs with the exception of the last one. For myself, goodness, I really have no idea. Maybe that vacuum I've been wanting but I may just purchase it myself.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • speakeasy14speakeasy14 member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited November 2014
    Morning!! To all vets:image 

    Blue & White glad you liked my poop post hahaha 

    1. Removed wallpaper myself on a weeknight after work- it sucks, and after burning myself with the steamer, I learned a trick -- mix vinegar and water in a bucket, then soak a sponge with the mixture and wipe walls.  Wait a few minutes and wallpaper will easily peel off. I had my entire kitchen done in two hours (after learning the vinegar water trick).

    2. Spiked apple cider/ hot chocolate by the firepit/bon fire.  Then as it gets colder, I bake a lot, mostly for an excuse to be near the oven.

    3. haha basically anything inappropriate -- poop, any gross bodily functions, sex, and there's always at least one story from how we tortured one another when we were kids (mostly my brother -- three girls and one boy, he was our slave)

    4. I keep trying to avoid thinking about Christmas gifts. Last year I made wooden signs for everyone, so I'll probably end up thinking of some awesome thing to make this year.  I have been focusing more on what I need to do for the house, how I want to decorate, and what I want to make. We replaced all of the original windows so I was thinking of making some sort of coat rack with one or two of the old windows like this: image

    additional thought -- My nails are horrible, and break really easily.  I tried taking biotin (hair, skin, and nails vitamins) and it helped my nails but made me break out like crazy.  Anyone have any suggestions?
  • 1) are you smart enough to hire a wallpaper remover? Or do you just have free weekends during which you can remove wallpaper?

    Nope but I am smart enough to bribe my 7 year old niece to do it for me after convincing her of how fun it is.  :)

    2) what is your favorite fall tradition?

    Preparing for Christmas (buying decorations, etc).

    3) what is the most common topic of conversation that comes up when you're hanging out with your siblings?

    Home projects usually.

    4) any good Christmas present ideas yet?

    I've got my sisters in mind.  H I'm stumped for right now (though I know what I'm getting him for our anniversary in March...might just give it to him for Christmas instead).  My BIL deserves a HUGE present for all the help on our house he has done.  We will be spending mega bucks on him but I don't know on what yet....maybe some tools?

  • Good morning ladies! I woke up super crazy early thinking I was running late and got into the office at 5:30 this morning (about an hour early.) Oops! Feeling great right now...but I have a meeting today from 12:30 to i'm thinking i'll need some kind of coffee this afternoon.

    1) are you smart enough to hire a wallpaper remover? Or do you just have free weekends during which you can remove wallpaper? I've never removed wallpaper...just a boarder which I did do myself. Given how much time that took, I probably wouldn't have the patience to remove entire walls of paper!

    2) what is your favorite fall tradition? I love hosting Thanksgiving. We invite family and friends - really anyone who wants to come. I love cooking the meal, I love sharing the day with people. It's my favorite holiday and I just love it! I'm excited this year because my mom is coming in before T-Day, so we'll get to bake pies and do some of the other prep stuff together like we did when I was a kiddo.

    3) what is the most common topic of conversation that comes up when you're hanging out with your siblings? Lately it's jobs. My brother and I are only 18 months apart and have a lot going on in our careers right now. It's fun relating to him on that level. I wish he lived closer! Most of our conversations are over the phone. He's going to be an amazing uncle!  :-)

    4) Any good Christmas present ideas yet? I don't really have any great ideas. I'd like to do something extra nice for H this year. He's been amazingly supportive and excited about the baby and I was thinking maybe a small babymoon or something. MIL wants an we might go that route for her. No ideas for BIL/SIL yet. Possibly a fun family experience with their little one? IDK. Ideas are welcome!

  • It's Remembrance Day here, but it's not a national holiday...probably will be next year though. So much love for those who serve now, those who served in the past, and those who served and never came home.

    1) are you smart enough to hire a wallpaper remover? Or do you just have free weekends during which you can remove wallpaper? I'm not sure, I haven't had to remove...wallpaper in my own home. I would probably try removing it myself, but FI would probably say fuck that and hire someone.

    2) what is your favorite fall tradition? Baking! And Thanksgiving. And boots and sweaters.

    3) what is the most common topic of conversation that comes up when you're hanging out with your siblings? Our parents and other family members. And work.

    4) any good Christmas present ideas yet? I picked up FI's gift on Friday so that's done. Not sure what to do for my parents yet. My sister just wants gift cards so she can buy a new camera, but I'll probably get her something else as well so she has something to actually open.



    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • 1) are you smart enough to hire a wallpaper remover? Or do you just have free weekends during which you can remove wallpaper?

    Thank god we didn't buy a house with wallpaper. I watched my parents battle through layer upon layer upon layer (I think my dad counted 20 layers in some rooms) of wallpaper when they bought their house, and I'm so glad we don't have to do that! 

    2) what is your favorite fall tradition?

    I LOVE Thanksgiving. Getting to spend time with family, eating all of the things, naps, and football. 

    3) what is the most common topic of conversation that comes up when you're hanging out with your siblings?

    Depends on the sibling. One sister, I spend most of the time trying not to tell her what I REALLY think of her boyfriend. The other sister, we're very much alike, so we talk about everything. My brother, anything but religion and politics. ha.

    4) any good Christmas present ideas yet?

    Not really. I feel like FI & I should go small this year, because of the house & wedding & stuff. I might get him some Red Sox or Patriots gear. I honestly haven't even thought of anyone else. I'm terrible.


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • We finally got a lot of stuff done last night that we have been meaning to get done. We changed our health care plan to support maternity care more than what we originally had and we will be saving more in the long run. We also set up a life insurance plan for just the both of us for now until we have children. The car is being fixed this week so hopefully it won't take longer than a couple weeks. 

    Tonight H is getting in hair cut so I won't be able to get to the gym until around 7:00 so I'll probably pre-make dinner and then head to the gym. We are having leftover beef stroganoff. 

    1) are you smart enough to hire a wallpaper remover? Or do you just have free weekends during which you can remove wallpaper?

    Hire a wallpaper remover! I can't do that shit.

    2) what is your favorite fall tradition?

    I like picking out pumpkins and decorating : )

    3) what is the most common topic of conversation that comes up when you're hanging out with your siblings?


    4) any good Christmas present ideas yet?

    I have like half the family figured out. I'm getting H some new boots.

  • I'm at work today :( 

    1) are you smart enough to hire a wallpaper remover? Or do you just have free weekends during which you can remove wallpaper?

    I've never removed wallpaper, but I imagine I would hire someone to remove it. I'm not very handy.
    2) what is your favorite fall tradition?
    Does eating count? lol. I just love visiting family and eating all the great food and baking. 
    3) what is the most common topic of conversation that comes up when you're hanging out with your siblings?
    Depends on which set of siblings. My younger siblings and I usually talk about our parents and their financial situation, or they ask me for help with school. My older siblings and I usually talk about our deceased father, big life events, work, our niece and nephews, and all things adultish. 
    4) any good Christmas present ideas yet?
    A few. I got FI a Lego ornament for his stocking that I'm particularly excited about and some fun trinkets like a Death Star ice ball mold for his whiskey, a Han Solo bottle opener, etc. FI and I together got our married friends T and K a one hour session with our photographer. They didn't do engagement pics, and they let a family member hire the photographer for their wedding, who only produced a couple of decent pics of the day. We wanted to give them the gift of professional photographs to make up for all the missed moments at their wedding.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited November 2014
    I'm working today too...the college where I teach doesn't cancel classes for Veterans Day.  Also, the historian in me always has to remember not to call it "Armistice Day," since November 11 was the day the ceasefire went into effect to end World War I.

    The weather today is cold (not supposed to get above 40...which is cold in Oklahoma in November), and so I'm rocking my favorite wool skirt, tights, boots, and a scarf, and feeling pretty fabulous.  I'm still sort of on a high from yesterday...Mr. Historian texted me right about the time I was heading to class, and we were able to text back and forth a lot of the day yesterday.  He's still looking for other jobs, and we started to talk about finding him something temporary until he starts to hear back on teaching positions.  I want him home, he really wants to come home...the only thing that's keeping him from doing so is that there's no job yet.  I'm honestly worried about how he'll be if he has to complete this full deployment...he's not sleeping, not eating well, and not taking care of himself emotionally.  T&P that he'll find something?  Since he's not *technically* military, he can leave as soon as he does.

    Today is for me to work on my job applications...and the contractor is coming over this afternoon to talk about getting the work started on my house!  Yaaaaaaay, new roof!

    Edited:  I copied/pasted the questions and then forgot to answer them...*facepalm*.

    1) are you smart enough to hire a wallpaper remover? Or do you just have free weekends during which you can remove wallpaper?
    I'm smart enough not to hang wallpaper in the first place...sorry, that was snarky.  The only time I've removed wallpaper was when I helped my mother redecorate their kitchen/breakfast nook.  We cracked open a bottle of wine and turned up the radio and used that wallpaper-removing spray you can buy at Lowe's.  And about halfway through my mother (who is extremely mild-mannered and quiet), just said, "This is bullshit...we should have just painted over it."

    2) what is your favorite fall tradition?
    I really really love our family Thanksgiving.  Sometimes it's all of us (a few years ago: my entire immediate family, aunt/uncle/cousins, and grandparents on my mom's side), sometimes it's just a few of us (this year: my parents, my brother and his GF, me), but it's always so much fun.

    3) what is the most common topic of conversation that comes up when you're hanging out with your siblings?
    Oh gosh we talk about everything.  These days we usually start by talking about my nephew (who can now say "cat" and "bye-bye," and my sister posted a video of him "reading" to her last night...can't handle the cute).  Then we'll frequently move into politics or religion or something mildly academic.  And, because we hardly ever see each other anymore since we're spread out between 3 different states on 3 different sides of the country, it's very loud and hard to get a word in edgewise.

    4) any good Christmas present ideas yet?
    For my mom, sisters, and BFF, I'm doing sort of a "take a night off" basket thing...nice face masks or bubble bath, a book, and a bottle of wine.  I have no idea what I'm doing for the boys yet.  Mr. Historian is getting cologne, but I haven't decided what else yet.  Also, I'm adding on to a present I made my sister/BIL a couple of years ago...Scrabble tiles that spell out their names that they hang on the wall.  I need to add my nephew's name.
  • Super proud of all the vets & active service members in my family.   Super thankful and for the sacrifices that all of our armed forces make on a daily basis.

    I have the day off too :)  

    What time is dinner? @Blue & White ;)  

    1.  I've never been faced with removing wallpaper.  My mom did it with a spray and a hair dryer years ago.  I'd probably try it before hiring someone, but I hate hiring people to do things I think i could do myself.

    2.  Grilling out and hanging out around a fire.  I used to really enjoy our scenic drive as it was a great time to go thrifting & craft shopping but I haven't been able to go for years.  This year we added watching Friday night HS football into the mix and that was a ton of fun too.  I hope it becomes a tradition on its own.

    3.  Music, hockey, our parents.  Probably in that order.

    4.  I'm considering getting BF a new jersey for Christmas.  We both have lost a bunch of weight (69.5 lbs between the two of us over the past 4 months) so none of his jerseys fit!  Looking at getting a minor league jersey for one of the Blackhawks players he likes.  Apparently he was thinking about getting me a Seahawks jersey, so we both had a good laugh about it because we'd need to try them on for sizing.  

    Looking at picking up this dress gently used for my FSIL ((link)). Probably the grey, navy, or purple.  She really wanted it for a BM dress because she loves it so much but its from 2009 and we couldn't find enough in the same color.  They keep popping up on tradesy/ebay/etc. though and I think she'd get a huge kick out of it.
    Formerly known as flutterbride2b
  • Morning, all! Thanks to the vets I have the day off work, too. FI and I are going to our tasting this morning (I know, coming up!! It got scheduled yesterday), and this afternoon we're meeting with the pastor for the church we're joining tomorrow. Woo big day.

    1) are you smart enough to hire a wallpaper remover? Or do you just have free weekends during which you can remove wallpaper? When it comes down to removing the old-lady wallpaper, FI and I (by then he'll be H, at the rate we're going) will do it ourselves.

    2) what is your favorite fall tradition? Does watching football at Thanksgiving count?

    3) what is the most common topic of conversation that comes up when you're hanging out with your siblings? Whatever our latest nerdy hobbies are. He's really into Kerbal Space Program right now and is trying to get me to play.

    4) any good Christmas present ideas yet? Yeah, for my dad! I'm getting him a subscription to Cook and Country.
  • Happy Veteran's Day! It is freezing here this morning and I'm so glad I have the day off and don't have to go anywhere!

    1) Are you smart enough to hire a wallpaper remover? Or do you just have free weekends during which you can remove wallpaper? I don't think I've ever had to remove wallpaper but I'd probably just do it myself.

    2) What is your favorite fall tradition? Pumpkin Carving in October and going to see Christmas lights in December (this year we are going to the Botanic Gardens).

    3) What is the most common topic of conversation that comes up when you're hanging out with your siblings? We pretty much talk about everything.

    4) Any good Christmas present ideas yet? Nope, I really need to get on that. My budget is really tight this year though so I'm going to need to get creative!

  • UGH the washing machine is broken and they can't guarantee it'll be fixed until Saturday, so we have to go to the laundromat today. Which blows because I need to stay home and make candy for the next three hours until I have to go in for office hours.

    1) are you smart enough to hire a wallpaper remover? Or do you just have free weekends during which you can remove wallpaper? I've never had to remove wallpaper, but I know my mom eventually gave in and hired someone because it was such a pain in the ass.

    2) what is your favorite fall tradition? I love everything about autumn. I don't have a particular tradition that's my favorite.

    3) what is the most common topic of conversation that comes up when you're hanging out with your siblings? Ugh. Either they tease me, or one of them tries to take me aside to have a long, involved conversation about family stuff.

    4) any good Christmas present ideas yet? Thinking of getting a Play1 for my father-in-law.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • @chemfanatic25 pumpkin snickerdoodles sound delightful!

    @speakeasy14 yep, we always make something awesome for our parents since we started dating, haha - soooo we need to get on that.  We have an idea, but it requires our CNC machine, which is currently out of service.  We ordered the part but ya know :)  You also may be my sister...3 girls and a boy?  Poop, sex conversations?  Yep.  We must be related :)

    @goldenpenguin luckily, it's just one layer - it's just like...30 year old glue, lol

    @eilis1228 and @keptinstitches YES eating and football count - it's like you don't even know me :)

    And now my friends, I will either go and try to remove some more wallpaper or chill here watching law and order SVU until my dentist appt lol

    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • I'm currently lounging in a giant comfy bed at a hotel, catching up on shows and munching on snacks. I just finished Homeland and now I'm watching The Walking Dead. Can this just be my life everyday?

    H is working and then tonight we have a Devils game. I hope he gets back early so we can go to Dinosaur BBQ for dinner. Double mac and cheese, please! The Devils really suck so dinner will likely be the highlight of the my night!

    Onto the questions!

    1) I've never had to deal with wallpaper but I know myself and I would 100% hire someone to handle it.

    2) I don't really have any "traditions" per se. I love watching football and drinking fall beers. I'm enjoying sweaters and boots. I like being cozy.

    3) I only have half and step siblings, none of which I ever see except for when my mom makes me at Christmas time. We don't really talk. I prefer being an only child.

    4) I'm getting my parents a canvas print of one of the photos they took on their big Pacific North West trip that I'm really excited about. I have no idea what to get H. I did terrible last year so I really want to come up with something special this year.

  • @swazzle Husbands are notoriously hard to shop for :)  I kinda like the lounging in a fancy hotel watching the walking dead approach though!  Excellent job!
    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • Happy Veteran's Day! There is a huge parade downtown and I think there may be other activities going on today on the aircraft carrier museum (literally an aircraft carrier that was decommissioned and turned into a museum). Unfortunately BF and I do not have the day off, and I have a busy day ahead of me.

    1) are you smart enough to hire a wallpaper remover? Or do you just have free weekends during which you can remove wallpaper? 

    I wouldn't be able to remove it on my own, but BF probably would. He comes from a long line of master carpenters and is very handy with any remodeling projects as a result of shadowing his father and grandfather, despite being the first person in his family line to not become a master carpenter.

    2) what is your favorite fall tradition?

    Pumpkin everything and the leaves changing colors!

    3) what is the most common topic of conversation that comes up when you're hanging out with your siblings?

    I don't have any siblings :(. BF has two who I talk to a lot, and we talk about a lot of science and engineering things.

    4) any good Christmas present ideas yet?

    I found a good gift for my dad, who is all about survival gadgets. I think that I am going to get him a LifeStraw. They are only $15 on amazon and basically allow you to drink clean water from any water source (like a puddle or a river) if you don't have any clean water.

    I haven't found anything that I like for my mother yet, but I will also try to find something small. She likes sewing and crafting, so I am trying to find something that she will be able to use to do those things. I also plan to give my parents money or pay some of their bills because they are going through a hard time right now (that's for a different thread).

    For BF, I have some ideas, but nothing that has jumped out at me that I need to buy him. I am leaning toward getting him the whiskey ManCrate with personalized glasses, whiskey stones, and coasters in addition to some snacks. It doesn't come with actual whiskey though, so maybe a really nice bottle of that too. There is also a Whiskey of the Month club that I was considering as well (He LOVES his whiskeys).

    For the rest of my family, I am considering making some baked goods and packaging them up prettily and adding lottery tickets and maybe gift cards. Lottery tickets are HUGE in my family; we all give them to each other and always try to see who wins the most money after gifts have been open.

  • speakeasy14speakeasy14 member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited November 2014
    Blue & White definitely try the vinegar water - wallpaper in my house was at least from the 1960s (possibly earlier because house was built in 1920  the 1930s (apparently I don't know the difference between 2 & 3)but there was paneling and wallpaper underneath what I removed). Just sponge the walls and let it sit a few minutes. I used a putty scraper and it came off so easily.  And maybe we are sisters :) I guess I'll find out at family dinner tonight haha
  • Hello everybody!! 
    I'm in such a horrible mood today.  I just don't feel like working because I'm overly swamped.  The girl that was hired to help me doesn't really help me much.  She gets projects and such, but like when a support call or something comes in, she doesn't help and I'm stuck with it.  Then our TL doesn't trust her with the 'high level stuff' so I get stuck with it.  It's just when are we going to take the training wheels off?!  She's been here since June.

    1) are you smart enough to hire a wallpaper remover? Or do you just have free weekends during which you can remove wallpaper? 
    I've never had to remove wallpaper.  I'd probably go to somewhere like Sherwin Williams and see what they had in wallpaper removing solvent and do it myself.

    2) what is your favorite fall tradition? 
    Eating pumpkin everything.

    3) what is the most common topic of conversation that comes up when you're hanging out with your siblings?  Disney - with my siblings, it's really all we have in common; sometimes it's just hard to tolerate him.  With H's siblings a little bit of everything; we see them all the time!

    4) any good Christmas present ideas yet?  Well, we keep teasing about what 'useless' item to get my brother - the top choices right now are:  baseball hat rack, coat rack, or salad spinner.  H and I will probably just buy each other a coat (I want one of the Columbia turbodown coats and H wants a 3-in-1 coat).  We might collectively get a PS4 because I put it on my Target registry as a joke and we got a 15% off anything on your registry.  Everybody else will probably just get $ or GC. 

  • I'm working today...epic sadface!

    1) are you smart enough to hire a wallpaper remover? Or do you just have free weekends during which you can remove wallpaper?

    I think DH and I would tackle removing it together.  If we effed it up, or had HUGE challenges, then maybe we'd hire someone.

    2) what is your favorite fall tradition?

    Um... I had lots of them when I was a kid.  Now we don't really have any besides me making soup reasonably often, us lighting candles more often, and constantly trolling the internet for good deals on Christmas gifts.

    3) what is the most common topic of conversation that comes up when you're hanging out with your siblings?

    I'm estranged from my only sibling.  When we were together, we'd talk about our relationships, our jobs, our family, etc.

    4) any good Christmas present ideas yet?

    I'm going to buy the Sterling Silver Starbucks card for my boss.  It's pricey, but she did send DH and I to Bora Bora.  I'm giving several people Tahitian vanilla (which, while seemingly small was actually really pricey.)  We're giving MIL a Tahitian pearl necklace that we bought her in Bora Bora.  (Christmas is her birthday, so she always gets an extra large gift.)  My SIL will probably get a gift card of some sort.  Don't know what I'll buy my dad and FIL yet.
  • ETA:  Thinking about my talks with my brother and some of the time we spend together makes me so sad.  So now I'm going to sit here and allow myself to acknowledge the hole in my heart for five minutes.  And then I'm going to get back to work.
  • Double posting because OMG ALL THE WEDDING THINGS HAVE TO HAPPEN AT ONCE AND SUPER EARLY! It's just crazy. I emailed my venue with contact and contract information for the photographer and the photo booth, and she responded by saying I really need to book my DJ ASAP because we're getting married on a very popular wedding weekend (Halloween weekend next year). The venue covers the cost of the DJ, but we have to choose from the 4 on her list. Apparently a bride waited until about 6 months out this year to book the DJ for her Halloween wedding, and none of the DJs were available and she had to pay for a different one. Crazy crazy crazy. So, I looked at the list and Googled the DJs and booked one that sounded fun. He wants to meet soon to discuss lighting and music, and I'm like, "Yeah, I have no idea because I'm a year out!" Ahhhh. OH! And a friend of mine who is getting married two weeks before me posted on Facebook yesterday that she booked ALL the things yesterday, including a baker. Now I'm wondering if I should be looking at a baker? I was planning on waiting until March or April, but holy moly if October 2015 weddings are already being booked, then maybe I need to be looking at cakes too. Holy moly, am I already behind when I'm a year out? GEEZ LOUISE! On a fun note though, I bought my wedding shoes yesterday. I was planning on ordering on Black Friday, but I found them on Amazon for $50 less than they're retailing everywhere else (link). It's so difficult to find pretty but low heels in a size 4.5 for less than $150, so I jumped on these when I found them. 


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I'm working today...epic sadface!

    1) are you smart enough to hire a wallpaper remover? Or do you just have free weekends during which you can remove wallpaper?

    I think DH and I would tackle removing it together.  If we effed it up, or had HUGE challenges, then maybe we'd hire someone.

    2) what is your favorite fall tradition?

    Um... I had lots of them when I was a kid.  Now we don't really have any besides me making soup reasonably often, us lighting candles more often, and constantly trolling the internet for good deals on Christmas gifts.

    3) what is the most common topic of conversation that comes up when you're hanging out with your siblings?

    I'm estranged from my only sibling.  When we were together, we'd talk about our relationships, our jobs, our family, etc.

    4) any good Christmas present ideas yet?

    I'm going to buy the Sterling Silver Starbucks card for my boss.  It's pricey, but she did send DH and I to
    Bora Bora.  I'm giving several people Tahitian vanilla (which, while
    seemingly small was actually really pricey.)  We're giving MIL a
    Tahitian pearl necklace that we bought her in Bora Bora.  (Christmas is
    her birthday, so she always gets an extra large gift.)  My SIL will probably get a gift card of some sort.  Don't know what I'll buy my dad and FIL yet.

    Hot damn girl. You love talking about money.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @loves2shop4shoes‌ I still love you even though my post gave you all the feels!!
    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • I destroyed my run last night, pacing well ahead of my target.  I think I might have to sign up for the 5K on my birthday and get that sub 30-min in the books this year.

    Today I'm at work, and pretty sure I'm going to drown with the amount of work that has to be done in the next 3 weeks.  Someone kill me now, please?  Tonight, we have the Shake Shack Run though, so that's going to be fun, aside from the fact that it's also the Concert for Valor, so there are going to be eight million people downtown.  


    1) are you smart enough to hire a wallpaper remover? Or do you just have free weekends during which you can remove wallpaper?

    Psh.  I don't have either, but I'm more the DIY type.  I don't like to pay someone if I don't have to.

    2) what is your favorite fall tradition?

    Hmm.  I don't know.  I think all we've got at this point is tea and reading in bed at night.  We're so lame.  My absolute favorite part of fall though is that first run when the leaves are falling and it's crunchy and quiet on the trail.  So pretty.
    3) what is the most common topic of conversation that comes up when you're hanging out with your siblings?

    Ha. It's been like 6 months since I last saw my brother.  I have no idea what we talk about.  I'll see him at Thanksgiving though!
    4) any good Christmas present ideas yet?

    Not a one.  I'm failing at life so far this year.

    I french with my man
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • 1) are you smart enough to hire a wallpaper remover? Or do you just have free weekends during which you can remove wallpaper?

    H would want to do it himself.  I'd be willing to help though

    2) what is your favorite fall tradition?

    Eh none really

    3) what is the most common topic of conversation that comes up when you're hanging out with your siblings?

    Nothing of interest really, probably just how weird our parents are.

    4) any good Christmas present ideas yet?

    I want a baby that's all. H wants a 70inch TV, hopefully Santa is good to us!!!!


  • I'm working today...epic sadface!

    1) are you smart enough to hire a wallpaper remover? Or do you just have free weekends during which you can remove wallpaper?

    I think DH and I would tackle removing it together.  If we effed it up, or had HUGE challenges, then maybe we'd hire someone.

    2) what is your favorite fall tradition?

    Um... I had lots of them when I was a kid.  Now we don't really have any besides me making soup reasonably often, us lighting candles more often, and constantly trolling the internet for good deals on Christmas gifts.

    3) what is the most common topic of conversation that comes up when you're hanging out with your siblings?

    I'm estranged from my only sibling.  When we were together, we'd talk about our relationships, our jobs, our family, etc.

    4) any good Christmas present ideas yet?

    I'm going to buy the Sterling Silver Starbucks card for my boss.  It's pricey, but she did send DH and I to Bora Bora.  I'm giving several people Tahitian vanilla (which, while seemingly small was actually really pricey.)  We're giving MIL a Tahitian pearl necklace that we bought her in Bora Bora.  (Christmas is her birthday, so she always gets an extra large gift.)  My SIL will probably get a gift card of some sort.  Don't know what I'll buy my dad and FIL yet.
    Hot damn girl. You love talking about money.
    I'd ask who you are, but you're obviously a troll.  And you're not even a troll who's important enough to remember.  How sad for you.
  • Hot damn girl. You love talking about money.
    Ummm... was that really necessary? 
  • I'm working today...epic sadface!

    1) are you smart enough to hire a wallpaper remover? Or do you just have free weekends during which you can remove wallpaper?

    I think DH and I would tackle removing it together.  If we effed it up, or had HUGE challenges, then maybe we'd hire someone.

    2) what is your favorite fall tradition?

    Um... I had lots of them when I was a kid.  Now we don't really have any besides me making soup reasonably often, us lighting candles more often, and constantly trolling the internet for good deals on Christmas gifts.

    3) what is the most common topic of conversation that comes up when you're hanging out with your siblings?

    I'm estranged from my only sibling.  When we were together, we'd talk about our relationships, our jobs, our family, etc.

    4) any good Christmas present ideas yet?

    I'm going to buy the Sterling Silver Starbucks card for my boss.  It's pricey, but she did send DH and I to Bora Bora.  I'm giving several people Tahitian vanilla (which, while seemingly small was actually really pricey.)  We're giving MIL a Tahitian pearl necklace that we bought her in Bora Bora.  (Christmas is her birthday, so she always gets an extra large gift.)  My SIL will probably get a gift card of some sort.  Don't know what I'll buy my dad and FIL yet.
    Hot damn girl. You love talking about money.
    I'd ask who you are, but you're obviously a troll.  And you're not even a troll who's important enough to remember.  How sad for you.

    I see you've been reduced to petty insults since even you realize denial is futile.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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