Hello All!
I'm really new here so I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and talk about what has been going on with me lately! I'm 26 and have been with my boyfriend for 2 years now. After a year we moved in together and since then we have both known that we wanted to get married and that was always the plan. We never had too much of a timeline but he always knew that I would prefer getting engaged and starting wedding planning sooner than later. We live 1000 miles away from our families and eventually want to move back there, but I'm not willing to move with him until we have been married for at least a few years. He wants to be back home within 4-ish years which would hopefully put our wedding sometime in 2015.
In June of this year, my boyfriend came to me and told me flat out that he was starting the ring process. His grandmother handed him down a diamond and he was getting the ring designed around the diamond and he wanted my input. I was THRILLED! This is what I have been waiting for since I met him. He flew back home to where our families live to retrieve the diamond and go to a family jeweler to design it and put down the down payment. He then told me it would take 2-3 months for it to be finished and for him to finish paying it off and have it in his possession.
Two months later in August, he came to me and said he wasn't quite sure if he was just ready yet and that he needed more time. I was devastated! I had been waiting and hoped it would happen by September at the latest and then he dropped a bomb on me that it wasn't going to happen anytime soon. I was hurt, angry, and confused. Since then, I feel like I have been waiting for him to "decide" when he was ready to commit to me and it has kind of put a burden on our relationship. Things have gotten rough and things hit the fan this past weekend. We came to a point where we were either going to go our separate ways or decide to work things out and put 100% in to repairing our once - wonderful relationship. After we decided to move forward and work things out, I found out this past weekend is when he had officially planned to propose, but it didn't happen because we were REALLY on the outs.
Now I'm confused. I don't know if he wants to, if he's going to, and if he does anytime soon, will it be tainted?? Will it not be the "fairytale" proposal and wedding that I had imagined?? I know he has the ring, but things have been rough lately, and now I don't know how I feel about how my magical proposal, and how it was supposed to be.
Any input is appreciated - this has been a hard week!