Chit Chat


So has anyone ordered stuff from Zazzle before?  I started playing around on their website last night and practically did a fair bit of my Christmas shopping.  Also, if anyone is interested (and if their stuff is good), they have THIS groupon for cards / announcements from them.  

Re: Zazzle?

  • Yep, I got envelopes, custom stickers, and some other stuff from them for my STDs. I think some of their stuff is a little over-priced. But the stuff I ordered looked really nice in person and was good quality so I was happy with it. Shipping was good, customer service was good. 

    I'm not sure of their other products, like gift stuff, because I haven't ordered any of that. But it seems like a pretty alright site. 
  • Yeah, I agree it's a little expensive.  But I just bought 75 Christmas cards for $35, plus another $6.99 refund bc other friends on Facebook took the offer.

    They have an apron that looks good for my husband.
  • I've only heard good reviews from friends but I hold a grudge against them. When I was planning a friend's baby shower about a year ago, they screwed up my order-- everything was printed at an angle. Their customer service promised to take care of it but they charged me a second time and refused to upgrade to faster shipping. I ended up spending a fortune on invitations that arrived after the shower while I bought new ones at Target.

    It took me a month of calls to get my money back.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I ordered our stamps from Zazzle for our wedding invites. I felt a little ridiculous paying so much for stamps, but we did get compliments on them, so I guess it was worth it?
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