Chit Chat

Buried under 6 ft of snow *title edited for snow suckage

edited November 2014 in Chit Chat
I'm at my sister's house. We were supposed to get massages for our birthday. That didn't happen. Lol. We were supposed to get 2 ft. of snow. We now have 4 1/2 feet. We are supposed to get another 2 feet, tonight. We are having so much fun!! Watching movies, playing board games and drinking got chocolate, and now we are upgrading to wine. We have just drawn straws to see who will be eaten if we run out if food. Damn. My straw is awfully small.

Re: Buried under 6 ft of snow *title edited for snow suckage

  • You make me homesick!!! My hometown got 2.5 feet last week and I'm sitting around WITH NOTHING. I love the snow. I love cold. It's so peaceful and clean and pure and beautiful! I almost got married in winter but we moved the date way up because we didn't want to wait.  

    Bailey's goes amazing with hot chocolate i tell you what
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  • That sounds like so much fun and so relaxing! No snow here in NY, just cold temps. Where are you located?


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  • The southtowns of Buffalo
  • That sounds like a blast! I'm glad you are having fun with your sister!
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  • It's chilly in Houston.  I'll stop complaining now, though.
  • Our temps today were 70/45 with sunshine, and I still think it's chilly. I don't think I'd fare well in heavy snow. On the other hand, being barricaded in my house with movies, a friend, hot chocolate, and wine sounds pretty good.Have fun!
  • Drifts are over the door. We managed to keep up some light shoveling on the other side of the door. But now we have another 2 feet. The driveway is hopeless. We will unearth ourselves in the spring. Lol
  • Awwww yeah! We didn't get quite as much as you guys, but we've gotten a bunch. It's FRIGID, freezing cold here right now, though. With the wind chill, we're in the negatives already. :D
  • Holy cow! I was just reading about all the snow the Buffalo area is getting.
  • Holy crap. It's 18° here but we're still grilling out! Just a dusting of snow.

  • It snowed all morning here but we only got a dusting, maaaaajor black ice on the roads.

    If it snows here, it needs to go big or do nothing. I want to either be able to take my snowmobile out and ride around, or not have to do more than scrape off my car windshield and go about my day.

    I'm the fuck

  • I'm jealous of the snow. I wish I could be sitting with DH in front of our fire place drinking hot chocolate and Baileys (yum!) with our little goose snuggling on our laps (dog).

    But alas, he is working until 11:30 tonight and goes back to work at 6:45 am.. We also don't have our own fire place to sit and snuggle in front of.. One month to go until we can feel like newly weds! (And new homeowners!)

    I'm depressed though, yo. I miss my husband.

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  • Its so funny - I am guessing I'm only about a 30-45 minute drive from @themuffinman16 (and your day sounds so fantastic BTW! I'm so jealous!!!!) and I only have about 3 inches of snow. But it is COLD.

    Here is a video of the Storm 'Wall' if anyone is interested:

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  • That storm is wicked!  Wine sounds like just the ticket to get through!

  • It's so cold in my apartment, my Merlot is chilled. :(
  • Uh.. I woke up and turned the heat on while I got in the shower this morning because the thermostat read 69 degrees and the slate floor all through my house felt so. cold. It warmed up as the day wore on. But when I got to this networking event this morning it had to be at least 70 or 75 degrees and they had heat lamps set up and running outside. I actually laughed out loud about that.

    I'm gonna go surfing tomorrow.

    I do miss the romantic version of snow. But I grew up in a place where it could snow 6 months out of the year and have chiseled into my car with a credit card before when my car was frozen shut with the scraper in the trunk. And I have been fined for not clearing the sidewalk within 24 hours. I cannot do it anymore. Fuck. That.
  • Yeah, it's also in the 60s and sunny where I am. The idea of wintery snow and all of the fun of being enclosed inside all warm and snugly makes me sooo nostalgic for my home town in the north east.
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  • @themuffinman16 how are things today?! Still snowing? I'm about an hour east (near Roc) and we've been intently watching everything that's happening in your area. I have a bunch of friends that live in Buffalo and some of the pictures I've seen are crazy.
  • Fi and I don't do cold. When I woke up today it was 40 degrees out. I'm still freezing.

    He's in Georgia right now where it's 20 degrees, and he did a Floridian thing yesterday morning: his windshield was dirty and he couldn't see out of it, so what did he do? Proceed to use his wiper fluid and turn his wipers on, creating a nice, thin sheet of ice over his windshield. 


  • amelishaamelisha member
    1000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer Name Dropper
    edited November 2014
    Meanwhile, it was -25 last week up here and then yesterday it was like zero and I didn't even have to wear my ski jacket and could switch back to my wool coat. Weather is weird.

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  • Toronto has nothing.  I feel bad that Buffalo got hammered so hard.  We're supposed to get some today but nothing like you guys got.  Stay safe and warm!
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  • These are photos from some people on my facebook page.  The first picture is a picture of our highway, from a state trooper's car.  The second pic is from my H's friend's wife.  She lives in Lancaster... the hardest hit, neighborhood in the area.  They got about 70 inches or more. Next to that is my SIL's car in her driveway.  The snow comes almost to the top of the snow drift.  The 4th picture is of my BIL's house, after he cleaned the cars off, once all ready.  They live in Depew.  The 5th picture  is my niece. She is 5 feet tall. This was yesterday morning in Lancaster (they have a lot more snow, now).  The last pic is of my friend's garage in Depew.
        I might go out in the snow and give you guys pics of our situation. The sky is clear, for now, but the storm will make a second path back, tonight. giving us 1-2 more feet.
  • Stay safe! That thruway pic is nuts.
  • Jeez. I live in freaking Northern Alberta but those pictures still blow my mind. SO MUCH SNOW.

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  • That is insane to my NC mind! Stay safe!

  • Omgsh that looks crazy. The news is reporting deaths up there from the snow, and I'm thinking about you guys hoping you're stocked up on emergency supplies!

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  • Lord help us if this storm makes its way down to Atlanta. I guess I better start stocking up...
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  • Yeah, I have to post this pic.  This is a pic of my BIL's house. It is the same house as the pic with the girl in between the snow, one day later, after their total snowfall. they live in Lancaster. I can't even imagine. We thought we had it bad here.
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