Hey all! I'm in need of some advice.
I'm getting married in June and have 3 BMs. Two are friends and my MOH is my sister. I honestly have no complaints about involvement or lack thereof from my girls. Its my wedding and I can only expect myself and my FI to do any work for our wedding

My issue at hand is that one of my girls has recently gotten engaged (not a problem, I'm totally happy for her) and has asked me to be her MOH. At the time I was happy to do it for her. Since then, she has made the process difficult. Her wedding happens to be a month after my own (again, fine, she can pick whatever date she wants) but she has expectations that I should be putting her wedding before my own. I thought that it would subside after the initial post engagement excitement but she's becoming overbearing.
When picking out BM dresses and I told her I couldn't afford more than x amount of $ to spend on a dress, she told me that I'd come up with the money somehow after going $90 over budget. I chose not to start an argument about it in the bridal salon, but it hurt that she disregarded my feelings and my earlier conversation.
She has since told me that she expects me to help her mother cook the meal for her reception (they chose to cater the event themselves) and to clean up after the reception as the venue leaves cleanup as the B&G's responsibility.
I feel that from her comments she has made up her mind that our weddings should be some sort of competition and it's taking the fun out of planning my own wedding and is taking a toll on my friendship with her. I am sincerely regretting agreeing to be in her wedding but feel like I can't back out because I have given her my word that I'd stand with her on her day.
I'm hoping I'm not being a selfish and bad friend or a bridezilla for feeling like she's competing with me over our weddings. I'm just not sure what is the best way to approach this situation with tact. Please help!