Wedding Etiquette Forum

Info on right hand corner of the reception card?

FI and I are finally in the process of figuring out our invitation suites (yay!)

We will have the invitation itself, a reception card, an RSVP card, and an accommodations card, I think.

Our wedding is in a major city on a Saturday, so we have taken care of complimentary valet parking for our guests. Parking in the city is logistically difficult and also expensive, and we want to make sure all of our guests who are driving in are aware that they can come straight to the venue for the reception and that the valet will take care of it from there.

Is it etiquette approved to put "Complimentary valet parking" on the bottom right hand corner of the reception card?

My intuition says yes, but I'm the kind of person to constantly stress about things like parking logistics when I go anywhere. I figured it wouldn't hurt to see what the consensus on here is!

Re: Info on right hand corner of the reception card?

  • I would put it on there, especially since you've paid for it - you want people to utilize it. Plus, it will (hopefully) drastically decrease the number of questions about it that you would field otherwise.
  • I would put it on there, especially since you've paid for it - you want people to utilize it. Plus, it will (hopefully) drastically decrease the number of questions about it that you would field otherwise.
    This is exactly what I was thinking, too. I want to make sure people take advantage of it as well so it's something none of our guests have to stress about!

    Thanks for the quick feedback.

    Another related question for anyone who might have an idea of what to do:

    We have also set up a trolley service to escort guests from our blocked hotel, to the church, the reception, and then back to the church at the end of the night.

    Should we mention anything about this service on the accommodations card? We definitely hope people will utilize it! It will make travel in the city easier, and everyone who wants one will have a DD :)
  • I would put all of this on your website.
  • I would put all of this on your website.
    It's already on there -- great minds!

    I'm more concerned to make sure it's definitely seen by all, especially my grandmom's friends who are invited but aren't big on using the computer!

    I figured that if I at least put the valet stuff in the right hand corner of the reception card, it would be noticeable to all and hopefully alleviate any sort of city-parking related headaches. I would feel just terrible if someone missed it on the website and ended up paying for parking!

    As for the trolley transportation, I wasn't sure whether to include anything about that on the accommodations card or not.
  • I put a TON of supplementary information on our website and plan to keep the invitations simple (both because I prefer the aesthetic and it's cheaper to have fewer inserts). I've been using word-of-mouth to spread details to the older and less-computer-savvy on my guest list. Maybe ask your grandmother if she could make sure her friends know that these transportation bonuses will be available? Or put a special note in the invitation to those that you think may not be using your website?

    If you're leaving guest welcome bags at your hotel then you can definitely put some of this information in there too, especially about the trolley (including specific times it will be leaving).
  • I would put the info in the invite, because we learned pretty quickly that people weren't looking at the website. Even our close, very tech savvy friends.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    I would put the info in the invite, because we learned pretty quickly that people weren't looking at the website. Even our close, very tech savvy friends.

    I put a lot of time and effort into my website, which had a lot of info since it was a destination wedding, and nobody really looked at it. So, definitely put it on website, for those that will look there, but definitely don't assume that everyone will see it there. 

    But I don't see any problem with adding the info to the reception and accommodations cards.  If it were me, I'd want to include it on the actual invite package somewhere to ensure that people are aware of those options in advance.


  • edited December 2014
    Agreed with putting it on the reception card, especially if parking will be logistical challenge for your guests given the city/area.

    We did this for our guests as well (although did not note on the website/invitation) and  everal people commented how much they appreciated not having to pay the valet fee at our venue (as it was the only actual parking option).
  • I put a TON of supplementary information on our website and plan to keep the invitations simple (both because I prefer the aesthetic and it's cheaper to have fewer inserts). I've been using word-of-mouth to spread details to the older and less-computer-savvy on my guest list. Maybe ask your grandmother if she could make sure her friends know that these transportation bonuses will be available? Or put a special note in the invitation to those that you think may not be using your website?

    If you're leaving guest welcome bags at your hotel then you can definitely put some of this information in there too, especially about the trolley (including specific times it will be leaving).
    I can't put my grandmom in charge of much -- she's not well!

    I too have put TONS of info on the wedding website, but I also love the idea about putting info in the welcome bags. I think I'll put together little trolley timelines in each of the bags. I also have a tab on the website that says "shuttle information."

    I also really love simple and clean invitations. We are going with just a formal black script on ivory paper. To keep it simple, that's why I was thinking of putting the valet note on the bottom right hand corner of the reception card.

    Thanks for your help!

    I would put the info in the invite, because we learned pretty quickly that people weren't looking at the website. Even our close, very tech savvy friends.
    That's what I wasn't sure about, so it's good to hear from someone with experience! I know sometimes friends don't look if they think all of the relevant details are on the invite. I think we will just put the simple note about valet at the bottom of the card and maybe a small note directing people to look at the wedding website on the accommodations card if they want more information about the transportation. I'll ask our invite person for suggestions on the wording! Thanks for the heads up!


    I would put the info in the invite, because we learned pretty quickly that people weren't looking at the website. Even our close, very tech savvy friends.

    I put a lot of time and effort into my website, which had a lot of info since it was a destination wedding, and nobody really looked at it. So, definitely put it on website, for those that will look there, but definitely don't assume that everyone will see it there. 

    But I don't see any problem with adding the info to the reception and accommodations cards.  If it were me, I'd want to include it on the actual invite package somewhere to ensure that people are aware of those options in advance.

    Good to know! I honestly spent an embarrassing amount of time on our wedding website because I know that I like it when I'm invited to a wedding and the website has all of the pertinent info and is easy to navigate.

    Glad to know I can put this info on the reception and accommodation cards. I think even just a small note will help. 

    Agreed with putting it on the reception card, especially if parking will be logistical challenge for your guests given the city/area.

    We did this for our guests as well (although did not note on the website/invitation) and  everal people commented how much they appreciated not having to pay the valet fee at our venue (as it was the only actual parking option).
    It's decided -- we will put the info on the reception and accommodation cards -- thanks so much! Parking is possible in the city, but we don't want anyone to have to walk blocks in uncomfortable foot ware or find themselves paying for parking! It's good to know your guests commented on the valet. I'm happy to hear that it was memorable!
  • Make sure it's on something that's sent WITH the invitation! I attended school in Boston for four years, and just the thought of bringing my car anywhere near the city stressed me out!

    I think it's a generous gesture to include the valet (not just free parking), and since it's not even remotely selfish, no one would side-eye it.
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