So, a few months back, my boyfriend told me that he was planning to get my engagement ring with money from tax returns. Which is wonderful of him to say, but I feel like that is all it really is.. talk.
The reason he told me this to begin with is because I was once before engaged to someone else, we were together five years and I found out he was cheating and called it all off. I kept the ring since he was cheating and the ring is from Kay's Jewelers. Kay's has a policy that you can exchange the ring full value towards new diamonds as long as you spend double the amount, but you get that credit. So my ring is a $2,000 ring, basically we get $4k worth of diamonds for half price. So he needs my old ring and all the paperwork and my permission to take the ring back in order to get me a new one. So he told me this was plan as soon as tax season was here.
However, at the same time, he talks of all these other plans he has with the tax return money we are expecting to get. He wants to move out of our apartment and rent a house instead, he wants to pay off a loan that we took out last year to get some car work done. And basically pay off a few other bills. This just isn't enough money to take care of all these things. So it makes me wonder if he only said he was getting the ring to like.. shut me up about it. lol
When I was engaged before, we were together for five years. After him, I was with another guy for two years. I ended things with the second guy because he also wanted to wait like five years to even think about marriage and after my first fiance that just wasn't going to fly with me. Like he couldn't even say if he was thinking about marriage, we were together two years already and he had no idea if I was "the one" and that just seemed ridiculous to me. I'm not saying you have to propose right then but you should be able to at least tell if you want to, or see it in the future.
In a few fights that we have had over time, my boyfriend has admitted to me that he is afraid that I'm going to "get tired of waiting" and leave him if he doesn't propose fast enough. Which totally isn't true. I'm willing to wait for it, just not five years just for him to even start the thought process.
I think what bothers me the most is that with each long term relationship I have, I'm always told "I can't yet" whether it's money or timing or whatever the issue. they always say they can't do it. However, once the relationship ends and they find a new girlfriend, they're married within months.. MONTHS. When I had to wait years. My ex fiance married his new g/f after 6 months and is now expecting a baby, the guy after that, married his new g/f within 4 months. My boyfriend now, married his ex wife after 6 months. I'm starting to feel un-marriageable.
Thoughts? Is this my problem or a guys problem?? Are a lot of guys like this??