Knottie Tech Help

How do Io change my wedding date in my account?

Does anyone know how to do this? The explanation from the website's help section is out of date.

Re: How do Io change my wedding date in my account?

  • Moved to Tech Help...hoping you get an answer.
    :kiss: ~xoxo~ :kiss:

  • Hi @Knottie06332579

    To change your wedding date go to the top right-hand side of your screen and hover over where you see your name and icon. Select "My Account" on the drop down. Then in the first section you should see "Wedding Date", you can make any adjustments to the date right there, then scroll to the bottom and select "Submit."

    Please let me know if you have anymore issues.

  • The wedding date on my checklist keeps changing each day to the current day.  I have tried My Account, but there isn't a place there to give the right date.  Any other suggestions?  I'm the mother of the bride. Please help!
  • Hey @Knottie65526918,

    If you change your role in the wedding as "Bride" you should be able to readjust the wedding date. Sorry for the difficulties but let me know if you have anymore questions.

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