Chit Chat



So after our lease is up in May, Fi and I are moving into a house and the plan was to get a dog.

WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. His friend breeds husky/german shepards AND WE GET ONE OF THE NEXT LITTER.


His name will be Brutus and when he does something bad I'm going to say 'ET TU, BRUTE?"

Here's what he might look like:


  • jdbjfbgksdjfhbgkjsdhfbgkjshbfg SO CUTE

    I'm the fuck

  • beethery said:
    beethery said:
    jdbjfbgksdjfhbgkjsdhfbgkjshbfg SO CUTE
    I'm in love and he's not even escaped from his dad's balls.

    omfg bitch you are killing me
  • Are you telling me his friend INTENTIONALLY cross breeds? 

    I am sorry, I can't. What is the point of that? What kind of work is this dog being bred specifically to do that that kind of "breeding program" is necessary?
  • Yeah sorry, I want to be excited because puppies, but I can't with breeders. Especially what I have a bad feeling is "just for fun" at-home designer cross breed breeders.

  • Yeah sorry, I want to be excited because puppies, but I can't with breeders. Especially what I have a bad feeling is "just for fun" at-home designer cross breed breeders.
    This. "Designer breeds" are pointless. Toy poodles, labradoodles, chiweenies... the list goes on. 

    I will not say I am anti breeder. I support EDUCATED and smart breeding. To preserve a breed that was created to do work. 

    Breeds like a standard poodle, jack russel terriers, german shepherds and huskies were all bred for  JOB. and separate jobs. 
  • Yeah sorry, I want to be excited because puppies, but I can't with breeders. Especially what I have a bad feeling is "just for fun" at-home designer cross breed breeders.
    This. "Designer breeds" are pointless. Toy poodles, labradoodles, chiweenies... the list goes on. 

    I will not say I am anti breeder. I support EDUCATED and smart breeding. To preserve a breed that was created to do work. 

    Breeds like a standard poodle, jack russel terriers, german shepherds and huskies were all bred for  JOB. and separate jobs. 
    I'm not the one doing it, and honestly, since her dogs are loved and well cared for, I really don't care that the breed doesn't serve a 'purpose'.
  • Yeah sorry, I want to be excited because puppies, but I can't with breeders. Especially what I have a bad feeling is "just for fun" at-home designer cross breed breeders.
    This. "Designer breeds" are pointless. Toy poodles, labradoodles, chiweenies... the list goes on. 

    I will not say I am anti breeder. I support EDUCATED and smart breeding. To preserve a breed that was created to do work. 

    Breeds like a standard poodle, jack russel terriers, german shepherds and huskies were all bred for  JOB. and separate jobs. 
    I'm not the one doing it, and honestly, since her dogs are loved and well cared for, I really don't care that the breed doesn't serve a 'purpose'.
    so the solution is to perpetuate the creation of more animals that a large percentage of will end up in shelters?

    If you aren't shopping for a specific breed, go to a shelter. Be the solution, not the problem. 
  • I understand where ou guys are coming from. Every other dog I have ever had/ will have were/will be shelter dogs. I voulenteer at my local shelter, and there are usually very few dogs there at all due to the extremely high adoption rate. Also, she cares for her dogs greatly and therefore is very careful about who she gives puppies to so that none end up badly cared for or in a shelter. So, this will be my only time having a puppy at all, let alone from a breeder, and I feel good about it. Thank you ladies though. :)
  • I cannot understand how someone who works in a shelter can justify such reckless breeding practices. 

    Its one thing if it was an accident, (which is how I acquired my dog) and it is still irresponsible at best, but to purposely cross breed for profit! 

    I mean in the name of purity, what have these dogs even done to be worthy of producing offspring for money???

  • Are you telling me his friend INTENTIONALLY cross breeds? 

    I am sorry, I can't. What is the point of that? What kind of work is this dog being bred specifically to do that that kind of "breeding program" is necessary?
    Honest question: what is the point of breeding dogs in general? Whether it's a cross breed or purebred?  Shouldn't everyone get a dog from a shelter or rescue since there are so many that need homes? 

    In general, most purebred dogs are not bred to do work either; they are bred to be someone's cute pet or to be in dog shows. Sure, someone working on a farm, may need a dog to heard the animals or some dogs are guide dogs or K9 dogs, but most dogs are just cute pets for people. 



  • I cannot understand how someone who works in a shelter can justify such reckless breeding practices. 

    Its one thing if it was an accident, (which is how I acquired my dog) and it is still irresponsible at best, but to purposely cross breed for profit! 

    I mean in the name of purity, what have these dogs even done to be worthy of producing offspring for money???

    What do you mean by that? What have any other dogs done in that regard, KWIM?
    I understand you have strong feelings about this, so we'll just have to agree to disagree.
  • Are you telling me his friend INTENTIONALLY cross breeds? 

    I am sorry, I can't. What is the point of that? What kind of work is this dog being bred specifically to do that that kind of "breeding program" is necessary?
    Honest question: what is the point of breeding dogs in general? Whether it's a cross breed or purebred?  Shouldn't everyone get a dog from a shelter or rescue since there are so many that need homes? 

    In general, most purebred dogs are not bred to do work either; they are bred to be someone's cute pet or to be in dog shows. Sure, someone working on a farm, may need a dog to heard the animals or some dogs are guide dogs or K9 dogs, but most dogs are just cute pets for people. 

    I agree breeding in general is overdone, but there is a point to pure breeds. They are bred for a job, and many of those jobs are necessary today. Shepherds are needed by ranch hands, hunting dogs are still used for such. Its preservation of the breed.

    I also believe that if you can justify the need for a new breed that is needed for a job and you have properly vetted the possible health risks, that is responsible breeding.

    Breeding a chiweenie because you think chihuahua/dachshund puppies are "cute" is irresponsible and reckless. 

  • Are you telling me his friend INTENTIONALLY cross breeds? 

    I am sorry, I can't. What is the point of that? What kind of work is this dog being bred specifically to do that that kind of "breeding program" is necessary?
    Honest question: what is the point of breeding dogs in general? Whether it's a cross breed or purebred?  Shouldn't everyone get a dog from a shelter or rescue since there are so many that need homes? 

    In general, most purebred dogs are not bred to do work either; they are bred to be someone's cute pet or to be in dog shows. Sure, someone working on a farm, may need a dog to heard the animals or some dogs are guide dogs or K9 dogs, but most dogs are just cute pets for people. 

    FI was hell-bent on getting a silver or chocolate lab for hunting. Daisy has a silver lab dad, and a chocolate lab mom. They are both hunter trained. She is chocolate colored. She's been through training courses, field exercises, the whole nine.

    FI took her ass out on a bird hunt last year with his bestie and bestie's dog. D followed bestie's dog (a white lab) all around and had absolutely zero interest in finding or flushing birds. She is a water hunter, as in she finds water and goes out and parties in it.

    So FI took her out by herself. He found her rolling around in a mud puddle in the field. He flushed the birds himself. She found another puddle and wouldn't come when called to the point where FI had to yell at her to get her out and back to the truck.

    She is currently laying on the couch, staring at me. If bird hunting could be accomplished by growling and barking out the house or truck windows, she'd be the best at it. She growled at a turkey while we were driving once, scared me so bad I thought the devil was in the damn car with me.

    Know what she did when she saw turkeys in our front yard, WHILE WE WERE OUTSIDE a couple months ago? She ran up to the kitchen door, sat down, and wanted to go in.

    I know that's not the point of this argument on the thread, but some dogs just have no interest in doing what they're bred to do.

    I'm the fuck

  • beethery said:
    Are you telling me his friend INTENTIONALLY cross breeds? 

    I am sorry, I can't. What is the point of that? What kind of work is this dog being bred specifically to do that that kind of "breeding program" is necessary?
    Honest question: what is the point of breeding dogs in general? Whether it's a cross breed or purebred?  Shouldn't everyone get a dog from a shelter or rescue since there are so many that need homes? 

    In general, most purebred dogs are not bred to do work either; they are bred to be someone's cute pet or to be in dog shows. Sure, someone working on a farm, may need a dog to heard the animals or some dogs are guide dogs or K9 dogs, but most dogs are just cute pets for people. 

    FI was hell-bent on getting a silver or chocolate lab for hunting. Daisy has a silver lab dad, and a chocolate lab mom. They are both hunter trained. She is chocolate colored. She's been through training courses, field exercises, the whole nine.

    FI took her ass out on a bird hunt last year with his bestie and bestie's dog. D followed bestie's dog (a white lab) all around and had absolutely zero interest in finding or flushing birds. She is a water hunter, as in she finds water and goes out and parties in it.

    So FI took her out by herself. He found her rolling around in a mud puddle in the field. He flushed the birds himself. She found another puddle and wouldn't come when called to the point where FI had to yell at her to get her out and back to the truck.

    She is currently laying on the couch, staring at me. If bird hunting could be accomplished by growling and barking out the house or truck windows, she'd be the best at it. She growled at a turkey while we were driving once, scared me so bad I thought the devil was in the damn car with me.

    Know what she did when she saw turkeys in our front yard, WHILE WE WERE OUTSIDE a couple months ago? She ran up to the kitchen door, sat down, and wanted to go in.

    I know that's not the point of this argument on the thread, but some dogs just have no interest in doing what they're bred to do.
    Yup. Fi's Vizsla is 'for hunting'. She's whiny, prissy, scared of the car and loud noises, and hates hunting. 
  • I'm not one to place an expectation of purpose/achievement on dogs... I think that creates a dangerous precedent to just euthanize ones that don't fulfill their purpose. I just think smashing dog breeds together willy nilly because of the way they look is a pretty dangerous thing, and completely unnecessary given how many mutts are already in shelters. Obviously it happens on accident all the time - so love one of those accidents rather than perpetuating a practice that's already sent so many dogs to shelters (or worse). Just because your own particular shelter doesn't have a lot of dogs right now doesn't mean thousands of others don't.

  • larrygaga said:
    Well, congrats! I am also against dog breeding but I don't feel like shitting on your party. You know it's wrong! 
    Thank you! I'm usually very opposed butit feels like the right choice for us right now.
  • Well I certainly hope 10 years down the road, some debilitating/expensive health issue doesn't come up and several litters of dogs that were born aren't suffering because someone thought these dogs were cute and wanted to make money.

    My own personal philosophies regarding breeding aside. 
  • I'm excited for you!
  • Well I certainly hope 10 years down the road, some debilitating/expensive health issue doesn't come up and several litters of dogs that were born aren't suffering because someone thought these dogs were cute and wanted to make money.

    My own personal philosophies regarding breeding aside. 
    It's not like Sophia's breeder friend made up  this mix on her own.  


  • They've been breeding huskies and shepherds together for years. I read somewhere that they make good police dogs. I can't remember why. This isn't new and after seeing so many of Sophia's post on here I seriously doubt she would buy from a breeder that mistreats their dogs.
  • jdluvr06 said:
    They've been breeding huskies and shepherds together for years. I read somewhere that they make good police dogs. I can't remember why. This isn't new and after seeing so many of Sophia's post on here I seriously doubt she would buy from a breeder that mistreats their dogs.
    Thank you.
    I would not.
    We had a husky that died a few years ago and I think that they are the best family dogs, as are german shepards. She's a great woman, I get to raise the pup from the start, and we're paying next to nothing. I have nothing to be sorry about.
  • I once heard of a dog that was a cross between a shih tzu and a dalmation. They referred to the dog as a shitmation.

    I think this thread just needed some humor.
  • jenajjthr said:
    Most purebreeds have worse health problems than mix breeds because of the intense inbreeding it took to get that particular breed to look the way it does. You mix bad breeding and you can get any unhealthy dog - pure or mixed breed. 

     A responsible breeder, again pure or mixed breed, does whatever it takes that both parents are healthy, well taken care of, the puppies are well socialized before going to their forever homes, potential families apply for said puppy are investigated (references and vet called and verified). 

    Unfortunately there are a lot of breeders who don't want to put the time and energy into this because it is easier just to breed and sell for profit. That is why we have the shelter issue we do. I don't fault a person for wanting to buy from a responsible breeder, you KNOW what type of dog you are getting and you know there probably won't be the potential issues you get when you adopt a shelter dog. 

    I have bought from a breeder once, one who I researched thoroughly before buying from. I have to say, healthiest dog I ever had, least amount of issues compared to the shelter dogs I've had, and except for the initial up front cost of buying him, cheapest dog I've ever owned. Could it have been luck, yes. Will I do it again...maybe. 

    Work to make the laws against puppy mills harder and stricter. Work to make the conditions the dogs live under better. Write to your congressmen and women. Donate to your local no-kill shelters. 
  • I once heard of a dog that was a cross between a shih tzu and a dalmation. They referred to the dog as a shitmation. I think this thread just needed some humor.
    I have a dachshund aka weiner dog-pitbull mix. I like to call him my peiner.
  • I once heard of a dog that was a cross between a shih tzu and a dalmation. They referred to the dog as a shitmation. I think this thread just needed some humor.
    I have a dachshund aka weiner dog-pitbull mix. I like to call him my peiner.
    holyguacamole79 When I was a kid I thought shih tzu was a curse word.

    Yaaaaaas gurl. Peiner life.
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