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Reverse Happy Hour!

DH and I are attending a high-end party down town tomorrow night for charity - I'm super nervous and don't have anything cute to wear! But they also say they will be doing a reverse happy hour on food/drink specialism Google is not helping.. what does that mean??

Also if you want to send me your super cute sequin dresses or something that would be extra appreciated.

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Re: Reverse Happy Hour!

  • Dafuq? I have neever heard of that in my life.

    But YASSS to the sequins. I need more sequins in my life.
  • mrsdee15mrsdee15 member
    500 Love Its 100 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited December 2014
    Places here have reverse happy hour and it's basically a late-night version of happy hour.  Sometimes there are different specials than those earlier in the day.  

    ETA: Late-night usually means starting at about 8-10 pm.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • mrsdee15 said:

    Places here have reverse happy hour and it's basically a late-night version of happy hour.  Sometimes there are different specials than those earlier in the day.  

    ETA: Late-night usually means starting at about 8-10 pm.
    O.o well cool... But it's basically just drink specials at this hotel/bar/restaurant whatever it is.. So like normal happy hour..

    Haha thanks for explaining! At least I can go in assuming special prices and not.. Idk what.

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  • mrsdee15 said:
    Places here have reverse happy hour and it's basically a late-night version of happy hour.  Sometimes there are different specials than those earlier in the day.  

    ETA: Late-night usually means starting at about 8-10 pm.
    Huh. Well than that's just a stupid name, hahaha. 

    Like, the "reverse" implies that it is not at all happy, and probably has no dranks.
  • Da fuq? Do you pay more than menu price and it makes you sad for an hour? That's a terrible name.

    I have a super cute sequin skirt that looks like a Fabergé egg but my ass is about 16 sizes bigger than yours. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

  • Da fuq? Do you pay more than menu price and it makes you sad for an hour? That's a terrible name.

    I have a super cute sequin skirt that looks like a Fabergé egg but my ass is about 16 sizes bigger than yours. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    You can send it overnight from Detroit to Dallas right? It probably won't be too big goofball. But I got my safety pins ready if needed.

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  • Da fuq? Do you pay more than menu price and it makes you sad for an hour? That's a terrible name.

    I have a super cute sequin skirt that looks like a Fabergé egg but my ass is about 16 sizes bigger than yours. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    You can send it overnight from Detroit to Dallas right? It probably won't be too big goofball. But I got my safety pins ready if needed.
    No bish I'm bringing it to you. It's cold here.

  • Yeah the name kind of doesn't make sense.  Some places have the same specials as usual happy hour, but others have things at a slightly higher price.

    Example:  A steakhouse down here has 5 for $6 til 7.  So it's 5 food items and 5 drinks for $6 each from 5-7pm.  Then right after that they have 7 for $8 til 9.  It's like 7 food items and a few drinks for $8 each from 8-9pm.   So yes, what they don't mention is, if you're there that whole time you are partaking in sad hour from 7-8pm.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Da fuq? Do you pay more than menu price and it makes you sad for an hour? That's a terrible name. I have a super cute sequin skirt that looks like a Fabergé egg but my ass is about 16 sizes bigger than yours. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    I bought this skirt when I worked at Banana Republic (so at least 4-5 years ago) and it has NEVER fit my fat ass. It was one of those "I'll just lose a few lbs, and then it will fit!" purchases because it was the only one left, and it was cheap as hell on clearance. Guess who never lost those few lbs? It still has tags on it!

  • Da fuq? Do you pay more than menu price and it makes you sad for an hour? That's a terrible name.

    I have a super cute sequin skirt that looks like a Fabergé egg but my ass is about 16 sizes bigger than yours. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    You can send it overnight from Detroit to Dallas right? It probably won't be too big goofball. But I got my safety pins ready if needed.
    No bish I'm bringing it to you. It's cold here.
    Its fucking cold here too to be in a skirt and heels though :( but come on down! You can come to the party too. DJ and drink specials and sushi and drinks and expensive food and AlCOHOL.

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  • Da fuq? Do you pay more than menu price and it makes you sad for an hour? That's a terrible name.

    I have a super cute sequin skirt that looks like a Fabergé egg but my ass is about 16 sizes bigger than yours. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


    I bought this skirt when I worked at Banana Republic (so at least 4-5 years ago) and it has NEVER fit my fat ass. It was one of those "I'll just lose a few lbs, and then it will fit!" purchases because it was the only one left, and it was cheap as hell on clearance. Guess who never lost those few lbs? It still has tags on it!


    Haii I like Banana Republic. Love their sequin skirts.

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  • Da fuq? Do you pay more than menu price and it makes you sad for an hour? That's a terrible name.

    I have a super cute sequin skirt that looks like a Fabergé egg but my ass is about 16 sizes bigger than yours. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


    I bought this skirt when I worked at Banana Republic (so at least 4-5 years ago) and it has NEVER fit my fat ass. It was one of those "I'll just lose a few lbs, and then it will fit!" purchases because it was the only one left, and it was cheap as hell on clearance. Guess who never lost those few lbs? It still has tags on it!


    This is covered in clear sequins. I actually bought it a size too big... Had tried it on in a medium but there was a snag so I grabbed a new one, but accidentally grabbed a large. Good news is it still fits as I've gained weight.

  • Sugargirl1019Sugargirl1019 member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 500 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2014
    mrsdee15 said:

    Yeah the name kind of doesn't make sense.  Some places have the same specials as usual happy hour, but others have things at a slightly higher price.

    Example:  A steakhouse down here has 5 for $6 til 7.  So it's 5 food items and 5 drinks for $6 each from 5-7pm.  Then right after that they have 7 for $8 til 9.  It's like 7 food items and a few drinks for $8 each from 8-9pm.   So yes, what they don't mention is, if you're there that whole time you are partaking in sad hour from 7-8pm.
    I would totally pay $6 for 5 drinks and 5 foods! Id also try to eat and drink it allllll..... I wonder if we'll get that lucky to have deals like that!

    Edit: I just read $6 EACH. Oh. Not so fun.

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  • Da fuq? Do you pay more than menu price and it makes you sad for an hour? That's a terrible name. I have a super cute sequin skirt that looks like a Fabergé egg but my ass is about 16 sizes bigger than yours. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    I bought this skirt when I worked at Banana Republic (so at least 4-5 years ago) and it has NEVER fit my fat ass. It was one of those "I'll just lose a few lbs, and then it will fit!" purchases because it was the only one left, and it was cheap as hell on clearance. Guess who never lost those few lbs? It still has tags on it!

    This is covered in clear sequins. I actually bought it a size too big... Had tried it on in a medium but there was a snag so I grabbed a new one, but accidentally grabbed a large. Good news is it still fits as I've gained weight.
    I totally see the faberge egg-ness. I love it!
  • Yeah the name kind of doesn't make sense.  Some places have the same specials as usual happy hour, but others have things at a slightly higher price.

    Example:  A steakhouse down here has 5 for $6 til 7.  So it's 5 food items and 5 drinks for $6 each from 5-7pm.  Then right after that they have 7 for $8 til 9.  It's like 7 food items and a few drinks for $8 each from 8-9pm.   So yes, what they don't mention is, if you're there that whole time you are partaking in sad hour from 7-8pm.
    I would totally pay $6 for 5 drinks and 5 foods! Id also try to eat and drink it allllll..... I wonder if we'll get that lucky to have deals like that!
    They have some pretty rad stuff - baked brie, manhattans, martinis, shrimp, and other good stuff.  For the reverse happy hour part deux, they do lobster lettuce wraps and empanadas and champagne drinks and wine.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I'm be down to Texas with my trunk full of aging-showgirl-esque glittery cocktail dresses on the next flight. I have like ten. My favourite colour is sequins.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Y'all are teasing me, getting me excited for a Knottie party together night on the town, but you aren't really coming!!!

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  • Yup I've heard of that term just to descirbe happy hour starting at 8 instead of at 4.

    But did you all know that happy hour on drinks is ILLEGAL here in Massachusetts. That's right- no one is ever allowed to sell discounted alcohol. So instead they do food discounts. Way to be a fun-sucker, MA.

    Speaking of sequins....when I was 23 and we went all out in Vegas, I wore fishnets with sequin booty shorts. It was fucking awesome. I just dragged myself to throw them out a few months ago...even though I haven't worn them since that night 7 years ago. haha



  • @jenna8984‌, I have sequin shorts too, haha. I wore them with a tank top and blazer for a "Suit Up or Slut Up" NYE party years ago (figuring that way i was doing both...) but I've worn them to the bar a couple times during Pride too.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Y'all are teasing me, getting me excited for a Knottie party together night on the town, but you aren't really coming!!!
    That's what you think

  • jenna8984 said:

    Yup I've heard of that term just to descirbe happy hour starting at 8 instead of at 4.

    But did you all know that happy hour on drinks is ILLEGAL here in Massachusetts. That's right- no one is ever allowed to sell discounted alcohol. So instead they do food discounts. Way to be a fun-sucker, MA.

    Is that not the freaking worst?

    I live in the tippy top northern corner of TN and work in VA. Virginia is the same way. I forget all the time that the Chili's next to work isn't 2 for 1 and get depressed because 20 minutes down the road you can have all the 2 for 1's you want. 
  • I've never heard of a reverse happy hour.  I've heard of happy hours at times late at night.  Like a place in St Thomas had $2 jagers from 3-5 pm and then again from 10-12 pm.    But never heard it called a reverse happy hour.

    and I hate drinking in MA.  Their laws are strange compared to other places I've been.   

    Plus a few bars in Boston refused me entrance into a bar because my ID was from the US Virgin Islands.  This was a true valid driver's license.  Now had I been 21 I may have understood the need to monitor underage drinker using fake ids.   But I was 3 months from turning 40.   If there was a raid I doubt I would have even been questioned on my age.

    Totally BS.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • @lyndausvi YUP! Many students at my college would get turned away from the bars with their passports or out of state license. Like WTF? Those were just bar rules and not state rules but it was so dumb. Grocery stores cannot sell hard alcohol here, only beer & wine. And places like CVS cannot sell any alcohol, even beer. You have to get it at a liquor store, which have strict laws on times they can be open. Like they all close at 11pm, and Sunday they can't open until noon. Even beer at the grocery store cannot be sold on a Sunday until noon- it is locked behind a gate until noon. It's seriously so stupid.



  • jenna8984 said:
    @lyndausvi YUP! Many students at my college would get turned away from the bars with their passports or out of state license. Like WTF? Those were just bar rules and not state rules but it was so dumb. Grocery stores cannot sell hard alcohol here, only beer & wine. And places like CVS cannot sell any alcohol, even beer. You have to get it at a liquor store, which have strict laws on times they can be open. Like they all close at 11pm, and Sunday they can't open until noon. Even beer at the grocery store cannot be sold on a Sunday until noon- it is locked behind a gate until noon. It's seriously so stupid.
    That's similar to here.  Georgia recently softened the booze laws, and most jurisdictions voted to allow Sunday alcohol sales at stores (it was already allowed in restaurants, but you had to be a "restaurant" not a "bar" which depended on your food sale percentages.)  The times of sale vary by city.  I know in college we would go to Kroger at midnight Sun/Mon because they started selling booze again as soon as Monday was over.

    We also don't have happy hour special.  You can discount alcohol, but it has to be all day.

  • @lurkergirl I loved when I lived in Arizona. Like NH is supposed to be land of the free, but fuck, they do whatever the hell they want in AZ. Booze, guns, cars with no mufflers. Now that's freedom!



  • I lived in the islands for years.    The only alcohol restriction  was no alcohol can be purchased between 9am and 3pm on Good Friday.

    That is it.  Drinking age is 18 and you can by alcohol pretty much 24 hours a day, 7 days a week  except for those hours on Good Friday.  

    Now most bars had a 2pm shut down license.  There were a few that went until 4am.  The only 24 hour place was a gas station, which did sell booze all the time.   Some businesses opened up as early at 5:30-6am and you could buy alcohol there if it was sold.

    Then I moved to NOLA.  Pretty much the same rules, except the Good Friday one.  Well drinking age was 21, but if you were with your parents you could drink underage.  The parent had to order the drink, the server had to give it to the parent and then the parent had to give it to their kid.

    THEN I moved to Indy.  No store could sell liquor on Sundays. Only bars and restaurants.   WTF?    
    Good news the just repealed that law in the last week or so.  Not sure if it has started or starts in the beginning of the year.  We have moved to CO so it doesn't effect me.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • lyndausvi said:
    Then I moved to NOLA.  Pretty much the same rules, except the Good Friday one.  Well drinking age was 21, but if you were with your parents you could drink underage.  The parent had to order the drink, the server had to give it to the parent and then the parent had to give it to their kid.

    THIS is what I grew up with. Born & raised on the Northshore of NOLA.

    I miss the days of Walmart booze now that I am away from home. Walmart trips are not nearly as fun or convenient without the promise of cheap booze. 
  • jenna8984 said:
    @lyndausvi YUP! Many students at my college would get turned away from the bars with their passports or out of state license. Like WTF? Those were just bar rules and not state rules but it was so dumb. Grocery stores cannot sell hard alcohol here, only beer & wine. And places like CVS cannot sell any alcohol, even beer. You have to get it at a liquor store, which have strict laws on times they can be open. Like they all close at 11pm, and Sunday they can't open until noon. Even beer at the grocery store cannot be sold on a Sunday until noon- it is locked behind a gate until noon. It's seriously so stupid.

    Did you hear? Liquor stores will now be able to sell alcohol on Sundays starting at 10:00 am.


  • @arrippa ooooh I did not hear that! Still not early enough because we grocery shop at 7am on Sundays and would like to get it all at once while we are out, but whatever, baby steps!



  • When I first moved to MA, they didn't even sell alcohol on Sundays. So they are definitely moving in the right direction. 
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