Wedding Etiquette Forum

Rehearsal dinner booze

I did a couple of searches and came up empty, so I'm hoping someone can give me some insight on booze for our rehearsal dinner.

Our rehearsal dinner is in a restaurant's party room, which has a private bar. The restaurant itself also has a separate bar in the public area of the restaurant (about 20 feet from the party room).

I know that (at the wedding reception, at least) it's rude to have alcohol available that your guests have to purchase themselves. The problem is, we don't want a completely open bar, and if we do a limited bar (beer) or non-alcoholic bar, there WILL be alcohol there that our guests can purchase (at the full bar outside the party room). Does this mean we're bound to have an open bar or else look tacky/cheap?

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Re: Rehearsal dinner booze

  • edited December 2014

    No, you're not obligated to have an open bar just because there is a bar on the premises. You should host whatever you can afford to host. Make up little bar menus so the guests will know what you're hosting 'Please enjoy the following beverages courtesy of Host Name' and list the drinks. Ask the banquet room manager if it's possible to close the bar in the private room. If not, you should post your menu, prominently, so no guest is surprised by being charged for an off menu drink.

    Guests are obligate to graciously accept whatever the host offers. If they choose to go the bar for a special drink, they, not you, are committing the faux pas.

    Please consider choosing a new screen name so we can get to know you. The knottie numbers names are so anonymous.

  • Perfect. Thank you so much for your suggestions! This is extremely helpful.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • Wecome @charcoalandblush . Thank you for choosing a screen name :)
  • Ditto PP. We too had our rehearsal dinner at a local restaurant, one that's known for its immense beer selection. We picked a list of beers we would host and the restaurant printed up menus with those beers listed. We did have two guests (out of 30) that went to the regular bar to order something else, but that was their call.
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