North Carolina-Outer Banks

Has anyone used Keeler and Denson photography?

Our wedding is May 1, 2015 in Corolla. We had decided not to get a photographer and just hope that friends/family get good photos to share with us, but we are now considering hiring a photographer. Has anyone used these guys? Thanks!
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Re: Has anyone used Keeler and Denson photography?

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    I've never heard of them. They may be new to the OBX area based on their website. We had Matt Lusk for our wedding.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    I am not familiar with them either. I definitely recommend getting a photographer, and as soon as you can. You only get one day to capture these moments for a lifetime, and a professional photographer can and will be able to get shots that others may miss. All photogs will offer different packages based on what you want. It can be as simple as 2 hours or all day if you preferred. They have many options to look at. We used Outer Banks Productions btw.


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