I have 4 bridesmaids, two of whom are my Matron and Maid of Honor. My 4th bridesmaid is being very tacky about my wedding and various events. She has not come to any events so far and always has a petty excuse. Most recently my MOHs were trying to plan my bridal shower. They were tentatively saying May 30th. The 4th bridesmaid says she can't come because her and her husband always go to Ruidoso the last weekend in May. In the 3 years I've known her, this has never happened. Next, we're planning on an out of town Bachelorette party for June. This same bridesmaid says she's never made it to an out of town bachelorette party, not even her sister's. If money were an issue I would understand, but this friend is very well off and that is not the case. As if that isn't enough, she told my MOH that her husband isn't going to come to my wedding because he would be bored. I am very hurt and upset by all this and unsure of what to do or how to handle it!