Snarky Brides

So much no...

It's Monday and I already have to vent. I don't have anyone else to share this with and I know the ladies here will get a good kick out of it. Be ready for a long post. 

Alright, my cousin is getting married 2 months after me and is having a destination wedding. No big deal there. I had originally planned on attending, but with finishing my last semester of graduate school, saving for us and to move (he got into a doctoral program out of state), and paying for the wedding ourselves, there is no way I am going to be able to afford that. We spoke about this a while ago and there are no hard feelings. She's been there and understands. 

Fast forward a couple months. She texts me asking if I had ever heard of Honeymoon wedding registries. I tell her that I have, but that FI and I aren't doing one (leaving out that it's because I hate them). She responds with this. I swear I can't make this up. "Oh I was just thinking that if you guys set up a honeymoon fund then you would be able to come to the wedding and use the vacation as your honeymoon. Some of the other family is staying for the week too!"

Ummm, what? The level of confusion I have right now is at an all time high. You want me to ask MY wedding guests to pay for my FI and I to come to YOUR wedding?? 

b) Should our guests want to get us something, that is awesome, but I am in no way asking them to pay for my trip to your wedding. 
c) I am not planning our honeymoon around YOUR big day, especially when we were planning on taking our HM 2 wks after the wedding, not 2 months!
d) was our family staying there supposed to be a selling point??? Because it definitely did the exact opposite. I am going on a HM to get AWAY from everyone and spend quality alone time with my new husband before our lives get insanely hectic again. 

Fast forward yet again to now. Turns out, they are already married!! They went to the courthouse and had only the parents and her grandparents present. She is denying this to everyone on facebook that asks, and trust me, they're asking. People notice in pictures that she is wearing a wedding band along with her e-ring. People saw pictures from the courthouse from her family. Some of us even know 100% for sure because she did tell the immediate family, just not extended family and friends. Still, she denies being married. Now I'm not caught up on all the lingo her, but I know a PPD when I see it!!  

UGHHH!! Seriously. What the actual f*#& ??
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Re: So much no...

  • A destination PPD! Yikes!
  • esstee33esstee33 member
    Ninth Anniversary 1000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited July 2015
    Oh, gross. Then again, I can't say I'm surprised that someone who would have a PPD and lie about it, even after being caught, would be into honeymoon registries also. 
  • Oh Lord.

    I love that she thinks your HM should revolve around their giant reenactment, and that this would be a great idea, and that you should beg for money so it can happen.

  • Wow. It's pretty ballsy to tell a guest that they should crowd fund in order to attend their destination PPD.

  • Ughhhh this drives me crazy. A similar thing happened to me. A friend is having a destination PPD and I didn't realize she was already married until I had already booked $1500 worth of flights and hotel rooms. She even had a "shower" after she was already married/before said PPD.

    At least she didn't suggest a honeymoon registry for DF and I to fund it.

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  • Nooo. I'm sure her heart was in the right place, but.. No.


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  • hellohkb said:
    Nooo. I'm sure her heart was in the right place, but.. No.

    I like to think so. I tried to look at it from the stand point of "I REALLY want you at the wedding so here's an idea" but I can't get over how wrong it was to go about it that way.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • hellohkb said:
    Nooo. I'm sure her heart was in the right place, but.. No.

    This gif is fucking killing me and really the only correct response to the horseshit this lady is trying to perpetrate.

    I'm the fuck

  • As to the photos of the wedding band and the courthouse.... Lady, the jig is up.

    Yeah I totally wanted to spend my honeymoon with FAMILY.  

  • She can deny all she wants. Not only is she wearing a wedding band and busted with courthouse wedding photos, but the local paper prints recent marriages performed at the courthouse. They're under "Vital Statistics" or something similar. That's how I found out my ex-friend had a PPD.
  • My parents just attended a destination PPD in Mexico.  My mom was LIVID when she came home.  She couldn't believe she spent over $1,000 and went through customs to watch a reinactment - especially because they had a full ceremony with family and close friends in thier parents backyard before they left.  She had already worn the dress,  They had already eaten cake.  All of it had already happened.
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