Knottie Tech Help

Website Security

@KnotRiley I guess this website isn't secure like https or something, and I think Google won't allow Chrome and some other browsers to go to websites that aren't secure as of the end of this year.  Not to mention the fact that if people wanted they could get every single user's information that they have on here, so, is TK/XO Group looking into that at all or?  

Re: Website Security

  • Hey @Doeydo,

    To start, I want to let you know that we take data security very seriously, and we are definitely converting the site to https in the coming months. I'll be able to speak more on this to the whole community in the coming weeks, so please look out for another post from me about it. 

    As for your question about Chrome, tech has confirmed (with a very reputable source working on Chrome at Google), that Chrome will still be allowing access to non-https sites, but eventually the browser will show an "insecure" icon in the address bar for any non-https sites. However, there is no timeline for this yet.

    Hope this helps to answer your questions!
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