So, I feel like a bit of a chicken here. We are wrapping up getting together our invites and planning to send out next week. One of my little sisters is studying abroad in Europe right now. I have her address, but I realized when I went to address her envelope that I wasn't sure if she had a boyfriend anymore. As background, she did have a boyfriend over the holidays when I last saw her. However, I noticed on fb that she and the boy are at least not public (no dramatic "so and so is now single" thing, just not a public status anymore). She is that age where the fb status is pretty much everything. If they have broken up it's very recent, like, within the past week to ten days. And it isn't exactly a surprise since she's 20 years old and they are super super long distance.
I have texted and emailed with her since the relationship status disappeared and she hasn't said anything. But, she is 12 years my junior, so while we have a good relationship she is not the sister who whispers secrets in my ears, I'm a little more like an authority figure who's funner than her parents to hang out with, if that makes any sense. If we saw each other in person, I think she'd mention the break-up, but I hate to reach out for the specific purpose of saying, hey, did you and Joe break-up? Because wedding invites. That seems kind of rough to inflict on a young girl going through a break-up, I know she really liked the guy a lot and told us she was very serious about him.
I considered "Hey, sis, do you want me to include anyone on your invitation?" or "Is there anyone you would want to bring to the wedding"? Or, just being really chicken and putting "and Guest" on her invite.
Thoughts? Suggestions on how to broach?
Re: Would you ask, and if so, wording?
I mean, if it was my sister I would just ask out of curiosity/care more than because I'm getting married. Not knowing the general status of my sisters' relationships would be weird for me.
You know your sister best, though, so I don't think we can help you if you're afraid to ask.
Viola. You get your answer, and help your little sis through a potential rough patch all in one. It's not about the guest list. It's about your sister being far away from most of her friends & family and possibly dealing with a sad breakup.
If they're together, there's your answer. If they've split, ask her if she's met anyone new that she'd like to bring.