Not Engaged Yet

I'm a planner, so....

Just kidding!!  New to the board, and figured I'd throw out a post to stir things up a bit and say hi! ;)

I have my flame retardant suit locked and loaded, and ready to enjoy the ride!

I did do the "Getting to know you" post, but not sure that anyone even reads it so... hi everyone!

Not engaged yet, but discussing, and no not planning.  Don't have a pinterest board covered with lace, tiny daisies, babies' breath, and monstrous bridesmaid gowns, guaranteed to make all my girlfriends block my number and stop answering the door when I come to visit.  I tend to be sarcastic, a little too blunt, and enjoy the same in others so hopefully I fit right in!

Glad to be here, so hopefully we can all hold hands and sing Kum Ba Yah together!

Re: I'm a planner, so....

  • I had my gif-search locked & loaded!! You tricky trickster!

    Guilty pleasures? TV, music, food. GO.


    Area of residence?

    Favorite Chris - Pratt, Evans, Hemsworth.


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • Nicely played and welcome!

    What's your favorite dessert and your favorite Pinterest disaster?
  • Welcome! I'll grab my guitar and we can start that song circle asap !
  • image

    How long have you and your significant other been together?

    Bake, cook, or eat?

    Pet peeve?
  • Heeeeeeeey and welcome!!!
  • I dunno, man. I don't like Kum Ba Yah.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • Welcome!

    Are you going to do post and run or answer our questions?

    Favorite boob?

    Wine/beer/liquor/all of the above?

  • Well played. Welcome!
    image Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • That was the best intro I've seen in a long time.  Welcome!
  • Answer time:

    Guilty pleasures? All things sweet (my sweet tooth has a sweet tooth), laying in bed ALL day long about once a month when my kiddos are with their dad, and while I hang my head in shame to admit this I absolutely adore the show My Fair Wedding

    There is no shame in My Fair Wedding, David Tutera is a genius.  I love his unveiled series where he talks about how crazy the people really are haha
  • Hello! What is one song you never get tired of? 

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Song I never get tired of... Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran.  In love with it!

    Also Uptown Funk, but before the groaning and snickering starts, let me explain!!!!!!
    My kids heard it on the radio ONE time and went bananas!  They LOVE it and both bust out in crazy insane dancing every single time they hear it and it never fails to make me smile.

    Had a bad? Put it on and watch them go wild. Instant mood lift.
    Angry, sad, irritated, frustrated?  See above!
  • How old are your kids? Boys or girls? What's your favorite & least favorite thing about being a mom?


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • I have an 8 year old boy, and a 6 year old girl.  By far my favorite thing about being a mom is watching them grow and change.  It amazes me everyday how different they are from each other.  Their laughs are just about the single best thing in the entire world.

    Least favorite thing hands down is MINECRAFT!  They are both obsessed as they get to play at their dad's house.  If you have children or have been around children that enjoy Minecraft you will understand.  The play by play is mind numbing.

    Regardless of whether you have experienced Minecraft in all its glory you must look at this "What it's like to listen to your kid talk about Minecraft" buzzfeed.  This is my Sunday when they return from their dad's.  Every.  Single.  Sunday.
  • How old are your kids? Boys or girls? What's your favorite & least favorite thing about being a mom?

    Also, I totally hard rolled the shit out of my eyes about half way around. You saved yourself Sneaky New Girl. 
    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

  • This.

    Also, I totally hard rolled the shit out of my eyes about half way around. You saved yourself Sneaky New Girl. 
    Bwwwwahahahahah... Sneaky New Girl!

    Love it!

    See above for answers!
  • My step-niece LOOOOVES Minecraft. We got her some Minecraft LEGOs for Christmas, and my mom was confused about the Minecraft aspect. So my niece got excited and showed my mom the game, and my poor mom was just trying so very hard to pay attention.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • I wasn't around yesterday so I'm late to the party but that was an AWESOME intro post! Welcome! 

    What are you feelings on guac?
    What's the last book you read?
    Favorite flavor of ice cream?

  • But but but.... I like minecraft and I am somewhat/sometimes considered an adult.

    Favorite Movie?

    Do you have any favorite NEY posters yet?

  • I have an 8 year old boy, and a 6 year old girl.  By far my favorite thing about being a mom is watching them grow and change.  It amazes me everyday how different they are from each other.  Their laughs are just about the single best thing in the entire world.

    Least favorite thing hands down is MINECRAFT!  They are both obsessed as they get to play at their dad's house.  If you have children or have been around children that enjoy Minecraft you will understand.  The play by play is mind numbing.

    Regardless of whether you have experienced Minecraft in all its glory you must look at this "What it's like to listen to your kid talk about Minecraft" buzzfeed.  This is my Sunday when they return from their dad's.  Every.  Single.  Sunday.

    LOL I have a 12 yr old boy and 1 yr old boy and I actually don't mind the Minecraft. I even tried playing with older son a few weeks ago. Hilarity ensued. I didn't understand his PS controllers, and was running around in circles. I think I killed myself a few times. It was fun! 
    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

  • I like you. Hope you stay & play with us!!

    Favorite & least favorite posters?


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • Swazzle said:

    I wasn't around yesterday so I'm late to the party but that was an AWESOME intro post! Welcome! 

    What are you feelings on guac? LOVE IT!  I could eat it by itself LOL! But it has to be the kind made with fresh tomatoes, fresh onions and peppers and spices.  I don't care for the kind made with just salsa. 
    What's the last book you read? Technically the last book I read was Creepy Carrots!
    Favorite flavor of ice cream?  Hmmm, this is very difficult.  See comments about sweet tooth. If I could only choose one I would have to go with Butter Pecan!

  • @nowittyusername - My guac is pretty famous around these parts (I make it with avocados, salt, lime juice, tomatoes, garlic, onions, and cilantro). I love butter pecan ice cream and I haven't had it in such a long time!

  • Answer time:

    Guilty pleasures? All things sweet (my sweet tooth has a sweet tooth), laying in bed ALL day long about once a month when my kiddos are with their dad, and while I hang my head in shame to admit this I absolutely adore the show My Fair Wedding

    Pets? None

    Area of residence? Colorado

    Favorite Chris - Pratt, Evans, Hemsworth. Must I choose, that's just MEAN!!!

    What's your favorite dessert and your favorite Pinterest disaster?  See above (I haven't met a dessert I didn't have a love affair with).  Don't get me started on Pinterest, but I love the pinwheel cookie disasters!  They always look so perfect on the board, and then real people bake them and it looks like a Skittles Fairy barfed on a cookie sheet.

    How long have you and your significant other been together? 5 years

    Bake, cook, or eat?  Hate to cook, must be in the mood to bake, but I have children so I get no choice on either.  Eating? Now that I am good at!

    Pet peeve?  Oh so many, so little time!  Today it's the sound of people kissing on television.  It's so wrong!

    Sneaky! You must have lurked to know how this board would react to that thread title. Nicely done! 
    ^^^ Ahhh, yes!  I did read the READ THIS post!

    If money and time were no objects, where would you most like to go on vacation?  I've always wanted to visit Negril, Jamaica, but never had the opportunity.  However, I love to travel so I'd probably jump a plane for just about any trip aside from say Cleveland, or Buffalo New York.

    I dunno, man. I don't like Kum Ba Yah.<---- I feel like this is sacrilege!!!!!

    Are you going to do post and run or answer our questions?  I wouldn't DARE to post and run!!!!

    Favorite boob?  Gunna go with the right, it somehow feels perkier and more happy than the left. The left really needs to up its' game.

    Wine/beer/liquor/all of the above?  Beer or vodka grapefruit.  Not a big wine fan, however am going to Napa for Memorial Day, so I guess I shall fake it till I make it so to speak!

    Like you ladies already!!
    Well, I did like you up until the underlined part...

    JK, Welcome to the board! 

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @lennonkdc - It's ok, more B Spot burgers, Malley's Chocolates and Great Lakes beer for us :-)

  • @lennonkdc - It's ok, more B Spot burgers, Malley's Chocolates and Great Lakes beer for us :-)

    LOL, I would do Cleveland in the summer.  However I feel that going from cold to colder doesn't sound remotely appealing!!

    I did see an article over the weekend tho that put a whole slew of new places on my must see list!!  Oh if only money grew on trees!
  • Swazzle said:

    @nowittyusername - My guac is pretty famous around these parts (I make it with avocados, salt, lime juice, tomatoes, garlic, onions, and cilantro). I love butter pecan ice cream and I haven't had it in such a long time!

    This sounds amazing!!! So you're stopping by when exactly?  I make a mean margarita!
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