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Moody Monday

Monday already? 

I'm tired and sick and I want to be in bed with my babies. I slept really badly last night :( 

My weekend was really great aside from being sick the entire time @audrewuh was visiting. We had a blast together and I missed her so much. On Thursday, we went to dinner with @hummingbird125 and then out for drinks after at a bar I hadn't been to yet. I still don't know how @hummingbird125 got up and went to work the next day.  

On Friday, we were lazy bums. I woke up feeling awful and luckily @audrewuh was understanding so we lounged and watched movies all day. We went to the Devils game that night and the Devils lost to the Bruins (sigh) and then to the bar afterwards where we FT'ed with @beanbot2002

Saturday, @audrewuh was supposed to leave but her flight was cancelled due to the weather (and I internally celebrated because I got a whole other day with her!). We had another mostly lazy day again due to me feeling terrible. When my H got home from work, we drove around a bit and went to a nice dinner then back to my house. When we got home, we watched Jaws 2 and 3 and drank every time we saw a shark or heard the word 'shark'. Needless to say, we went through quite a bit of booze. 

Yesterday, I sadly dropped her off at the train so she could begin her 12 hour trip home (literally, I dropped her off at 10am and she landed exactly 12 hours later, poor thing!). H took me to urgent care and I got antibiotics for my sinus infection and then dozed in and out on the couch for the rest of the day. We had a SOA marathon last night and only have 6 episodes left! I'm so nervous about how it's going to end. I didn't expect to stay up as late as I did and I missed TWD which I'm about to put on now! 


Re: Moody Monday

  • Aww, I hope you start feeling better soon, Swazzle! I had a pretty good weekend. On Saturday, me and DH met up with @tuarceatha and Mr. Tuarceatha at a local brewery. We did a little tasting, then went and had Cold Stone ice cream. It was DELISH. 

    On Sunday, we had snow and freezing rain, so that derailed my plan to go shopping. I went to Kohl's before the road got too bad, and did some online shopping (thank goodness for Zappos and overnight delivery!). I'll have four dresses to choose from tomorrow night. One of them better work!!

    Today I'm going into work late because it's crazy icy outside. I heard a guy trying for 40 minutes to get out of a parking space outside our house. It was nutty!
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    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • @Swazzle hope your sinus infection is on the mend and you're doing better. 

    Friday - I don't remember what we did.  Probably sat home and watched TV.  I know I chatted a bit with H about maybe switching roles in my department to try something new.

    Saturday - We went over to H's parents to drop a few things off.  While we were over there H's mom asked for help with her tablet, turns out their wi-fi went out while it was trying to update it, so we ended up taking it back home to fix the tablet.  H got mad because his parents are ALWAYS having problems with their wi-fi, so we went and got them a new router with a much much stronger signal hoping it would work (usually you can get a signal in like 2 rooms and that's it).  We went over to their house, hooked everything up for them, and it's all working.

    Sunday - Just stayed home and relaxed.  I got caught up on PLL -- the one artist guy mentioned something about a bank teller in Parma, Ohio which made me laugh a little because that's just a stone throws away from me.  I also finally made my pumpkin cookies (they are yummy) and we had to shovel more snow (boo).

    Today - I have to leave work early; Loki has an appointment with an allergist.  I'm nervous about it because to anybody that is not me - he's not the nicest dog in the world.

  • @cu97tiger - Can we see the dresses you ordered :) ??  Hope one of them works and that your weather improves.

  • @cu97tiger, @dignity100 - Thanks! 

    @cu97tiger - Everything here is a sheet of ice too! After it snowed for hours, we had freezing rain for a while so everything is just covered in it. We're supposed to be getting more nonsense falling from the sky over the next 3 days too. I can't take it anymore!

  • @dignity100 - SURE! 

    I bought this one at Kohl's - LINK
    I bought these at Zappos - LINK and LINK
    The last dress is one I already own. I can't find a good picture of me wearing it, boo.

    I'm hoping I can get away with nude wedges for all of those dresses... otherwise, I don't know what I'll do!
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    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • Hey People!!

    I had a really nice weekend. Friday after work I skipped the gym and went straight home because it was FRIDAY, and because I was still hungover from my night with @Swazzle and @Audrewuh. FI and I went out for dinner, and we got coconut shrimp and fish tacos and truffle fries and SO MANY GOOD THINGS. Then we went home and snuggled on the couch while watching TV. 

    Saturday we had a lazy morning, and then met up with a friend of mine and her BF at Captain Lawrence Brewery. It's only 20 minutes from us but we had never been there before. We had a lot of fun and best of all - realized that they allow dogs! So, it will definitely be a regular spot for us (and the pup) this summer. We always have so much fun with this other couple, but sadly, they're moving out of state, so this was probably the last time we'll all hang out for a while. They're moving to Asheville, NC and I really want to go visit them this summer and see if we like it down there, FI's sister's family lives in NC and his parents are considering moving there. My parents have also talked about moving down there, might be someplace for us to end up. 

    Sunday morning we drove out to LI to visit our venue with our day-of coordinator. We laid out tables where we'll want them to go, and even put down some of the tablecloths and napkins I bought. I LOVE how everything looks so far. The coordinator and I discussed some details, and she had a few great ideas for how to string up the lights and tulle we bought for the ceiling of the reception room. It's going to be a lot of work to pull off the look we want, but I think it will be well worth it.

    Unfortunately, ANOTHER snowstorm rolled in, so we had to head home as soon as we were done with the site visit, to avoid getting stuck on Long Island. It took us more than 3 times as long to get home as it should have, and I was miserably hungry. We picked up Chinese food on the way, and I ended up eating most of mine and half of FI's :-)

    Overall, it was a productive, wonderful weekend and I am NOT HAPPY that it is Monday already.
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  • @hummingbird125 - I miss you already! 

  • @Swazzle - Good thing I always leave things at your house to remember me by!
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  • @cu97tiger - I love those dresses! You're going to look HOT.
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  • @cu97tiger - Pretty!  I love the colors on the one from Kohl's and the shape of the second one from Zappos.  One shoulder = basically  the most flattering silhouette ever, IMO.

    Morning everybody!  I am definitely not please that it's Monday.

    My weekend was quiet.  I was supposed to go see Mr. H off on his deployment on Thursday night, but they ended up pushing it back a month, so that didn't happen.  He's still out-of-state with spending time with his kids, but he's going to come back here and spend Spring Break with me.  

    Friday it started snowing right about the time I would usually leave to go to's 60 mile drive on a teeny-tiny two-lane highway, and I decided not to risk it, because Monday when the same thing had happened it took me twice as long as normal to get home and I nearly got run off the road three times.  So I asked my TAs to show the movie we were planning on watching in class and I stayed home in my warm snuggly bed.

    Saturday it kept snowing, so I stayed in and cleaned the house and only left when I had to go throw a quick pizza party together for my brother and his fiancee!  They didn't let the weather stop them, and he proposed on Saturday.  I'm so happy for them...I love his FI, and she was so excited.  They're little babies (20, which makes them very little babies in my book), but I actually think they know what they're doing.  She especially has a great head on her shoulders. The date's set for December 2015, so they're not wasting any time!

    Sunday morning the roads were still pretty bad because we got a glaze of ice on top of all the snow, so I slept in and then worked on Chapter 5 (Chapter 4 went to the committee on Thursday!)

    Today is going to be fairly quiet...headed to the gym for a C25K workout and a kickboxing class here shortly, then I need to grade some and work on my chapter again.  I have ballet tonight, so I'm looking forward to that...we've started our recital choreography and it's pretty awesome!
  • @Swazzle - Hope you feel better.

    @cu97tiger - I love all three of those dresses!  You can't go wrong.

    @futuremrshistorian - I'm glad you get to spend a little bit of extra time with your SO.  :)

    I've had a crappy-ish weekend and quite a morning, but I'll try not to whine too much.  I dropped my phone in water this morning, so I have been trying to dry it out.  No rice at work, but I found a can of compressed air and tried to dry it with that.  My phone seems to be working, so hopefully that's it!  H just said make sure not to power it off for a while.

    I'll find out today what time my surgery will be tomorrow.  Looking forward to that.  I have a ton of stuff to do tonight to get ready for tomorrow.

    We were iced in all weekend.  Can't say I minded too much, we watched hours of "Friends" on Netflix.  I cooked roast duck, crispy duck fat potatoes, asparagus, and red wine braised mushrooms on Saturday since we were snowed it.  It was very yummy.

  • @swazzle I'm in the sick boat as well. I can't breathe out of my's awful! I vote we go home early.

    @cu97tiger -LOVE all those dresses!

    My weekend was really great actually minus feeling sick from my cold and nausea the whole time. Friday I was just feeling down and I felt like DH and I needed to get out of the house since we had been cooped up all week long. We went out to dinner to a burger joint and then went and saw The Duff. It was kind of silly but we enjoyed it. Some of DH's students were there and they saw us and acted like they were the paparazzi with DH. They were like, "Mr. SOUTHERPEACH89 Mr. SOUTHERNPEACH89!!!!!!!!" lol

    Saturday we worked out and ran some errands. That evening we went out to dinner with DH's stepdad and mom for his stepdad's bday. We had some yummy Italian food.

    Sunday I had brunch with one of my sorority sisters from college and then we went and looked at more homes. We found one that we are potentially considering making an offer on. It's perfect! Hopefully all of that will go through this week.

    Today I feel sick and I can't breathe. 
  • @swazzle I'm so sorry that you are feeling icky!

    @cocobellaf I hope today isn't too stressful with anticipation. Sending you so much love!

    @cu97tiger the one shoulder dress! You would rock the SHIT outta that dress!!

    My weekend was alright.
    Friday night I got to FT with @swazzle and @audrewuh while they drank in a bar! It was the closest I've come to going out with the girls, in quite some time. It was complete with some random guy approaching the girls and trying to talk to me via FT. I gave him the "Uhhhh what?" look.
    Saturday we cleaned the house in the morning and then went to the barn for a quick lesson. It was too cold for Bean to do much riding, but he still got a good No Stirrups workout. His legs were burning by the end of it.
    Yesterday was just more cleaning/reorganizing and the lazing about.
    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

  • @swazzle feel better

    @cu97tiger I love those dresses

    @cocobellaF good luck with the surgery tomorrow

    My weekend was pretty crazy and busy.  Friday night I was home, did tons of laundry and cooking.  Saturday I had rehearsal for 6 hours we ran the show twice it was exhausting.  Saturday night I was a couch bum and we went to bed early.  Sunday I had a long rehearsal got there around 11:30 left at 10 at night and got to drive home in the ice.  That was not fun but luckily the roads  were plowed and well salted.  I watched The Walking Dead and then went to bed. 

    I am exhausted after running the show 4 times this weekend.  Lots of costume and wig changes and dancing.  I'm so sore.  The show opens on Thursday and I'm praying we get good weather this week and no more snow.


  • Morning everyone!

    I came into work early for a conference call, only to find out it's been pushed back two hours. So that's how my week is starting. My weekend was low key, BF was working on a design project all weekend, and I spent most of yesterday prepping for this call that's now delayed.

    On the plus side, it's like 35* out and all the ice and snow is starting to melt. The downside of that is that there is a pipe in the corner of my office that makes a terrible dripping sound when this happens, and it makes me have to run to the bathroom all day.

  • @GoldenPenguin - What kind of cookware set did you get??
  • @cocobellaF - This one! LINK


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  • @GoldenPenguin - That's almost the exact set we got my mom for Christmas!  I have Cuisinart cookware (not those, but close) and I love them.  How exciting!!
  • cu97tiger I love all of those dresses for different reasons. Nude wedges will work, unless you're going to be out on the sand.  If that's the case, I'd wear nice sandals.

    @swazzle Feel better!! Even though you were sick, your weekend sounds like it was a lot of fun!

    Dignity100 haha I had the same reaction to PLL when they mentioned Allentown in one episode. 

    futuremrshistorian I guess sometime's snow is a good thing! Glad you're getting extra time with Mr. Historian.

    CocoBellaF Take your phone a part and let it dry out in pieces.  Also, fingers crossed your surgery is scheduled sooner than later so you are no longer in pain/stressing out, and can focus on healing!

    southernpeach89 Feel better! You and @swazzle need some chicken noodle soup and tea! 

    TwoDimes Yay for wedding dress!!! 

    GoldenPenguin love that cookware set! I have a similar set that I bought years ago.  What food did you end up choosing?!

    I had a pretty low key weekend.  I met up with my best friend on Saturday.  We got our nails done, went to a Chinese buffet, did some shopping, then decided to watch the first three episodes of season 1 of PLL.  Every article I've read about PLL says that there have been clues from the beginning; well if there are there was nothing in the first three episodes. Oh, I decided to try SNS nails instead of gel, and so far I love it.  It is supposedly better for your nails than gel or acylic, and lasts longer. Attached a picture of my nails. 

    Yesterday, I was snowed in with the dogs all by myself.  So I made it a pajama day, and spent the whole day watching netflix, while all three dogs snuggled with me.

  • I'm in a bad mood today. I don't really know why, probably partly because I had to come to work. I don't get any job satisfaction from this job. It's not hard or stressful, my co-workers are fine, the company is fine, I just do not care at all about what I'm doing and no part of this job is rewarding except getting the paycheck. It's made me really want to go back to school for my PhD so I can teach because even though last semester was awful, I did really love it before that. I'm hoping when my thesis is done I can apply to teach some online courses or night classes. But I want my thesis 100% done before even applying to more jobs after what happened with my last teaching job.

    Anyway, this week should bring good things for BF. He didn't get the other job I posted about but he has three more interviews this week. One of them is for a job that was pretty much created for him by his current boss's husband. I'm excited for him because he really wants this.

  • @swazzle, @audrewuh, @hummingbird125 - glad you had fun with the g2g!

    @dignity100 - yay pumpkin cookies!

    @cu97tiger - I really like the first one (the one from Kohls), but they're all great dresses!

    @futuremrshistorian, congrats to your brother!

    @cocobellaf, continuing healthy vibes.

    @goldenpenguin, so exciting!

    @labro, love the before and after!
    So it's Monday and I still have the plague (read: bad cold).

    I had a long, difficult weekend. Suffice it to say that one of my dad's relatives pitched a fit over who was invited and threatened to lead my dad's whole family on a boycott of the wedding. Now my wedding isn't the social event of the season, but still ... that hurt. That hurt a lot. I'm not sure who was telling the truth and who was lying (it got complicated), but it became easier and better long-term to cave and add the few extra kids she wanted than to hit the detonate button, if that makes sense.

    Yesterday there was gaming. Today I have way too much review to do and not enough time or energy for oral comprehensive exam prep.
  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @GoldenPenguin It's a good thing I ate my lunch early because that menu just killed any self-control I had remaining! NOMS!!!!!!!!

  • @GoldenPenguin - All of that sounds SO good!

  • AlPacinaAlPacina member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited March 2015

    @Everyone Who Is Sick - Feel better soon! I'm sorry you are feeling rotten at the same time!

    @TwoDimes - I'd say you lucked out missing the presentation! Haha. That would have been so lame!

    @cu97tiger - The one shoulder dress looks awesome! Great colors, too!

    @Peaseblossom55 - Your show is so close! Are you freaking out with excitement?!?

    @labro - The walls look incredible! You've done such a nice job. And good luck with the C210K! Running with my dog has made it so much easier to continue running. I did C210K and now I've worked my way up to 4 miles, 3-4 days a week.

    @GoldenPenguin - YUM. That is all.


    I had a lovely weekend! Lots of sunshine. It took me 5 hours to get to my hometown because a tiny bit of non-sticking snow on the pass made people only want to go 35 in a 65 zone, and it's too curvy to pass.

    My dad's show was fabulous. It was a community production of Les Mis, and most of the male parts were terrible, but the female singers were all incredible. Their Fantine really should be on broadway. And when my dad led a prostitute off stage by the arm, it took all of my will not to bust out laughing. He did wonderfully, though.

    My family left really early to go to a show in Seattle, so I took the dog for a short hike up the one tiny hill that sticks up in the middle of the flat desert. Literally took me 15 minutes to get to the top (although it's 45 degrees for a good chunk of it).

    I got home fairly early yesterday and talked to BF about his trip to visit his family. He made up with his a-hole brother, visited the house he just bought, and saw the ring he's gonna propose with any day now. I told him I'll act excited about the engagement in person, but on the inside I'm not excited, haha. I was also kind of hoping it would take longer for them to be friends again. Oh well. It's his family. Just because I'm fine not seeing my brothers doesn't mean he's going to feel the same way. It just means he's going to want to go hiking/climbing with us this summer, and that sounds like hell to me.

    ETF: Knot skipping letters while auto-saving.

  • @alpacina I'm excited! It's supposed to snow opening night I'm really hoping that wrong though.


  • @GoldenPenguin OMG!  That menu sounds so delicious! I'm hungry just reading about it!

    I hope everyone starts feeling better soon!

    I had drama all weekend with my ex in regards to the kids that gave me horrible anxiety. I've tried so hard to see things from his point of view, but do you ever just think some people are so lost in their own little crazy world that there is no hope?!
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