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Still sort of here ...

Hi, ladies! I know I haven't been around much. Work has been particularly awful lately, and I'm so stressed and depressed that I haven't really been sleeping much for the past month or so, and I've been working really long hours because I can't focus very much when I am at work.

I'm still seeing an individual counselor, but it hasn't been very helpful. Couple's therapy has been going well, and my home life with J has been totally fine and really peaceful (minus the SNOW OKAY NO MORE NOW PLEASE).

Anyway, I just wanted to check in and say hi, and that I haven't GBCKed or anything. I miss you ladies a lot.

Re: Still sort of here ...

  • I almost thread jacked the other day when you gave a one sentence response to a post and said "@Phira - Where the frig have you been?!?" Glad to hear from you though!

  • Hi @phira! Hope life settles down for you soon.
  • I'm sorry to hear about work! Do you think switching to a different counselor would be helpful? Sometimes it can take a couple before finding a good fit.

  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    @bethsmiles My counselor will be leaving in August, so the current plan was for me to stay on with him until then, and then stop. At this point, I'm not sure what I plan to do. I might take a short break and figure out insurance stuff (which is going to be a doozy; my insurance provider is making it nearly impossible to leave), since I can't really consistently afford the current copay if I need to keep going after the end of the summer.

    Everything's really a mess right now, and I don't even have the energy to switch. I've been so busy and spacey and stressed that I forgot to make an infusion appointment in February, which might end up meaning I become resistant to the medication. I'd say right now, I'm just trying to make it to the weekend, but I'm probably working all weekend so :\
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • Aw, I'm so sorry things are rough for you right now! *hugs*

  • BreMRBreMR member
    500 Love Its 500 Comments Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    Hi Phira!!  I hope life gets better!!  I'm glad to hear your homelife with J is good though :) 
  • phira Sending big hugs your way!! What is something that helps distract you/makes you happy?  When I lived in Mass., anytime I was stressed/overwhelmed/upset, I'd find something historical (like the forts in New Bedford), and just explore and not think about anything else. Try doing something that will just help you get away from all your thoughts so you can relax, even if it is only for a few minutes. 
  • Hi, @phira! I hope life gets less stressful ASAP!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • The snow is definitely getting out of hand. We're getting a lot in CT, but it's obviously not as bad as Boston! I have a bunch of friends there and they are miserable.  I hope you start to feel better soon, and some of the stress decreases! 
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