Chit Chat

It's Sunday and I'm at work :-(

Yeah, have to prepare for an upcoming audit and had some responsibilities sprung on me at the last minute so I have to work through today so I can still complete my other responsbilities during the actual work week.


On vent side - my mom is now mad at me :-( My sister asked me to cosign a loan for a car. She is still in college, will be graduating this May but her car is crap. She thought she should get a new car because her car won't get inspection but because her credit is shot (thanks to medical bills that were never resolved by my mom) she can't be approved for a loan without a cosigner. She asked me to be and I explained that I was not trying to be mean but no. I would not cosign the loan. I told her that I have my own loans to take care of and if she ever defaulted on the loan, I'd be on the hook to pay the car off. She said she understood which is great, I'm not trying to create harsh feelings - I'm just trying to be responsible.


Well my mom texted me yesterday asking me to cosign a loan for my sister because she can't do because she doesn't have good credit. I told her the same thing. She said that my sister is my family and I should help! Why is it when I wanted to hang out for dinner or see my mom all of a sudden family meant nothing because she wanted to hang out with her girlfriend? Why is it family means nothing when I'm hosting the Thanksgiving meal and could use some help but I HAVE to host because 'family, family, FAMILY!'? I'm not upset at my sister. I know that she probably called my mom, because she talks to her every day, and told her what I said and I know she probably explained that she understands and she doesn't want any hard families. I'm upset at my mom that she will use the excuse of family when it is convenient for her and hold a grudge like no one knows.


Not a long vent, just a little stressed. I try to help my sister when I  can. She's asked to borrow money several times and I know my mom can't always afford to help her but sometimes it feels like I take the backburner to everyone else when it comes to my mom. Like it's my sister, then my mom's girlfriend, then my brothers, then the dogs, and I am somewhere at the lonely bottom - contacted every once and a while to ask for somethin but for the most part left alone. I've tried reaching out to her but it normally ends up with heart ache - her not visiting or not having time or chosing to do something else instead. That's fine. I will leave everyone alone but I would also like to be left completely alone if that is going to be the case.


Okay, I'm done. I feel a little better. I am giong to get back to work and see if I can make some head way with all of this documentation. Thanks for listening to me also I realize I really need to set up another appointment with my therapist. I believe I will do that this week. :-)

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Re: It's Sunday and I'm at work :-(

  • Aww. I'm sorry.
    I co-signed for a car loan for my dad because I felt bad. He needed a car and he couldn't get a loan on his own. He told me the other day that he put in his official resignation at work and says after the summer he's done. I've been freaking out since because I have no idea if I'll be able to make it work if he stops making payments.
    If your first instinct is to say no then listen to it. Don't let them guilt you. Stay strong!

  • Aww. I'm sorry.
    I co-signed for a car loan for my dad because I felt bad. He needed a car and he couldn't get a loan on his own. He told me the other day that he put in his official resignation at work and says after the summer he's done. I've been freaking out since because I have no idea if I'll be able to make it work if he stops making payments.
    If your first instinct is to say no then listen to it. Don't let them guilt you. Stay strong!

    Oh god, I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm really trying hard to. Unfortunately I'm at work alone so no one is here to distract me. I think A LOT when I'm alone and I was already wondering if I am doing something wrong by saying no because I guess my mom is super pissed (one of her friends called to let me know and I trust this woman's word). I have music playing right now and am just running around trying not to think about how I owe/don't owe my family right now.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I'm really sorry, family can be annoying sometimes. My family likes to pull "but its family!" all the time. but I've set boundaries and it seems to be working. Just know you aren't allow in this. I think by doing that you will have a better chance at having a healthier relationship with your family. I refuse to be around my brother and dad when they are intoxicated.  They are unpredictable, hurtful, and argumentative.

    So I've just had to say I won't be around that type of environment. Sure I haven't been invited to parties anymore but I rather be home alone and a safe/relaxing environment compared to a situation where I would have screaming insults thrown at me. Plus distance helps, soooo much. I love my family but I'm just not meant to be around them for long periods of time.

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