Knottie Tech Help

Mobile problems

Hi, the mobile community website has always been finnicky but it's much worse after the updates.  I constantly get logged out, then to log back in, I have to select the menu, load the login page (if I don't get an add suggesting I download the app first), log in, then it snaps me to the TK homepage.  And the community links are hard to find from the homepage, so I have to either scroll way down or click my bookmark.  Then once I load the page I want, it still show the logged out view, so I have to refresh the page to get it to show me as logged in.

This is really keeping me from using the website on my mobile phone, almost completely.  I know the issue with getting logged off has been a known bug for a while.  Any plans on how to fix this?

One other unrelated thing: I really miss having my local and month boards linked directly on the Community homepage instead of having to scroll for them each time.  Did they move somewhere or is that feature gone now?
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"I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

Re: Mobile problems

  • Hey @JCbride2015!

    I'm really sorry about the difficulties you all have been experiencing. We're absolutely working on fixes for these issues, although I don't have an ETA yet on when they'll all be fixed, I can assure you I'm making sure tech gets to these as soon as they can. 

    The community homepage is currently just a temporary "beta" homepage. We're working on a much better experience for all of you, but needed to put this one out in the meantime. One thing we're working on is not only bringing back the local board and wedding club board quick links, but also being able to "favorite" a board so you can click into it right from the homepage.

    I'd love to hear anymore feedback you have, and will be asking for feedback from the rest of the community as well, as we get further into developing the new community homepage.

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