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Monday vent, anyone?


Re: Monday vent, anyone?

  • edited March 2015
    Ugh. Another Monday vent. 

    My mom just found out that one of our family friends (I'll call her Ann) can't make it to my bridal shower. My mom is (completely irrationally) pissed because she thinks it's because Ann is sick of hearing her brag about me and that Ann thinks that the only reason she's invited to the wedding and shower is because my mom wants to brag/show off. My mom has absolutely no basis for thinking that Ann thinks this, she just feels like that's why. Then apparently my mom found out that Ann is going to a baby shower this weekend for another family that we're friends with. So my mom called me tonight to ask if we can uninvite Ann from the wedding. We've already sent her a save-the-date and shower invite, so I told my mom absolutely not, but it's so annoying that my mom would want to un-invite a close family friend over something as petty as my shower.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • I just got a wedding invite with a cutesy card enclosed with a "please give us money for our honeymoon" POEM enclosed. And I have to find my own postage for the rsvp. I'm annoyed again.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • H is working.  H is not supposed to be working because he is supposed to have Sunday and Monday off, just like me.  He also worked yesterday.  So I'm kind of mad at him even though I know he doesn't have control.  I just want him to tell the boss NO.  I want to do things with him and have a fun weekend.  I wanted to go hiking and just do things with him.  We don't really get to do anything during the week because he works in the afternoon and evening and I work during the day.
  • Here's my vent for the day.  I'm losing my fucking mind.  The end of last week and today were better, but just to give you an idea of how much I've been working, I calculated that if I worked at the same pace I worked through March thus far, I could work only three weeks per month and still be hundreds of hours over my annual bonus threshold.  So I'm working easily 1/3 MORE than my insanely demanding job expects.

    I missed not one but two payments on my Macy's credit card because I am an idiot and forgot I used it.  Now I have a delinquent account on my credit report, which already was shitty because my dental work shows up as a maxed out credit card.  I called Macy's credit services and nope, they won't remove it, even though their representative told me when I made my last payment that they wouldn't report anything.  Fuckers.  I strongly considered pulling my Macy's registry until I thought about the hassle involved.

    Three weeks ago I sent a bank check to our DJ/musician company.  I remember typing in the online bill pay info on the same day I sent payments to our venue and florist.  I've been watching my email and thought it was weird I didn't get an alert they cashed the check.  So today I got another statement from the DJ saying my payment was past due.  Logged into my online banking and... it's not in my payment history.

    I can't tell if I am just delusional and made up this vivid memory of sending this payment, or if something went wrong with the bank system.  But now I'm super embarrassed, have to send another check, and I have $1200 less in the wedding fund than I thought I did.  BLARGH.

    Apparently I'm really good at working my ass off, but not very good lately at adulting.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • My oh-so-adorable chubby cheeked spawn has decided she's quite content to stay topside and has wedged her well fed fetal self into a lovely frank breech position. Not even born and already a streak of independence, that while admirable, is also somewhat frustrating for this first time Ma. 

    Lessons in (lack) of control. Deep breaths. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • My oh-so-adorable chubby cheeked spawn has decided she's quite content to stay topside and has wedged her well fed fetal self into a lovely frank breech position. Not even born and already a streak of independence, that while admirable, is also somewhat frustrating for this first time Ma. 

    Lessons in (lack) of control. Deep breaths. 
    Ugh.  Sending positive thoughts for baby to start turning her little butt around!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • My paper got rejected by the top journal in the field. Its normal - you send it to the top journal, get rejected, move on to the next, etc, no biggie, but for some reason I'm being a super delicate flower about it, like whaaaah how can they! and just annoyed with myself for that.
    - The stars, like dust, encircle me in living mists of light. And all of space I seem to see in one vast burst of sight. 
  • I unenthusiastically adhered to my parents rules until I was 25 because they let me live rent free and pretty much free of all things in their house, which included my boyfriend had to sleep on the couch. But it was their house, not mine. Dude needs to move out if he wants to do whatever he wants. 
    same here. as soon as i got engaged it all changed because well soon enough i would not be living there anymore. they dont really pester me and let me do what i want. if its snowing real bad i make the decision if i want to drive in it or not they dont and they respect that.they know i can handle the snow and actually love driving in it. (i know i am crazy)
  • My oh-so-adorable chubby cheeked spawn has decided she's quite content to stay topside and has wedged her well fed fetal self into a lovely frank breech position. Not even born and already a streak of independence, that while admirable, is also somewhat frustrating for this first time Ma. 

    Lessons in (lack) of control. Deep breaths. 
    Thinking of you!

    Come on baby, you need to start turning yourself upside down.

  • Monday #1- stop for gas in the morning, grab a twix at the gas station. So looking forward to the caramel goodness....take a bite and it's god damn cheap peanut butter. Fuck me for not reading the label.

    Monday #2- Usually eat dinner at my coffee table. I decide just this once "nah, I can sit on the couch and hold the bowl". Mother fucking tipped over the entire bowl of spaghetti and sauce onto myself, my couch, and my favorite white fleece blanket!!!! God bless husband because my main priority was still stuffing my fat face with a fresh bowl, so he took care of the pre-treat and wash!



  • It's not Monday anymore, but I have a vent and I don't want to start a whole new thread about it.

    I work as a contractor at a big company, which means I have a contracting company who actually signs my checks and gets my hours and gives me benefits. I got a call from a guy at the big company because I forgot to put in my hours last week (my bad, was out of town and forgot). But apparently the contracting company says I've been hard to contact so he wants to reach out and let me know I can talk to him if I'm not enjoying talking to the other guys. I was so confused. I talked to the guy who recruited me a lot. I haven't heard from him in awhile, but I just figured nothing needed talking about.

    Apparently my recruiter contact left the company. And I've got a new contact now. Who has been trying to get ahold of me. But I don't have one email, voice mail message, or text message from anybody at the company that I haven't responded to. So what I'm assuming is that the new recruiter guy has been calling me and not leaving a voicemail. Not once. I screen all my calls if I don't know the number. But if you leave a message I will call you back. 

    Argh. I'm just annoyed. What kind of person doesn't leave a voicemail or send an email when trying to contact someone for job related stuff. I haven't missed anything, but I hate being labeled unresponsive when all I've been doing is not answering my personal phone during work hours.
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