Knottie Tech Help

Javascrip error on certain pages. Can't save data

I'm having problems saving data on certain pages. For example, I'm trying to add my gift registry information but it will never save.

I am getting a javascript error when the page loads so I am wondering if this is the problem?
The error is:

xo.membership.modal-latest.js:51 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'template' of undefined

Is anyone else noticing this? Any ideas on how to fix this? It is very frustrating


Re: Javascrip error on certain pages. Can't save data

  • Hi there,

    So sorry about the issues! Could you try clearing your cache/cookies and let me know if this still doesn't solve it?

  • Hello,
    Thanks for the reply, I tried that but it didn't seem to make much of a difference. I didn't get the error that I received previously but I got a new one instead this time:

    view.js:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: V is not defined

    Any other ideas? We are sending invites out soon and I'd like to finish up the site ASAP!
  • Can you let me know browser and device you're using?

  • I am using Chrome Version 41.0.2272.104 (64-bit)

    I have also tried this using Firefox but still received the same error. Any other suggestions?
  • Any other suggestions? This is getting annoying that I can't save that data for my website?
  • Hey there,

    Sorry for the delay, I've alerted tech of the issue. While they're looking into this could you send me any screenshots of the errors you're getting? This will help speed up the process for them.

  • We were finally able to add it in the section above where you can type in any text, i guess we will just stick with that for now... still frustrating though.
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