So I just completely went off on my mom. I posted in another thread that my shower is tomorrow in my hometown. I have a dress fitting early in the morning near my hometown. The plan was to drive up tonight after work, have dinner with my aunt (who's hosting) and cousin, since both of them traveled across the country to be here, stay the night at my parents' house, get up in the morning and take my aunt and cousin to the fitting so they can see my dress, and then have the shower.
I've been excited about it all week.
Well, I just got a text from my mom a little while ago that she asked my sister if she wants to come to the fitting tomorrow. Um... why the fuck would she ask my sister that? Oh, because my sister will already be at their house, and it would be mean to her if we ALL left for my fitting together and left her behind and it would make her feel bad. Um.... why the fuck is she gonna be at their house? Oh because she's coming in tonight to help set up for the shower! WTF.
No idea who asked her to help set up the shower; whether it was my aunt or my mom, and whether it was an innocent gesture or someone scheming to force us to "get along and be friends." I had asked that she not be invited at all, not out of spite but because I'm legitimately uncomfortable being around her. Also, no idea why she would agree to help and why she would want to attend, considering she thinks I'm a "terrible person."
Needless to say, I kind of lost it. I told my mom she had crossed some serious boundaries and that it was absolutely not her place to invite my sister to my fitting. Also let her know I won't be driving up there tonight to have dinner with everyone. I'd rather not be forced to spend that much time with my sister and stay in the same house with her when I seriously have no idea how she's going to act. In the last 2 interactions we've had, she completely attacked me, and then said she wasn't sorry for doing so. Why the fuck would I want to be around someone like that?
Honestly if I had found out about this sooner I would have cancelled the shower. Now I'm sitting at my desk trying not to cry because instead of looking forward to it, I'm just dreading it. And instead of letting me be excited and actually get to enjoy something, my mom has decided to put my sister at the center of everything, yet again.
I just need to calm down because I feel like I need a calmer perspective on this but right now I just feel like shit.