Wedding Woes


I'm so ready for the next big thing.  I'm so very tired of hearing about RFRA.  I have a friend who works for a not-for-profit tourist organization (her organization lobbied against RFRA), and they are getting all sorts of calls and hate mail about RFRA from people who think they work for the city/state.  Indy city-county council did have an emergency vote last night to repeal RFRA and every major business in the city is coming out against it.  I hope this salvages some business/events/conventions. 

Yesterday my ear felt like someone was stabbing it and now my stomach is off today.  WTF body?  Get it together. 

We asked DefConn this weekend why he comes in our bed to sleep sometimes.  His answer, "Because I miss you and I want to snuggle with you."  That kid, gah. 

The kiddo is supposed to wake himself up today or he faces consequences from DH.  That kid cannot wake up with an alarm.  I have visions of him being 25 and we need to call him to wake him up for work.  We would never do that, but seriously...I worry a bit.  He's only got 4 short years until he's going to be done with HS and onto college/work/both. He'll figure it out.  

Oh and he broke up with his GF.  He did it over the phone.  We talked about the right way (in person is best) and wrong way (never over text) to break-up with people.  He told me face to face 'scares' him because of the reaction he might get.  I told him not to have girlfriends then.  And that he needs to sack up.  ;) 

Re: Morning

  • We have similar kid/alarm problems.

    And Son was "asked out" by a girl last week.  He's not interested.  He said he told her "you're a really sweet girl, but I like you as a friend."  I almost died thinking of him having a girlfriend.  I think he's had them before but has been more quiet about it.
  • 6fsn6fsn member
    Knottie Warrior 500 Love Its Name Dropper 1000 Comments
    Yesterday went reall really well. The boss loves me and I'm going to be taking on work from 3 others. They've pretty much said I can have as much work as I want so yay!

    In other yay news I've lost 6 lbs. I was struggling not to gain with weights and cardio. I even had my doctor run thyroid checks (still waiting) I decided it couldn't hurt to try piyo. I found it for $40 on eBay and have followed it for 5 weeks. It's 6 days a week anything from 20 to 45 mins. I like the workouts and am kind of sad on rest days. I hate all of he push-ups but I can't deny my arms are looking better, my belly a little flatter, and I am more flexible.
  • Yay for RFRA repeals (even limited), and DefConn snuggles. 

    Funny you mention about Kiddo and alarm clocks, I think DD's is may be starting to wig out.  Either it didn't go off this morning, or she turned it off and didn't remember.  Either way, I got out of the shower and she was still in bed, which was bad news.  But we hustled and she got on the bus.  This kid, though--she's so southern!  It was upper 30's when we were at the bus stop (but it's supposed to get into the 70's!), and she was almost in tears:  "I'm so cold!"  Honey, you don't even know cold.  This kid would wear a parka whenever it's below 60, I swear. 

    I have to jet out of here shortly.  DD has some kind of "recognition breakfast" at school for a PTA art contest she participated in.  The invite arrived Friday and was pretty skimpy on details, so I don't know if she's getting some kind of award, an everyone-gets-a-medal kind of thing, or what.  I'm just going to show up, smile, eat a mini muffin, and then head back to the office.  Oh, and because the invites went out late-ish, the PTA president emailed a reminder yesterday, and a handful of dummies did the reply to all thing.  So my Gmail started blowing up yesterday afternoon, I was all "Why do I suddenly have 10 new emails?"  I need to look into how to ignore a conversation when I'm on mobile.
  • mrsconn23mrsconn23 member
    Knottie Warrior First Answer 500 Love Its 10000 Comments
    edited March 2015
    The kiddo straight up shuts his off.  It's on his phone, so it's easy to do.   

    I need to buy him a proper clock.  OR I need to purchase an airhorn.  I'd LOVE to see the kiddo scramble to the sound of an airhorn. He'd probably disappoint me by sleeping through it. 

    ETA:  Threats work.  He was up on time.  :) 
  • I'm being cold this morning.  I have a friend who is annoyed with a comment I "liked" on FB.  We've had a written discussion about it and she's had the last word.  She insulted me pretty backhandedly in it and I'm annoyed.  When I started considering my response, I also started considering: the parameters of our friendship is pretty much FB convos, quizzes, and comments.  We see each other in person maybe once a month.  She's lovely and I really like her, if we lived closer we might be closer.  But we don't and won't.  And well, it's not worth having some sort of nuanced conversation where we figure out how to live with this fact we don't like about each other when we don't have that level of friendship.  So, fuck it.

    Is it the end of the week yet? 
  • edited March 2015
    6, good for you. I'm all over the place with my eating and working out. Good one week and horrible the next. Not sure why, I'm not more dedicatied, yo.

    I've been singing this same song for how many years????
  • 0Face0Face member
    Tenth Anniversary 500 Comments 250 Love Its Combo Breaker
    Glad to hear your threats worked Conn.  H is a really hard sleeper, I feel bad when my alarm goes off because he stirs, but then a week ago he asked what it even sounded like and then said "nope, I've never heard that".  Wow. 

    My phone alarm is the least intrusive of them all, rainforest sounds with birds and I wake up like it's a MAC truck.  Sheesh.

    Also---made ridiculously large steaks on the grill last night, and from all of the pointers on how to use the new grill, they were right.  Perfectly medium rare, I love forums.
  • Heffalump said:

    The invite arrived Friday and was pretty skimpy on details, so I don't know if she's getting some kind of award, an everyone-gets-a-medal kind of thing, or what. 

    It turned out to be a total "everyone gets a medal" thing, and it was really poorly organized.  Which I made myself let go of, because being organized is a thing of mine, and I have to work not to be personally offended when other people are not.  The woman running it was sort of bitchy, but she may have just been sort of stressed out, because her committee seemed sort of confused.    

    DD kills me.  She was the first one called up to get her certificate, and she blushed like crazy.  We're fair to begin with, but we're also big blushers--I blush at everything, I swear.  She didn't realize that it was an "everyone gets a certificate" thing, and she was so proud of her "award" and happy that I was at school, so I just went with it. 
  • I've lost about 6ish inches (all over) in the last 2 months.  My boobs are getting smaller.  Weight is still fluctuating...because my diet is doing the same.  Working out is easy, food is a lot harder. I know the 'right' things to eat, it's just the choosing that over the other stuff.  And also beer is hard to break up with.  ;)   

    I'm in between pants sizes, which is a little annoying. 

    I did get this jacket in a size smaller than I normally buy jackets on clearance at Target. 

  • Also re: RFRA, my company president issued a statement.  They took a 'we're going to see how this plays out, but we are a culture of acceptance.'  

    My company was started here, but our HQ is no longer here. (Been bought a couple times since the o.g. owners sold it) 

    Our governor just spoke about it (again).  I didn't watch.  I'm sure he continued to stuff his foot further in his mouth. 
  • One of our business units is based in Indy, and as a company, we are very much "yay for gay." (E.g. very active GLAD program, domestic partner benefits for more than 10 years, openly gay C-level leaders, including one who officially came out at work in a company-wide newscast on National Coming Out Day, last year).RFRA won't change the way we do business, but I'm interested to see how our leadership responds. 

    today is the first day of our CSA produce pickups. we got an e-mail from the farm saying that they had a lot of strawberries yesterday, so we'd be getting some of them. yay! I'm excited for 2:30 to see what other mystery items will be in my basket.

  • HeffalumpHeffalump member
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments 500 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited March 2015
    *Barbie* said:

    One of our business units is based in Indy, and as a company, we are very much "yay for gay." (E.g. very active GLAD program, domestic partner benefits for more than 10 years, openly gay C-level leaders, including one who officially came out at work in a company-wide newscast on National Coming Out Day, last year).RFRA won't change the way we do business, but I'm interested to see how our leadership responds. 

    today is the first day of our CSA produce pickups. we got an e-mail from the farm saying that they had a lot of strawberries yesterday, so we'd be getting some of them. yay! I'm excited for 2:30 to see what other mystery items will be in my basket.

    JealousE.  We won't have strawberries here until late April.
  • End of quarter + bored teenager on spring break = mrs.conn may end up on the funny farm

    People are losing their minds today.  I don't get it. 
  • *Barbie* said:

    One of our business units is based in Indy, and as a company, we are very much "yay for gay." (E.g. very active GLAD program, domestic partner benefits for more than 10 years, openly gay C-level leaders, including one who officially came out at work in a company-wide newscast on National Coming Out Day, last year).RFRA won't change the way we do business, but I'm interested to see how our leadership responds. 

    Proud of my Employer and their Indy based business unit on their response - stressing that we embrace our inclusive/diverse workforce, and they don't want their current or potential employees to feel unwelcome because of some ass-backwards (my words) local law that does not in any way reflect the views or values of our company. 

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