My FH's family all lives on one side of the country, and my family lives on the other. Because it's completely impossible (for a whole host of reasons) for everyone to come to one place (regardless of where the place is) we are planning on splitting the celebrations between both places. We will be having the ceremony and reception in one province (where FH is from) and then within a month or two, we will be having a celebration with my family in the other province.
Obviously, the second celebration will NOT be a wedding. It will also not be a PPD. I just want to know what is acceptable for etiquette when having a "second reception". There won't be guest crossover at all, except maybe our parents. I would like to be able to wear my dress for the second one, mostly so people can see it, but it's not going to be a white dress, or even all that weddingy (our ceremony/reception are going to be at a campground, it'll be casual). There won't be a wedding cake or a WP or anything like that. Mostly we want to round up our family and friends, probably play a video of our ceremony (it'll be short, less than 30 minutes) and then have food, drinks, dancing, that sort of thing. It will be very informal.
Can any of you just give me some etiquette tips or no-nos that I should avoid? I don't want to have a re-enactment, we just want to give everyone a chance to come and have a party (on our dime) because we finally got married. We've also been living together for almost 6 years already so we are definitely not encouraging anyone to buy us anything (at EITHER event) and we won't have one of those Honeyfunds or anything. Registries just make me feel weird anyway.
So, what should we call it on the invites, and do you have anything we should absolutely NOT do. I just got engaged Saturday so I've been poking around here but haven't had time to do a lot of heavy reading.