My four bridesmaids all love their wine. For their gift I was thinking of getting them their favorite bottle of wine and an engraved wine glass with their initials or something (still working on this).
I am also getting them flip flops, a tote, nail polish, and a gift card to a coffee shop (but I know this doesn't go with the wine theme).
My fiancé is a really good carpenter and has made some of our furniture (people have now asked him to make them theirs because it is so nice). I was thinking of having him make (which he would love doing) them a wooden wine rack.. something like this:
Is that a weird idea? The reason I thought of it was because my MOH was saying how she loved them and wishes her SO could make stuff like that. However, then I was thinking it may be rude of me to give them a decoration for their house. If they don't like it they may feel obligated to use it, which is not what I want.
I am having a hard time thinking of something to show them how much I love and appreciate them for everything they have done.