So over the weekend, one of my bridesmaids(best friend) and myself got into a fight. It has been built up anger for me as this bridesmaid has been very flaky. Some background info: we were best friends throughout high school and after we graduated we stopped being friend due to her being a compulsive liar as well as a flake. We reconnected about a year ago and got that closness back and for awhile everything was great. However, as the time went on, she started her old habits again where she would make up lies about why she could not hang out or she would bail last minute. A huge blow to our friendship was when we had planned a trip to Disneyland and she bailed the day before we were leaving telling me she could not get the days off (A DAY BEFORE?!?). So I started to distance myself a little so that I would not get hurt every time she would bail on me. She also bailed to coming to my bridal dress day because she needed some extra hours of sleep.
So over the weekend things finally came to a blow when I had to reschedule some plans that we had made together because I had some family things come up. Well, according to her that was considered blowing her off and I all of a sudden became a horrible friend. I began to tell her about the numerous times she had blown me off and that is when she began name calling and called me privileged, which hurt me because I have worked very hard to get to where I am today. We have not spoken since this event and I have no idea where we stand in our friendship let alone my wedding.
I am not sure what to do or even ask. My other bridesmaids have told me to kick her to the curb and have told me that I should have negative people in my bridal party, but I know that it is not that simple. Are any of you dealing with this or have dealt with something like this with any of your bridesmaids? Hopefully you can help me out.