Moms and Maids

Bridesmaid Drama


Re: Bridesmaid Drama

  • Well I will tell YOU you onefootinthebayou...when you copy someone's words and give advice based on what they wrote I hope you now understand using the word "YOU" in your reply and making comments like "if YOU don't care about your guests" looks like you are addressing HER and not just being genersl. So I'm happy that some ediquette was learned from this because it's NEVER ok to be rude to anyone ever.
    And joking about a choice someone makes for specific reasons about who's paired up in a bridal party .... about how nasty it is expecting a 12 year old and a 50 year old to make out and f*ck is just beyond rude.... it's shameful and discusting.
    It makes those looking for help and advise miss what might be offered as true helpfulness buried under a bunch of holier than thou attitudes.
    Read what you write before you post and if there is any way possible it could be misunderstood re-write it. For those of you who think your above thar... I don't need any advice f r om you.
  • The comment you made earlier about eloping was in reference to not CARING about ones guests ... there was no discussion about not inviting guests and that's a known fact that in general people who want to get married without guests or having a reception elope...that's what. That means.
    My shock. ..more than anger is directed at those who make jokes about a 12 year old being with a fifty year old... and I believe of there were some lurkers looking at those comments they're gone because I doubt they'd want to have a conversation with people who twist the issue I was trying to explain about that into such a sick joke.
    I'm pretty good at behaving without being rude or angry with more mature behavior.
    and I actually do appreciate your clairifing what you meant cause the way I read it did not sound like you were speaking in general terms.
  • @levoosa---- Oh No not that!! I just couldn't handle a crying English teacher because misspelled words are SO MUCH MORE CRUSHI G THAN RUDE PEOPLE.
    @Juleandean --- I know you can't make the choice for who your friend choses to be involved with and I'm sure you are heartbroken that she has let this abuser back in her life. That does NOT MEAN you have to put your plans and schedule for your wedding preparations on hold. I'm so sorry your friend and you are going through this at a time that should be fun and exciting for you. I'm hope and pray everything turns out ok and your friend gets away from this person. Have a beautiful wedding.
  • Knottie1430751585 said:@levoosa---- Oh No not that!! I just couldn't handle a crying English teacher because misspelled words are SO MUCH MORE CRUSHI G THAN RUDE PEOPLE.
    @Juleandean --- I know you can't make the choice for who your friend choses to be involved with and I'm sure you are heartbroken that she has let this abuser back in her life. That does NOT MEAN you have to put your plans and schedule for your wedding preparations on hold. I'm so sorry your friend and you are going through this at a time that should be fun and exciting for you. I'm hope and pray everything turns out ok and your friend gets away from this person. Have a beautiful wedding.

    You're a troll, right?  No one can be that inept at typing out a response.  And no one was rude here.  You just didn't like that we aren't validating what a
    totally and speshul unique situation you have!1!1!!

  • Honestly being a "newb" I did scroll through a lot of these message boards, and people on here are generally snarky, mean, condescending... Etc. I've been perusing these boards since I was engaged looking for some advice myself and I come across mean things like this too often! ok maybe the dickhead comment I made was a step too far, but I can't stand when a person is being browbeaten on these threads and made to look like a fool as most of you did to her. It was definitely "ganging up" when you were ALL pointing out her "skewed" way of thinking. Each and every one of you was responding in a ridiculing fashion, making fun of the things she was saying and using a great deal of sarcasm (the comment about how an adult and child walking down the aisle and who are definitely "fucking" to use your words... That was caustic and cutthroat.) I think most of you "ladies" on here could use a lesson on "etiquette" yourselves. Maybe you don't call people dickheads like I did but putting GIFs of girls rolling their eyes with "you can go now" comments or a girl smashing a vase over someone's head are MEAN and bullying. So honestly if I get kicked off this thread for defending someone who was ganged up on, then so be it...
  • Honestly being a "newb" I did scroll through a lot of these message boards, and people on here are generally snarky, mean, condescending... Etc. I've been perusing these boards since I was engaged looking for some advice myself and I come across mean things like this too often! ok maybe the dickhead comment I made was a step too far, but I can't stand when a person is being browbeaten on these threads and made to look like a fool as most of you did to her. It was definitely "ganging up" when you were ALL pointing out her "skewed" way of thinking. Each and every one of you was responding in a ridiculing fashion, making fun of the things she was saying and using a great deal of sarcasm (the comment about how an adult and child walking down the aisle and who are definitely "fucking" to use your words... That was caustic and cutthroat.) I think most of you "ladies" on here could use a lesson on "etiquette" yourselves. Maybe you don't call people dickheads like I did but putting GIFs of girls rolling their eyes with "you can go now" comments or a girl smashing a vase over someone's head are MEAN and bullying. So honestly if I get kicked off this thread for defending someone who was ganged up on, then so be it...

    Um, if you had actually lurked, then you would know those gifs are our siggy's, and aren't meant to personally insult you.  

    Nothing in this thread violated TOS, save for you.  No one was bullied or "ganged up on."  We are not going to validate bad ideas or etiquette.  

  • Hahahahaha if THOSE are your "siggys" then what does that say about all of you?!?!?! So sarcastically remarking about a fifty year old and a twelve year old "fucking" because they walk down the aisle ISN'T violating TOS?! What kind of sick people make a "joke" about that? This thread was named perfectly... DRAMA... And all of you think your etiquette is appropriate? You've got to be kidding!
  • Hahahahaha if THOSE are your "siggys" then what does that say about all of you?!?!?! So sarcastically remarking about a fifty year old and a twelve year old "fucking" because they walk down the aisle ISN'T violating TOS?! What kind of sick people make a "joke" about that? This thread was named perfectly... DRAMA... And all of you think your etiquette is appropriate? You've got to be kidding!

    Yeah...that was an extreme example of how bridezillas think about pairing up individuals of differing ages.  No one here was insinuating that a twelve and fifty year old should have sex.  But by all means, keep it up with your logic and comprehension fails.  

  • Hahaha omg I UNDERSTAND what the girl was implying with Her rude "joke". The way she sarcastically commented in that fashion made the comment seem condescending. Obviously knotties comment about not pairing them up had nothing to do with thinking they were going to fuck but the fact that someone even sarcastically commented on that statement Knottie made, it is obvious that they were trying to make her look foolish. It was bad "etiquette" to even make a comment of that caliber. I wouldn't call her a bridezilla, that's dramatic and extreme.
  • Your problem is you form opinions about.people and instead of saying" based on the proper way to treat your wedding guests etiqutte dictates you do NOT assign them jobs." YOU PREFER to SKIP ACTING LIKE AN ADULT....and throw out condescending ststements like "oh you gave her a job and pretended it was an honor and you have guests baby sitting her and pretend you respect her.
    THAT'S A RUDE ATTACK So I thought MAYBE I could explain some details but the snotty comments continued an sunk to an even lower level. Your tone and your attitude are fully understandable. Everything you say is understandable including the air in which you say it. Maybe if you didn't start out message about etiquette wouldn't have gotten buried under the snarky nasty broom you ride on.
  • Hahahahaha if THOSE are your "siggys" then what does that say about all of you?!?!?! So sarcastically remarking about a fifty year old and a twelve year old "fucking" because they walk down the aisle ISN'T violating TOS?! What kind of sick people make a "joke" about that? This thread was named perfectly... DRAMA... And all of you think your etiquette is appropriate? You've got to be kidding!

    If that's what you read, you need reading lessons. 
    Let me help. 

    Poster whatever numbers said: .........blah blah blah 12 year old grandson are in my wedding party. Why would I partner him up with a woman over 50 in a bridal party..

    I said: WTF? You do realize, I hope, that when any two people are "partnered up" in a bridal party, it simply means two people are walking in and/or out of a room at the same time. It doesn't mean they're in a relationship, or they have to match in age or sex or whatever. They're walking into a room at the same time. That's it. 
    That's just a weirdass thing to say. 

    NOBODY SAID A TWELVE YEAR OLD AND A FIFTY YEAR OLD WERE DOING IT.  Except you. You totally took it there, from point A to point W (for Weirdass thinking)  and if that's what you thought was said after reading that, that is seriously creepy.
    Why would you jump straight to thoughts of pedophilia? Yikes.  Don't be sick. People like you scare me.
  • swagandmoxieswagandmoxie member
    25 Love Its 10 Comments Name Dropper
    edited May 2015
    Edited by moderator... I got from point A to pointment from the person who responded directly after you and said "OH ANNABELLE DONT YOU KNOW THEY'RE SUPPOSE TO MAKE OUT AND F*CK" ..... You obviously only read what you want and accuse people of making the rest up in their heads.
    And Vizcaesar... you go run off to you English lesson and skip the one about treating others with maybe a sliver of respect.
    You all keep telling yourselves how NOT RUDE YOU ARE. So the lurkers run away and leave your little snarkfest.
    you actually write stuff down and then write down you didn't say that and acuse me of backpeddling to makeep things ok. Haha you're right...that backpeddling doesn't work at all.
  • Oh and now that I'm on a real keyboard... yes I do know how to type and spell but technology on my phones likes to spell check from the middle of words. Not that that's the issue at hand. You LOVELY ladies all run off giggling now on your way to your next victim and keep delivering those rules of etiquette with your BASEBALL BATS. What a lovely bunch you are. :)
  • @knottie1430751585 - suggest you step back from the keyboard and chill out a bit.  I have already moderated one of your posts this morning and it is evident you are still quite upset.  Step away for awhile and regroup.  You will feel better if you do.
  • I'm good and thank you... I'm not going to let someone accuse me of making up the jokes they made about my grandson in my head. Anyone who likes can read it if they'd like. I have nothing else to say to these ladies. Oh and I'm really not upset at all... their foolishness just makes me laugh. Have a great day KMMSSG.... I won't give you anymore trouble or the gals anymore ammo. 
  • redoryxredoryx member
    1000 Comments 500 Love Its Fourth Anniversary First Answer
    edited May 2015
    esstee33 said:

    Your problem is you form opinions about.people and instead of saying" based on the proper way to treat your wedding guests etiqutte dictates you do NOT assign them jobs." YOU PREFER to SKIP ACTING LIKE AN ADULT....and throw out condescending ststements like "oh you gave her a job and pretended it was an honor and you have guests baby sitting her and pretend you respect her.
    THAT'S A RUDE ATTACK So I thought MAYBE I could explain some details but the snotty comments continued an sunk to an even lower level. Your tone and your attitude are fully understandable. Everything you say is understandable including the air in which you say it. Maybe if you didn't start out message about etiquette wouldn't have gotten buried under the snarky nasty broom you ride on.

    Seriously, reading your posts is making me feel like I'm on drugs. 

  • adk19 said:

    Getting back to the ORIGINAL topic at hand. Csenden, I too have had an issue with a bestie/BM. The difference in my situation is as follows: i live in Pittsburgh but am having my wedding in NYC, it is only immediate/close family invited (my 2 best friends are family). My BM has also been a total flake. She has ALWAYS been a flake, but when I asked her to be a bridesmaid.. I made it clear that if she wasn't comfortable committing to being a part of the wedding planning process, there would be no hard feelings if she felt the need to decline. She insisted that she be a bridesmaid and so on and so forth. Well, since that conversation... she has literally intentionally avoided the entire process. Not only that, when she got back together with her abusive ex, I explained to her that he was not welcome at my wedding, considering it is family only... 2 weeks later, she told me they two of them were looking at hotels near ours. Once again, I told her he was not invited. He is a drug addict and abusive and inappropriate, I think I have a right to not welcome him at my small wedding. ANYWAY, she also completely ignored me the 4 times I asked if she would be able to come and pick out wedding dresses with me. ALSO, she has asked me 9 times what day my wedding is. 

    Her and I have been friends for 10 years, and since we graduated high school.. i grew up, she didn't. I'm always there when she needs me, but she is never there when I need her. She promised she'd be apart of my wedding planning (I'm not even having a reception, just having dinner with everyone at our favorite restaurant / supper club.. so it's not like I have a lot going on in regards to planning). 
    So, her and I got into a huge fight the other night because since I told her that her shitty boyfriend wasn't welcome, she started saying that she doesn't know if she will be able to come or not. I have assessed the friendship, and I have decided that after the way she has been acting towards me in general, not just in regards to the wedding, I am perfectly comfortable ending the friendship. I didn't have high expectations for her at all, just showing up to help me find a wedding dress and maybe REMEMBERING WHEN THE HELL MY WEDDING IS AFTER I TOLD HER 9 TIMES. She outright said, "I don't give a f*#k about your wedding or anything else going on in your life." I literally never even offer up information about my wedding unless i'm directly asked about it! I don't want to be that girl who does nothing but talk about my wedding, so it's not like I was forcing it down her throat.
    None the less, I chose to tell her that it would be better if she didn't come to my wedding. The fact that it's a tiny destination wedding makes it a bit less awkward, but either way I am prepared to lose that friend. She's one of my oldest friends, but we're just in two very different places in life. We grew apart a long time ago, but we kept trying to force the friendship. Tell me i'm rude and tell me i'm a bitch, that's fine. When it comes down to it, it's my wedding (just as it is yours) and it can go however you want it to. We're paying for it, it's our day, and if we want to uninvite someone to our wedding.. yes, it's not socially acceptable, but we can do that. 
    Good luck with your BM situation, I hope you figure out what you want to do.
    Yikes.  This philosophy will not go over very well here.  That is generally thought of as a "Bridezilla" mindset.  

    Yes, your wedding IS your day!  Unless you invite guests.  Then, the reception becomes the "Thank You" to your guests for attending your ceremony and they should be properly hosted.  That's the way it works.  If you care so little about hosting guests, being polite, or properly hosting a reception, I suggest eloping.  

    Once you invite guests, it is no longer "your day".  The bolded is a very ungracious statement and will not be received kindly on an etiquette board.  
    Unless I die between now and "your day", it will be my day too.  Everyone alive on that day gets to claim it as Their Day.  Don't pull special snowflake My Day shit around here, it doesn't go over well.
    But, it's her Most Beautiful, Perfect, Special Day®!

    "Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space."

  • Honestly being a "newb" I did scroll through a lot of these message boards, and people on here are generally snarky, mean, condescending... Etc. I've been perusing these boards since I was engaged looking for some advice myself and I come across mean things like this too often! ok maybe the dickhead comment I made was a step too far, but I can't stand when a person is being browbeaten on these threads and made to look like a fool as most of you did to her. It was definitely "ganging up" when you were ALL pointing out her "skewed" way of thinking. Each and every one of you was responding in a ridiculing fashion, making fun of the things she was saying and using a great deal of sarcasm (the comment about how an adult and child walking down the aisle and who are definitely "fucking" to use your words... That was caustic and cutthroat.) I think most of you "ladies" on here could use a lesson on "etiquette" yourselves. Maybe you don't call people dickheads like I did but putting GIFs of girls rolling their eyes with "you can go now" comments or a girl smashing a vase over someone's head are MEAN and bullying. So honestly if I get kicked off this thread for defending someone who was ganged up on, then so be it...

    Is it really "ganging up" when everyone else is in agreement?  Oh wait no, that's called a "majority."

    I'm glad that Dorothy has finally arrived to save all of the munchkins from you damned flying monkyes.

    "Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space."

  • O HANNA BELLE. If you must "despair of the human race" because of their reading and grammar skills, then you could use a couple of hyphens in your rant, such as "light-hearted" and "skin-crawling" (which actually should be written as an adverb in your case, skin-crawlingly creepy.) Watch your fragments, as in the third sentence of your post. Oh and weirdass is, of course, not an actual word, it should be TWO words, weird AND ass. And of course someone did say (in a light-hearted HAHAHAHA joking manner!) that a twelve year old and a fifty year old will fuck if they walk down the aisle! That is just such a funny joke! (See what I did there.) I most certainly did not imply that. So YOU might want to take your own advice about how important it is to READ BECAUSE READING IS FUNDAMNETAL and therefore your retorts will actually be valid!
    Two can play your snarky fun grammar game!
    It feels good to be cut down, huh?
  • Congratulations, your English degree took you pretty far! To a drama board on the knot! Excellent! And last time I checked, crawling is still definitely a verb. Your knowledge of portmanteau is quite impressive! And yep I spelled the word wrong, LOL. You guys win!
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