So... my wedding was about 3 months ago (wow... time flies)... we had a beautiful day and all that good stuff

(I already posted a full review several weeks ago, so I won't go into detail here).
There is one issue that is still puzzling me. I had a few guests who did not give gifts or cards. No big deal. TBH, we somewhat expected it from a few of them. They came and had a great time and that is all we really cared about.
There are 2 couples, however, that this would seem completely out of character for. Mr & Mrs Ettiquette-type people. It just seems odd to me that they wouldn't at least bring a card. I am concerned that their card and/or gift was somehow lost or misplaced. I went through my pile of wedding cards 3 times, just to be sure I didn't skip theirs... nothing.
I did send them "Thank you" cards, but I simply thanked them for coming. I am a little worried that they think it was rude of me to not thank them for their gift or card.... especially since they are both close with other guests who attended and received longer, very detailed "Thank you" cards. I doubt that people will be comparing "Thank you" cards, but I guess you never know. I am nervous that they did bring a card/gift and it was lost/misplaced and now I appear ungrateful. This is a very odd situation, because it's not like you can just ask you guests "Hey, did you give me a card... because I never got it"... but at the same time, I think they might want to know if it was never received.
Has anyone else run into this situation? Did you find that you had cards/gifts that were lost? How did you handle it?
ETA: I skimmed through the board as I'm sure this has already been posted a zillion times.... what I found was mostly people complaining about not getting a card/gift. I want to be clear that if they did not give a card/gift... totally ok. I am just worried that I am the one looking like a jerk for not thanking them appropriately if they did bring one.
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