ladies I need some advice..
Choosing bridesmaids was tough for me as I don't have a lot of close girlfriends (always enjoyed solo pursuits and have a low tolerance for girly backstabby bs) so I decided to keep it all in the family - chose my cousin for my MoH, and my step sister and my finances cousin for the other spots. Sounded great, my cousin and I are the same age and have always been close, she's super excited, my sister is cool and my FH's cousin and I clicked.
Yeeeaaahhhh.... My cousin has always been neurotic but found herself a loser boyfriend who has brought every undealt-with childhood issue, insecurity, and piece of self loathing she contains to the surface. She had a huge (when I say huge, I mean astronomically out of the ballpark eye openingly astoundingly huge) meltdown last weekend on what was supposed to be a fun casual weekend away, so I bought her lunch a few days later and tried to give her the straight goods on my concerns about her mental health & the relationship. Before you judge me as harsh, understand her mental health status has been a matter of much debate and concern among my family for years but everyone is too chicken to say boo, so it's time someone said something to HER instead of just about her. Other than last weekend she's been an ok MoH, great enthusiasm if mild follow through. Of course I haven't heard from her. (Some suspicions on what role the emotionally abusive bf is playing)
My sister is still great, but is super busy in her own life so I only hear from her when I contact her, there's no unasked for support. I could handle that on it's own..
But my FH's cousin has completely dropped off the face of the earth. Her communication with me has slowly declined and now that I bought the girls dresses for them (because they were on sale for 50%off!!) and am expecting them to pay me back she absolutely won't return my calls or messages. I'm not even calling about the measly 94.50 for the dress, I just want to catch up and be.. You know, friends? It's just really hard, and sad that she is avoiding me over something stupid like that. At least, I hope that's what it's about... Hard to say really be she won't return my calls.
I just don't know what to do. I've never been especially skilled at navigating female relationships and don't want to be too harsh on these ladies who are supposed to be supporting me. But I want to support them too and I guess Im not doing it right?
- signed a rather dejected bride