Our wedding is taking place over an hour from where we and most of our guests live, so we ended up blocking off rooms at two hotels. One hotel is already full and the other is half full. The wedding party and close family have all booked their rooms at this point (except for one groomsman and his gf) but then there are some other friends and family members who I am 99% sure will want to stay over who haven't booked their rooms yet.
Is it okay to nudge some of these people to book their rooms or would that be rude?
Also another question I have is when our blocks on the hotel rooms are all reserved and a guest wants to book but cannot do to no vacancy, do I have any obligation to help them find a hotel room? (there are many other hotels in the area; I just blocked rooms off at the two best ones). I have a suspicion that come crunch time and the hotels are full, people will be reaching out to me asking me what to do.