Hi All,
I have encountered something that really frustrated me and upset me. Apparently my bridesmaid chatted and together send me a link trying to tell me what I should be covering for them this mornig..Here's the link they sent me (http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/5340418) A little background about the story: I have three bridesmaid, two of them live in California and one aboard, my wedding will be in Washington state. They are all really good friends of mine, I used to live in Cali and that's where I met them as well.
I know they are planning to buy their flight tickets to our this August wedding recently and they have bought the dress as well. I have a really tight budget so I cant really afford paying for their dresses, (To be honest, I dont even know now if I can afford their bouquet or not, so they might not have flowers on their hands the day of)
It was really nice of them to offer paying their own dress. However, we were discussing about the lodging and transportation and this was where the problem started. My fiance and I will be moving to our new home couple weeks before the wedding, we have enough rooms so I offered them they can stay at our place if they want, that way they can save the hotel cost and we dont mind at all. I told them we will be on a really tight budget, so unfortunately there wont be beds for them and plus my parents will be staying with us as well, but I will make sure provide whatever I can to make them comfortable.
Our new home will be 20 mins away from downtown Seattle, they were worrying about the fact that they cant go to the city without the transportation, and they want me to pay for their rental cars. I told them my fiance and I both have cars so we can go airport to pick them up and ride to the venue together the day of. (I dont know if this is a weird idea or not, I was thinking we might all need to go the venue early morning for decorating and preparing, so riding together shouldnt be a problem..)
So our wedding will be on Saturday and they are hoping to fly in on Thursday night. I figured it is perfect timing since technically I am the one preparing the wedding all the time anyways.. it's really hard to ask my bridesmaid to help me since they all live not close to me. I personally dont mind to do all the works, I just really hope they will fly here and attend the rehearsal and the wedding. During the discussion about the transportation, they were saying they want to visit this and that place in Seattle as well. I tried to ignored about that part, since I know even it will be my wedding weekend, they still can go sightseeing if the time permits. So when I brought up the idea of picking them at the airport and riding together, one of the bridesmaid asked "So does that mean you will be driving us and showing us around the day after the wedding?" I told them my parents will be in town and I havent seen them for a while so I will have to be with my parents.
The conversation didnt go anywhere and I seriously dont know what to do. I know ideally they want to live somewhere in downtown Seattle and me renting cars for them. It just that it will be a big burden for me and I dont think there's need to rent a car except they wanting to go places not for the wedding.
Any suggestions on what I should do?
much appreciated.