I've come into a little bit of a dilemma. I'm planning a wedding for October 2016, and I already know the girls I want to ask to be my bridesmaids. One of them, a good friend of mine (though I guess it goes without saying that they're all my good friends), told me yesterday that she has another friend getting married across the country also in October 2016, but she doesn't know the exact date yet. I haven't formally asked any of my girls to be bridesmaids yet, I was going to wait until this fall. Should I ask her now so I know for sure that she'll be able to do it? I'm worried if I wait too long, or the odds that me and her other friend chose the same date, that I'll miss my chance. I know that you shouldn't ask potential bridal party members too early, but I feel like situations like this are exceptions to the rule.