I've currently reserved a Friday date for my wedding in August 2016. There is about a $2k-$3k savings in just the venue costs by having it on a Friday. (I've heard there can be other discounts in other areas for having a weekday wedding as well!)
My future in-laws are wondering if we should move it to Saturday so that more guests can make it. Most of their/my fiance's family friends live about 2 hours away from the venue. Their thoughts are a Friday wedding is incovneient for them since it is a weekday and a far commute.They even offered to pay the difference of switching the date to a Saturday.
My thoughts are, wouldn't close family and friends (guests) be willing to take a Friday off from work to make it to my wedding? Is a 2 hour commute AND weekday wedding that much of a "hardship?" Should I adjust the date to accomodate for other people?
I would love thoughts on whether it's best to stick with a Friday wedding, save money, but "risk" more people not being able to make it or switch to a Saturday wedding, incur more costs, but possibly have more people make it?
Re: Friday or Saturday?