Wedding Etiquette Forum

Uninvited people asking to come to the church

Hi Everyone! 

How do you handle it when someone who was not invited to the wedding tells you they would like to attend the ceremony? 

An old teacher of mine that I have stayed in contact with (maybe 1-2x a year -- she always calls to wish me a happy birthday) has texted me for the church information so she can come. I am flattered that she would like to and am happy to have her there, I just want to send back an appropriate response. 

I was thinking something along the lines of, "I'm so flattered that you'd like to come, I would love to see you and have you meet Mr. Penguin. It's at XXX at 12pm. Looking forward to seeing you!" 

Is that okay? I always feel bad when people that actually WANT to come weren't invited especially when I know there are some grumbly "must-invite" people. 

Re: Uninvited people asking to come to the church

  • I think that's fine. You're not inviting her, you're just giving her information about an event that, in my church, is officially public that other members of the congregation often attend. I love stopping by to see people I sang in the choir with or volunteered with get married!
  • My opinion is that since you're having a church wedding (which is public), your response is fine. I presume she knows she's not invited to the reception? 

  • If your church has an open door policy, where services are public events, then your response is fine.
  • Sounds good to me provided the church service is public.
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • She's only asked about the ceremony information and not the reception, so I think you are good with giving her the information. I think depending on who is asking you and the situation, it's ok to do that. Like I wasn't close enough to any of my bridal party members parents to invite them to the wedding/reception due to budget. But if any of them would have asked if they could come to the ceremony so they could see them all dressed up, I would have said yes.
  • SP29SP29 member
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    That sounds sweet.

    Because your ceremony is in a public place, anyone can attend.

    Perhaps send her a wedding announcement with photo/ photo card after with a nice note.
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