Anyways, I know to pick them out non wedding day attire and to be personalized as though I'm shopping for their birthday. Is there any useful price ranges on how much I should spend on them? The only thing I've found is it should match their cost on attire, but I'm just having them pick out their own dresses, so everyone will likely be wearing a dress that costs differently -- plus if that's the case then I will definitely need to rework my budget a bit! I want to make sure they feel appreciated for their part in making our day awesome and being wonderful friends whom we love.
Also, slightly unrelated: the FG is going through a heavy duty princess phase, and I was thinking of giving her a tiara from Disneyland. Is this a gift, or should I include something extra? She naturally doesn't *have* to wear it for the wedding, but I imagine she will want to. She also has three siblings, will they feel left out if she's given a gift and they aren't? How is the best way to approach this since they're all going to be at the RH where I was planning on giving the gifts out.
Edit: paragraphs
Re: Wedding party gifts
It doesn't have to be super expensive, just get things they'd like. For example, one bridesmaid likes jewelry and artisanal soaps, so I got her a necklace and a bar of artisanal soap from a local shop. Another bridesmaids likes art supplies and cats, so I'm getting her art markers she really likes and probably some sort of accessory involving cats.
Agreed. FI and I paid for our gifts ourselves; while I am giving all 3 BMs the same gift in different variations to suit them (cookies they like, wine/alcohol they drink, nail decals because they are adorable, etc.), my FI went with something specific to each of his GMs so his $ changed. We also each got something for a reader.
I'm spending around 100 on each girl, plus a little more on my MOH/sister (like julieanne a pretty arbitrary number). My sister didn't get gifts for any of her BMs when she got married and no one felt slighted. Do what you feel comfortable with. No one is going to complain it wasn't enough.
I don't have a bridal party so I'm haven't had to think about how much to spend on gifts very much. We are giving our parents cards and wedding albums and I'm giving my "stylists" gifts in the $25-$50 range; same for our readers.