Hi all-
I'm trying to gather some more input on whether or not I should have the bridesmaids shoes match their outfits. I've been getting mixed messages from folks that have been helping me with planning so far - so I thought some outside opinions would be beneficial

I normally would be completely fine with the girls wearing different shoes - however, they are going to be in matching outfits (gold tulle skirts (not tooooo poofy) and silk tank tops) - each piece is being made by a bridesmaid's mother for about $60 total. I am thinking of having them in a navy shoe - since they may wear a navy silk sash as well. However - since the groomsmen will also be in navy, I'm worried if we have too many colors of navy going on up front it'll be distracting.
I saw someone's idea of getting a paint swatch from home depot and sending those to the girls - but do other folks have other opinions/ideas? I did find fairly inexpensive ($45) shoes that all the girls liked - but I thought it may be nice if they all could pick what they are most comfortable in.