Hey all! I am new to this board, and never really talked to anyone about this, so I am hoping maybe someone on here could help a sister out!
I have been going through the whole long bariatric surgery prep for the past 4 months now... supervised diet, meeting monthly with a nurse, behavioral counselor, dietician, exercise specialist, cardiologist, pulmonary specialist, sleep specialist, primary care physician, psychiatrist...
I got engaged last week, and we are planning on a wedding in Fall 2016. My question, and dilemma I am having is...
When do you begin searching for a dress? I am supposed to be having surgery before the end of the year (don't have an exact date yet). I want to start looking for a dress, because that's one of the exciting parts of preparing for your wedding, but I don't know when to go, since I will be loosing weight at a rapid pace for a couple months.
Sorry for the novel! I just don't know what to do!
Thanks Ladies!