Good morning everyone! I hope your weekend was swell
Mine was okay, Saturday was SO BUSY at work all day so that sucked, and then I came home and worked on some homework which was so much less stressful than the last term I had. I actually kinda sorta know what I am doing in this class. Yesterday I worked again and it wasn't nearly as crazy, but customers kept asking me about how my life is going and since I didn't tell anyone that I am quitting I couldn't share my happy news about my new job
I have a BF vent:
Last night BF and I got into a little tiff because my best friend and I had a little disagreement and I was venting to him and he has this terrible habit of defending her to me when I'm mad at her and I feel like that's just not his job?? I am looking for my feelings to be heard and I guess validated, I don't really want to know why BF thinks I shouldn't be so mad, because my friend and I literally make up after two seconds. My friend and I have been best friends since middle school and he's met her ONE TIME and I just think he should drop the whole "devils advocate, man of the people" act and just be on my side. I wouldn't feel this strongly if I hadn't already asked him multiple times to not defend or take her side. I just want to feel like I can air my grievances without being shut down every time. I already can't talk to HER about him in any way because she has an annoying penchant for telling me BF and I should be living together/engaged by now, as if I'm not already aware that we are moving at a snails pace.
I am giving my two weeks notice today and I am SO NERVOUS. Not as nervous as I thought but still very stressed about it. I don't like the timing of this (for my boss, the timing for ME is actually perfect) and I think she's gonna guilt trip me and try to get me to stay longer. I have a hard time saying no to her, so it's gonna take a lot out of me. And I have to face all my coworkers every day until Thursday, I don't get a day off in between to process and figure out what I'm gonna say to them. It's gonna be hard.