Hooray! It's Friday! And Happy (early) Halloween!!!!
My weekend is going to be fairly uneventful. I haven't been feeling great lately so tonight will probably just be home, dinner, and a movie with H.
Tomorrow I have a Devils game in the afternoon and then H and I are dressing as Jurassic Park workers and Lucy is a velociraptor. We have Twix and Reese's Cups to eat give out to the kids. I'm super excited for trick or treaters!
Sunday I don't even know what to do with my life because my team has a bye and H's team played last night. Maybe some housework and/or just relaxing.
Tell me about................
Your FIRST car?
The FIRST time you flew in an airplane?
The FIRST time you had sex?
A memory from FIRST grade?
Something you came in FIRST place for?
The FIRST person you ever voted for in a Presidential election?
The FIRST time you met your SO?
The FIRST trip/vacation/time away with your SO?
The FIRST concert you went to?
Are you still friends with your FIRST best friend?
PSA: The word 'first' no longer looks/sounds like a word to me.