Hello! How is everyone today?
It is cold here and I don't like it. My car said it was 25 when I left for work. I can't find my good, warm winter coat so I've been stuck wearing an old not great one
Hunting it down will be my #1 priority this evening.
Last night, H and I went to a class at the gym. I really love when he goes with me. It makes it so much more fun and he pushes me when I want to stop or go with a lighter weight. When we got home, we made dinner together which I also (for the most part) love doing. He actually followed the recipe instructions last night so everything turned out well and dinner was absolutely delicious (HC black bean burger with roasted sweet potato fries and onion-pepper marmalade).
Tonight, I'm working until 5, I'll get home around 6:30 and then I want to do at least 30 minutes on the elliptical. Dinner is another HC meal and then.... PLL IS ON!! So this will be me:
Do you snooze in the morning?
How late do you sleep on the weekends?
What's your morning ritual?
What are you wearing today?
If you watched any TV last night, what did you watch?
What's your favorite number?
What's your favorite color?
What apps do you use on your phone the most?
What websites do you visit the most?
What book are you reading currently? (If you're not reading anything now, what'd you read last?)