Knottie Tech Help

Certificate error + redirected to a 'strongDM' login when visiting our wedding website

edited November 2015 in Knottie Tech Help
When I attempt to visit my wedding website at **link removed** I get a security certificate for a completely different website. If I then proceed anyway it redirects me to **link removed**, where it bizarrely presents a login page for a product called 'strongDM'.

**Images removed by Admin**

I have no idea if this is an issue with my custom domain or my wedding website itself. But can you please just fix this? There appear to be ongoing issues with your infrastructure this month - serious issues which urgently need looking at. If you cannot fix this soon is there any way I can point my custom domain (which I purchased from you) to another website so that my guests can actually RSVP?

Re: Certificate error + redirected to a 'strongDM' login when visiting our wedding website

  • KnotHollyKnotHolly admin
    Moderator Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Love Its
    edited November 2015
    Hi there,

    I'm sorry for these issues. Can you please try accessing **link removed**

    Your domain should work correctly when you include www. If you continue to have issues, please let me know!

    Thank you,
  • Wow! You're right :) That's a relief. Shame it doesnt work without the www, but that's ok. Thanks for responding.
  • KnotHollyKnotHolly admin
    Moderator Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Love Its
    edited November 2015
    No worries! Let me know if anything else comes up :)

    ETA: For your privacy, I've edited out your wedding website links. 
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