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Stranded on an Island

Everyone has been getting bored lately, so if you feel bored today, come and play this game instead!

If you were stranded on a deserted island for an indefinite amount of time, but were lucky enough to have the following items with you, what would you most want them to be?

- 3 people (at least 1 from NEY)

- 3 books

- 3 movies

- An iPod with 3 albums

- A never-ending supply of one food and one liquid (Assume fresh water is already available)

- 3 other random items


Re: Stranded on an Island

  • 3 people (at least 1 from NEY) - FI (obviously), my BFF, and @eilis1228

    3 books -  Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, A Little Princess, and Little Women

    3 movies - About Time, The Sound of Music, and Pitch Perfect

    An iPod with 3 albums - The White Album (The Beatles), Babel (Mumford and Sons), and Smoke + Mirrors (Imagine Dragons)

    A never-ending supply of one food and one liquid (Assume fresh water is already available) - breakfast food and orange juice

    3 other random items - A saw, rope, first aid kit

  • - 3 people (at least 1 from NEY)- H, my Denver friend I just visited, @keptinstitches because one of her items would be knitting supplies and she could keep us all clothed

    - 3 books-  I don't have favorite books.

    - 3 movies- Am I allowed to forfeit movies for my Will & Grace dvds?

    - An iPod with 3 albums- Adele 21, Christina Aguilera Stripped (don't judge I love her), Beatles 1.

    - A never-ending supply of one food and one liquid - fresh Dell's lemonade & sushi rolls

    - 3 other random items- my kitty, sunblock, blankets



  • 3 people (at least 1 from NEY) H, my BFF, & @minskat30 it would be so much fun getting to know her in person

    - 3 books The Diary of Anne Frank,  The Princess Bride, The Hunger Games Trilogy

    - 3 movies Stepbrothers, The Princess Bride, and Casablanca

    - An iPod with 3 albums Sunday in the Park with George, Wicked and Madonna's Immaculate Collection

    - A never-ending supply of one food and one liquid (Assume fresh water is already available) I'm going to choose sweet tea and pasta ( can I get different sauces and veggies in it from time to time?)

    - 3 other random items Laptop, a board game and a deck of cards


  • edited December 2015

    - 3 people (at least 1 from NEY): My husband, my BFF and @labro

    ETA: I know I don't know you outside of NEY but you're the first person that popped into my head. I think I would enjoy spending time with you!

    - 3 books - A Wrinkle in Time, The Lion the Witch & the Wardrobe and I'd just pick another at random

    - 3 movies- Home Alone, The Notebook, Wanderlust

    - An iPod with 3 albums- This is hard because I never buy CDs. Any Beatles album, something current and something from my teen years!

    - A never-ending supply of one food and one liquid (Assume fresh water is already available) PIZZA and coke I guess. 

    - 3 other random items

    I'm assuming I'm not getting any kind of service on this island so I can't use my phone or get on the internet?

    my kitty, deodorant, something comfy to sleep on


  • Oh fun!!

    - 3 people (at least 1 from NEY)
    Elle, @Swazzle, and @Hummingbird125

    - 3 books
    HP and PoA, The Princess Diaries, Vision in White

    - 3 movies
    Return of the King, The Holiday, Mean Girls

    - An iPod with 3 albums
    Taylor Swift's 1989 and Speak Now, and Macklemore and Ryan Lewis' The Heist

    - A never-ending supply of one food and one liquid (Assume fresh water is already available)
    Pizza and Beer

    - 3 other random items
    wifi, ipad, charger (realistically, I mean, c'mon)

    for the sake of the game:
    sewing machine, my bible (lammmmmme, but I'm gonna say it), a notebook


    "You're our early 20's BSC scarecrow. They cower at your maturity." - lennonkdc Anniversary
  • - 3 people (at least 1 from NEY): H, @swazzle, @csousa1

    - 3 movies: Finding Nemo, Wanted, Wedding Crashers

    - An iPod with 3 albums: Dave Matthews Band - Before These Crowded Streets, Nirvana - Unplugged, Blue October - Ugly Side: An Acoustic Evening with Blue October

    - A never-ending supply of one food and one liquid (Assume fresh water is already available): pizza and Mt. Dew.

    - 3 other random items: Violet, my pillow, Scrabble


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • @audrewuh - i2i on our food and beverage choices! Great minds and all that :wink: 

  • untouchabletsuntouchablets member
    500 Love Its 500 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited December 2015
    3 people: BF, my sister, and @AlPacina because then we'd know each other IRL which would be a dream come true

    3 movies: Princess Bride, Elf, and Grease

    3 books: The Genius of Dogs by Brian Hare (I am sorry I'm such a fucking dog nerd okay?!), The Hobbit, and a book of Hans Christian Anderson Fairy Tales

    3 albums: 1989 by Taylor Swift, Red by Taylor Swift, and Pure Heroin by Lorde

    Food: pizza and coke

    3 random items: my cat, a sketchbook, and Cards Against Humanity with lots of blank ones lollol

    Edit because I forgot to add books :scream:
  • @swazzle I thought it was a trick question. Like, who are these weirdos that pick anything but?

    "You're our early 20's BSC scarecrow. They cower at your maturity." - lennonkdc Anniversary
  • @audrewuh I am actually shocked nobody else said wine. I mean come ON???

  • AH! I missed the books!! 

    I'm copying @Swazzle and bringing the HP series (because one just won't do it), Little House on the Prairie, and She's Come Undone.

    I ALSO feel bad for my husband.


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • I would have said pizza and beer but I'm a hopeless caffeine addict and pizza and coffee sounds gross.
  • I change my people. @swazzle and @csousa1 are essentially just one person, so @labro will technically be my third. 


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • @lavenderfields13 All I can think of is the movie Madagascar "kitty likes the fish!"



  • @goldenpenguin Sorry I never got into reading. I was always playing sports or hanging out with friends or listening to music, I just never had an interest in reading. I brought Fault in Our Stars on my honeymoon and it was my first book in 20 years.



  • Huh, I wonder how I managed to play sports, hang out with friends, be a part of 84909 other things, and still read like a civilized human being... 

    It really just makes me sad. 


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited December 2015
    I didn't realize being a huge reader meant that I didn't have time for hanging out with my friends, playing in sports, or participating in multiple other extracurricular activities. I'm just going to go burn my three bookshelves worth of books now.

    @jenna8984 Not even anything in high school or college? I mean yeah....some of the required reading was pretty snooze tastic....but you don't have ANYTHING memorable that you liked?

  • Never said that I didn't have the time, just that I didn't have the interest. People are interested in different hobbies, don't have to be rude about it.



  • jenna8984 said:
    Never said that I didn't have the time, just that I didn't have the interest. People are interested in different hobbies, don't have to be rude about it.


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • I wish we could have four books. I want some ghost stories!
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