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  • minskat30minskat30 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2015
    Sorry to vent to you all...I am fucking done with this week.  I've been sleep deprived, emotional and a nervous/worried wreck all week.  H and I keep fighting too because he's stressed about Rajah, me/baby and his job and his way of taking it out is to be overly critical of people around him (read: me) as well as himself.  I'm second guessing all of my decisions with Raj.  Yesterday I was stressed about whether or not I should give him a sedative...he isn't sleeping at night and keeps trying to get at his stitches but I hate giving him something that has no medical benefit other than knocking him out.  I opted for the smallest does possible, which still knocked him out, then thought I could sleep on the bed instead of the floor.  I ended up not really sleeping anyway but of course when I did fall asleep he got his e-collar off of him and went for his stitches.  Didn't do much damage but I feel like I'm doing everything wrong pretty much.  Add to that H telling me to "do X, Y way not Z way"/"why are you doing X, why not Y"/etc. all the time and I had a full on melt down this morning.  The whole thing makes me think we are going to be terrible parents (even though I know that isn't the case), which doesn't help my emotional state right now.  H promised he would try to be better about the critical approach but I need a good cry-it-out hour honestly.  I've got to be at work though today so no go.  Thanks for letting me get it off my chest with all of you. I've got to get my shit together...a co-worker already knocked on my door and now I'm going to have to pretend I have a cold or something which is why my nose is all red.  

    @swazzle - I love the tree!  I hope Bailey is a good kitty and leaves it alone for you guys. 

    @cocobellaf - I think that is a great gift!  I hope you get a nap in before the party...and I also hope your breakfast stays down for you.

    @labro - Those pants are awesome.  I hope your bake-off day is as awesome as it sounds.  I want pictures of all the cookies and festivities.  

    @Peaseblossom55 - I hope your hot water heater isn't leaking.  :(  Good luck with the shows this weekend!  I hope they go smoothly for you.  

    @TwoDimes - The holiday party sounds awesome!  I also can't wait to see Indy's Santa picture.  
  • @500days  Do both families get along? If so, maybe try hosting a holiday at your place and invite everyone? Might be easier on everyone in long run. That's our plan once we have a bigger place.
  • @wink0erin thanks!

    @minskat30 So many hugs to you.  You are being a great pet parent to Raj and will be a wonderful parent to your baby.  I have no doubts.


  • @minskat30 Oh no! I hope things get better soon. I'm sending good vibes your way

  • @minskat30 - OH man, I'm so sorry. I'm sending you all the hugs in the whole world right now! Why can't your H sleep on the floor with Raj? You're pregnant for goodness' sake. 

  • @minskat30 Big hugs, lady. I will reiterate everything that @labro said. I think ESPECIALLY heading into parenthood, you guys NEED to be on the same page. You are a wonderful dog mom, and you are going to be an AMAZING human mom, so don't you even worry your pretty little face about it. 


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • @alpacina thank you. That is awesome your dad has play Bob Crachit.

    So it looks like our hot water heater needs to be replaced. Boo.  Luckily we have a home warranty so I hope it isn't too much. 


  • @minskat30  You guys will be great parents! It's probably stress, lack of sleep mixed with hormones. I'm sure once Raj is feeling better, things will smooth out :smile: 

    @GoldenPenguin  Puppy bum! Lol
  • @Peaseblossom55 Yikes! Hope the home warranty covers the bulk of it!

  • Thank you all, I love you all and really do appreciate all the support and love back.  

    @labro @swazzle and @GoldenPenguin- This might be TMI but you took the time to express a valid concern and I appreciate that.  We've discussed the big parenting issues (discipline, religion, education, costs associated with parenting, etc.) and agree on them 100% but its really the day-to-day decisions we can bump heads over sometimes.  We don't see those issues as "big deals" so he ends up not expressing his opinions about them, until he's frustrated, and I end up taking complete ownership over those decisions, which is stressful for me and ends up frustrating me when he isn't happy with the results of my decision making.  We are great teammates about 95% of the time and really good at fixing problems together when not stressed to the max but I think the 5% happens when we are both at our stress limit (I didn't mention it but he's more than likely loosing his job right now, so add that to the mix).  For me, it's also more about the tone he takes than the content of what he is saying (which is usually an equally valid approach to the one I ended up taking), if that makes sense?   He understands this when I explain it, apologizes and really does try to fix it.  I'm also being way too much of an "owner" of Rajah's recovery and other things.  For example, I didn't share any of the stress or worry about the sedative issue/side effects/etc., sleeping on the floor stress or any other day-to-day decision I felt I could handle...I just made the best decision I thought I could and did it...that made him a little sad to hear and I get it, I need to include him in the planning part of our decision making more.   I'm sorry...I typed all that out and it was a novel.
  • @swazzle, TSO is awesome - enjoy!!

    @cocobellaf, I would consider that an awesome gift.

    @labro and @twodimes, enjoy the baking days!

    @minskat30, huge hugs. You are being a wonderful pet parent and will be a good parent to your baby.
    Tonight is sing-a-long Messiah! I look forward to this, it's one of my favorite holiday activities of the year. Before we go, I'm going to finish up Christmas cards so they can hit the mail tomorrow morning. We'll also finish wrapping Christmas presents - who runs out of Scotch tape two presents from the end? Us, that's who.

    Tomorrow H has gaming. Again. One of the rules set about gaming was not to exceed a certain number of gaming sessions per weekend and not more than a certain number of hours, not more than a certain number of times per month, etc. Sounds unreasonable but his gaming groups tend to take over life otherwise and I need him around to help with household things as well (I refuse to do it all). Since they're meeting for an extra session and we're not going gaming tonight, the group agreed to a half-length session, so it will only be the afternoon instead of the afternoon and evening. I'll knit on the new blankets (that yarn is SO FREAKING SQUISHABLE) and work on my Netflix queue. Around gaming, I'm going to do housework because I cannot stand the way the house looks right now.

    Sunday is for football, laundry, and more housework.
  • @GoldenPenguin Bruschi has such a cute butt, it looks like he's wearing pants!

  • @wink0erin me too, but we have the savings otherwise. 


  • @minskat30 Obviously we aren't there for the day to day stuff so I can only comment on what I know I read on a regular basis. Plus, confession time, this is an issue near and dear to my heart because I can definitely be your H in my relationship. I definitely have a problem with not expressing an issue with something until it really starts to bother me and I get all snippy over it. The best thing I can do is try to talk regularly with  my own H about these things because I wouldn't ever want to make him feel shitty over things that are not his fault if I'm not communicating my problems. Make sense?

  • @KeptInStitches @AlPacina My ex was a gamer too, and his obsessive gaming was a big part of our downfall. It's great that limits could be set up. 

    Sidenote: I made a Confession/II/UO/etc board. We were due for one. :)

  • @wink0erin @alpacina We set the limits together. Gaming's definitely been something that's been problematic in our relationship, but I usually don't bitch about it too much (he drags me along so I get out of the house, I'm a real homebody) and he usually respects the boundaries he helped set. If there's something that's really, really important to me - like The Messiah tonight - he'll forgo gaming for it as well.
  • @MissKittyDanger Both of our families get along really well- like they are all FB friends and everything. Don't assume that they will want to share a holiday though. People can be super territorial about their holiday traditions and don't like to change. Every year my aunt extends an invitation to my H's side (because they have less than 10 people total in their whole family and we have at least 30) and it's declined because my MIL likes doing it their way. I asked MIL and SIL to come have dinner one year on Xmas eve and they said no because they have a tradition of wrapping gifts on xmas eve. They don't want to change, like ever.
  • @500days I understand traditions but it blows when people refuse to alter them, and give others a hard time for not going along with said traditions. That's their problem though. Part of being an adult is needing to modify traditions as families grow and change!

  • @500days  We've previously brought up the idea and our families seem fine with it. That sucks though, I wish there was a compromise :\ Maybe there could be in the future?
  • Pssssssssssssst. @minskat30 - YGPM

  • @swazzle - YGPM back.  

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