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It's Basically Friday...

Why are we all still here??? Obviously the week of Christmas should be a holiday in itself.

What are you doing to pass the time today?

Last night I made spiced pecans so I'll definitely be munching on those allll day long! Otherwise I have no clue what I'm going to do to distract myself. I have no errands to run, no laundry to do. Maybe I'll clean the house a bit.

What are some of your family's Christmas traditions? Is there anything you think your family does that's unique compared to typical traditions?

Did you believe in Santa? When did you stop believing?

Tell us about something holiday-related your parents still do from childhood even though you're an adult now.

Is there a Santa Paws? I swear I heard the pitter patter of little feet last year....but that could have just been a squirrel.


Re: It's Basically Friday...

  • untouchabletsuntouchablets member
    500 Love Its 500 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited December 2015
    @labro I still get mailed gifts from Santa lmao last year I got a box with gifts from mom, dad, and Santa it was really cute.

    Edit: yeah, Christmas was always a hard time for them because they couldn't always get us what we wanted but we always loved it anyway. Just looking at the piles of presents for all seven kids was like a scene from a movie.
  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited December 2015
    @CocoBellaF I forgot to add that we go out to look at the lights too!! This year was funny. My mom has always had stockings for H and BIL but they were just generic stockings (compared to our family's personalized stockings). This year everyone got a stocking with their name on it because of Callie's arrival.

  • 500days500days member
    1000 Comments 500 Love Its Third Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited December 2015
    @labro My MIL buys us advent calendars...but we eat both of them in like a week. We can't help ourselves  :#

    What are you doing to pass the time today?

    Today is my first day of vacation until I go back on the 4th! I plan on doing absolutely nothing because there's traffic everywhere. So, internet and TV all day!

    What are some of your family's Christmas traditions? Is there anything you think your family does that's unique compared to typical traditions?
    I feel like we are still ironing out Christmas traditions. The only one we do every year is eat Chinese food on Christmas eve. This year my dad and my brothers are coming with us; which is awesome because I never get to see them on Christmas day.

    Did you believe in Santa? When did you stop believing?
    I believed in Santa until my mom and dad got sick of keeping it a secret. When I was in 4th grade, my dad took me for a drive on Christmas eve to my aunt's house. When we got there my aunt was so shocked to see me with him. My dad told her that he wanted me to help get the santa gifts from her closet. All I remember is her yelling "BOBBY!!!" (my dad's name)- she obviously thought he was crazy. My dad opened one of her hallway closet and all of our gifts were in there. I took a small trash bag full and my dad took 2 giant trash bags full to our car. 

    When we got home I saw that they weren't wrapped. My mom and dad stayed up with me and we wrapped them together. I know it sounds weird but I wasn't upset or anything about Santa not being real at that point. I was just really happy that my parents loved us enough to spoil us with so many gifts. It did suck the next morning when I had to fake surprise when I unwrapped my gifts. I got to know the truth, but my brothers (who were in kindergarten at the time!) still believed for years.

    Tell us about something holiday-related your parents still do from childhood even though you're an adult now.
    My parents have changed it up so many times that there is really nothing that I can think of right now.

    Is there a Santa Paws? I swear I heard the pitter patter of little feet last year....but that could have just been a squirrel.
    I believe in Santa Paws!
  • I am so so tired today.  Not even sure why.  I went to bed pretty early.  I can play today I am the only person in my department today and it will be so slow.  I seriously wonder why I am here.  I finished most of my wrapping last night and only have 1 or 2 more gifts left to wrap. 

    Why are we all still here???  No clue

    What are you doing to pass the time today? Here. I made chocolate meringues for  co workers yesterday and I still have some, and no on here to share them with.

    What are some of your family's Christmas traditions? Is there anything you think your family does that's unique compared to typical traditions? Not really, as far as I know anyway.

    Did you believe in Santa? When did you stop believing? I did, and I stopped when I was 7, when I was 6 some girl in dance class told me he wasn't real.  I wasn't sure if that was true and I was too nervous to say something, but by 7 it kind of made sense there wasn't one.

    Tell us about something holiday-related your parents still do from childhood even though you're an adult now. They still wrap and give us gifts

    Is there a Santa Paws? I don't know.

    @minksat30 Risalamand sounds so yummy


  • @Peaseblossom55 - Yeah for being able to play today!  :)  I wish Risalamande shipped well...if it did I would send you some.  It is heaven.  I have a feeling the heavy cream has something to do with that though. ;)
  • @minskat30 Yummmm that recipe sounds delicious! I basically love everything with strawberries but the pudding itself sounds amazing! Also what an amazing gift from your mom!!! That is seriously perfect!

    @500days I seriously can't believe you had such a calm reaction to the whole Santa thing.

    @speakeasy14 That gif is everything.

  • What are you doing to pass the time today? Ugh working til about 3. Maybe I'll pinterest some recipes to pass time or something. Excited to have no plans tomorrow and spend the whole day on the couch with Christmas movies.

    What are some of your family's Christmas traditions? I guess we don't have any. Christmas was pretty basic growing up and then when I was like 17 my parents decided they were done with Christmas and they started going away on trips each year without us. (I have warned you that they fucking suck). That first year they left, I spent it at my (ex) BFF's and her parents got me gifts.

    My H is an only child and they would do his presents all on Christmas Eve before bed. So when we met, he had never in his life woken up and opened presents on Christmas day. I just think that's absolutely BSC and will NOT be doing that with my kid.

    Did you believe in Santa? When did you stop believing? I think I was about 8 when my brother and I hid under the end table to catch Santa. It was in the corner of the room with a sectional on each side so my parents couldn't see that we were under there and when they came out with all the gifts, we were like WTF is happening?!

    Tell us about something holiday-related your parents still do from childhood even though you're an adult now. see above...nothing. lol

    Is there a Santa Paws?  I have never heard of this?



  • @speakeasy14  funny story about "hide the pickle" One of my friends had a nickname "squishy pickle" {don't ask, same year I got the "Danger" part of my name} So for her bday we got her a pickle ornament, it had the story of 'hide the pickle' in it!
  • @minksat30 I'll have to look and see if I find a recipe for it :-) Is it easy to make?

    @500days I'm sorry you found out that way. 

    @speakeasy14 I never heard of hide the pickle until today. 


  • @speakeasy14 omg the pickle cracks me up

    @misskittydanger hope you like your haircut tonight!

    @500days that is hilarious that he was like just nope, done, here's your presents kid. hahah



  • @jenna8984  my friend - aka only one I trust with my hair - knows I've been wanting this since after the wedding and I'm super picky. So I basically saved a bunch of pinterest photos and she'll go from there :smile: I'm excited lol
  • @labro  I laughed wayyyyyy to hard at the dick in the box XD
  • minskat30minskat30 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2015
    @Peaseblossom55 - The trick is not overboiling the milk mostly.  I don't have my recipe on me but there is one from the internet in English that is pretty damn close (we use hot strawberries not cherries but both are great).  LINK

    @labro - Yup, your mind went where mine did with the hide the pickle thing.  Dirty girl.  ;)
  • Also @cocobellaf - Enjoy TSO!!!
  • edited December 2015
    H has told me it's tradition in his family (and I think in a lot of Hispanic families) to open gifts at midnight on Christmas Eve.  Santa wasn't a thing at all.  Christmas morning, everyone would sleep in after being up celebrating all night and then eat leftover tamales and hang out.  Opening presents on Christmas and going to bed on Christmas Eve is actually weird to them!  We haven't decided what traditions we'll keep and what new traditions we'll start with our kids.  Seems kind of silly to me to start planning out every tradition for my kids when they aren't even here yet.  I know we'll want to incorporate some of his culture and some of my family's traditions, so it'll be a fun mix!

    ETA:  Oh God.  I just realized there is going to be menudo at H's aunt's Christmas celebration this year.  I'm going to barf at the smell.

    My mom also has the pickle ornament... she actually has TWO of them.  No clue why!  It was always fun to hide it in the tree, but no one really searched for it very hard.  Boring!
  • @labro Yeah, when I think back on it I was kind of bratty at that age. I didn't cry because I didn't care if Santa was real or not- I just wanted ALL THE GIFTS. It sounds horrible, I know. But, I feel like it's the truth.

    @jenna8984 hahaha I love the story now but I feel like my parents realized that they did it "wrong" with when my brothers found out it went down in a very typical way with a sit down talk. They don't have a weird story to tell lol
  • @labro - @southernpeach89 has to host TWICE?  With a new behbeh???  Poor thing!!!  Glad you can go over there and help out a little bit.  Best sister ever.
  • @labro your Christmas dinner sounds amazing! I think I'm going to start a tradition with my bf of having our own German inspired meal.  He is also from a mostly Polish family and pierogies, halupki, and fish are no where near as appealing haha

    @labro & @untouchablets we still get presents from Santa too! I love my mom's thought process with Santa. She never wraps the gift from Santa, but just hides it in a corner.  Once my brother stopped believing the gift from Santa became a board game for the whole family.  

    @MissKittyDanger haha my mom put a baby gate at the top of the stairs so we couldn't open up presents till she woke up and she also would have us watch movies so she and my dad could sleep to a normal time. I wasn't allowed a TV in my room as a kid except on Christmas Eve.  We each had a stocking hung from our bedroom door and when we'd wake up it would have a movie and snacks in it.  My sisters and brother would bring their movies into my room and we'd watch all of movies together.  After the 4th movie was over then we'd wake up my parents to open our presents. 

  • @jenjen047 OMG his little sweater!!!!! <3

    @500days Nah, I think you're fine. I just think I would've been so shocked...but I still would've been happy to get all the presents. I think the thing I always loved about Santa presents was they were usually a surprise. The stuff we got from my mom and dad we had normally asked for directly, but the Santa gift would be something we had never expected to get and that made them awesome!

    @CocoBellaF Well obviously you must have tamales involved for your Christmas traditions.

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