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It's Tuesday.


Re: It's Tuesday.

  • @swazzle envious as everyone else this is your friday ;) but good luck to your H on surgery! :)

    @cocobellaf whooo baby appt!

    @untouchablets minis! omg!

    Didn't do much last night. Had to go to 3 diff places to get my transit pass. It is the first of the damn month, how are you already sold out!? Urg ... oh well. Got to try the McD's new bakery stuff and the lemon loaf is delish!!

    Dishes, laundry, etc. This weekend we're going to take a look at 2 houses :)
  • @eilis1228 - I can't wait to see your hair! 

    @wink0erin - Yes, from what I understand my company's typical policy is 3 months and then there's 6 weeks of something else and 6 weeks of something else but legally my company will hold your job for 6 months. 

    @minskat30 - The first one in the snow! 

    @MissKittyDanger - Thank you! 

  • @minskat30 second to last!
    @misskittydanger those are actually standards but they have mini puppies too! I just didn't get to see them lol
  • @minskat30 My vote was with the first one but I actually think the third one with the blue shirt and Raj just behind him would be really really good for a newsletter!!

  • @minskat30 I really like the first ad the third one but the last one is seriously my favorite. Look at Raj's face!!! So cute!
  • @swazzle - I think the snow one is most appropriate for the weather right now.  When I posted the third one I thought of you and your perfect would want to attack my H's eyebrows with tweezers.  ;)   

    @labro - I actually have H and Raj in synchronized poises from that day (looking left, looking at me, looking right) idea why.  
  • @twodimes that's Charlotte, Coraline's mom! They're so alike, Cor is gonna be just like her when she grows up!
  • @TwoDimes I have no idea lololol. OMG GIVE ME THOSE COOKIE DOUGH BITES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • @minskat30 omg the third pic is SO good.

    @twodimes you can make those!

    @bethsmiles congrats to your H, that's great!

    @cu97tiger & @peasblossom55 always thinking of you and your baby journeys!



  • @TwoDimes - Noooo, that sucks that you couldn't get your chocolates yesterday.  Something to look forward to tonight I guess though.  I expect to hear all about how delicious they were tomorrow.  ;)

    @BethSmiles - Holy crap!  That is a big AW not a small one.  And a huge move for both of you if you do it!  Congrats!
  • @TwoDimes Are you getting snowed in today? News of the blizzard was ALL over TV last night because of the caucuses.

  • wink0erinwink0erin member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited February 2016
    @eilis1228 Wine and sewing would end with me bleeding out. 
    @minskat30 I love the one where they are lounging on the grass! Really I love all of them but that's my favorite. 
    @TwoDimes I need those cookie dough bites in my life, dear lord. I am drooling.
    @bethsmiles That's awesome FI got in! Best wishes with the other interviews!


  • @AlPacina DED! That picture is amazing!
    @wink0erin Surprisingly, of the many things that went wrong last night, pricking ourselves was not one of them. Truly a feat. Luckily a big chunk of the quilt is red, so blood would blend right in :)
    @bethsmiles Congrats to your FI! I'm so glad he's having such great luck this go around with grad school programs. How exciting for you guys! When would y'all move?
    @TwoDimes YUM! Chocolate cookie dough bites sound like heaven.
    @minskat30 Those pictures are awesome. Raj is adorable, and your H looks very debonair. 
    @jenna8984 LOL men! My H keeps pouting when I talk about chopping it all off, but he'll get over it.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @jenna8984 @minskat30 @wink0erin - Thanks we're both really excited!

    @eilis1228 - We'd either be moving in July (before the wedding) or more likely right after we get back from the honeymoon in August.

  • @caseface5 - Good luck negotiating a higher raise!

  • @caseface5 Good luck!
    @jenna8984 I'm glad you got approved! 

    I love living so close to work. For the past two days I've gone home at lunch. Today I planned to be a little bit productive but instead I sat on my couch, ate snacks and played xbox. There's plenty of time for productivity later. As in next month. 

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