FI and his GM's went suit shopping this week. Our theme is black and white, going for chic elegant. Girls dresses are black, floor length. Guys suits are to be black, and all the decor is black and white except for a tad of greenery to liven it up.
All the plans are laid out when suddenly.... he now wants to go with blue suits... What do I do?
Don't get me wrong, blue suits can be sharp as heck, but I just don't see it fitting with the theme. I've tried picturing it and it's just clashing in my mind.
Any suggestions on how I can make this work or how to convince him otherwise... He has all the guys on his side and my only trump card is that I'm helping to pay for the suits (which I don't want to be a b**** and shove it in their faces, but this is a bit upsetting).