We are having 2 ring bearers and 2 flower girls. The flower girls will be carrying pomander balls but what do we have the ring bearers carry? My FH is all about the traditional pillow which is fine (I'd prefer something that we can use later like a box of some sort but it doesn't really matter to me) but do we have both boys carry one? I don't like the signs with the cute sayings so that's not an option. Is it weird to only have one boy carrying something and the other not or should we go either both carry something or neither carry something?
I fully realize I am completely overthinking things and it doesn't really matter that much. It's just become one of the little details that is stuck in my head right now and has started bothering me. We're getting closer (58 days!) and it's getting to details time so I'm sure I'll start to overthink things more and more as the days go on...